Contour integral around essential singularity

In summary, the term inside the parentheses in the original integral is factorial squared, and there is no simpler way to write the final answer.
  • #1
Homework Helper
Is there a way to perform a contour integral around zero of something like f(z)/z e^(1/z), where f is holomorphic at 0? If you expand you get something like:

[tex] \frac{1}{z} \left( f(0) + z f'(0) + \frac{1}{2!} z^2 f''(0) + ... \right) \left( 1 + \frac{1}{z} + \frac{1}{2!} \frac{1}{z^2} + ... \right) [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{1}{z} \left( f(0) + f'(0) + \frac{1}{2!^2} f''(0) + ... \right) + ...[/tex]

So that the result is [itex]2\pi i ( f(0) + f'(0) + \frac{1}{2!^2} f''(0) + ... )[/tex]. Is this correct, and is there a simpler way to write the final answer? If not for the factorials being squared, the term inside the parentheses would just be f(1), but as it is I don't see what I can do with it in general. By the way, the f I'm interested in has complicated poles and branch cuts away from zero, so deforming the contour probably won't help.
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  • #2
Yes, that is what you get. A well known example is the Bessel function. If you try to evaluate the integral of
exp[i x cos(theta)] d theta from zero to 2 pi, you can rewrite it as the contour integral over the unit circle of:

exp[i x/2 (z+1/z)] dz/(i z)

So, we've put z = exp(i theta) and then integrating from theta from 0 to 2 pi amounts to integrating z over the unit circle.

This is similar to your general form with f(z) = exp(i x/2 z).

If you comoute the integral byextracting the residue, you get the series expansion of the Bessel function, which contains factorial squares in the denominators.

But what you also can do is find asymptotic expansions for large x, e.g. using the saddle point method.
  • #3
Ok, well let me give the integral I'm interested in:

[tex] \int_{-1}^1 dx \frac{e^x}{x+b} \tan^{-1} \left( \frac{\sqrt{1-x^2}}{x+a} \right) [/tex]

here a is some arbitrary real number greater than 1, and b is picked so that at x=-b the argument of inverse tan is i (explicitly it's b=(a^2+1)/2a). This looks pretty nasty, but I think it can be done using techniques from complex analysis. In fact, if the e^x isn't there, I've been able to show the answer is:

[tex] \int_{-1}^1 dx \frac{1}{x+b} \tan^{-1} \left( \frac{\sqrt{1-x^2}}{x+a} \right) = \pi \log \left( \frac{a^2}{a^2-1} \right) [/tex]

Basically there's a branch cut from the square root between -1 and 1 and one from the inverse tan running from the pole at x=-b to [itex]-\infty[/itex]. The original integral can be written in terms of a contour integral around the first branch cut, and this can be deformed to one around the second. Integrating one way along this branch cut, and subtracting the result going the other way on the other side, we pick up the discontinuity in the function, which is just [itex]\pi/(x+b)[/itex]. Its integral diverges, but the divergence is canceled by contour integral at large R and around the pole at x=-b. I can draw this if anyone's interested.

However, when the e^x is included, the integral along the branch cut becomes that of [itex]\pi e^x/x[/itex] from [itex]-R[/itex] to [itex]-\epsilon[/itex], which I can probably do exactly (at least in the large R and small [itex]\epsilon[/itex] limits), and result at x=b just gets multiplied by [itex]e^{-b}[/itex]. But the large R integral seems undoable. Changing variables, it becomes the contour integral around zero of something like:

[tex] \frac{e^{1/z}}{bz+1} \tan^{-1} \left( \frac{\sqrt{z^2-1}}{az+1} \right) [/tex]

It seems like I need to know all derivatives of the function multiplying e^1/z, and I don't think there's a general expression for them. Does anyone have any ideas on how to perform this final contour integral, or of an alternate way of approaching the original integral?
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FAQ: Contour integral around essential singularity

1. What is a contour integral around an essential singularity?

A contour integral around an essential singularity is a type of complex integral that is used to calculate the value of a function at a point where it is not defined. It involves integrating along a contour or path that encloses the essential singularity, which is a point where a function has an infinite number of isolated singularities.

2. How is a contour integral around an essential singularity calculated?

To calculate a contour integral around an essential singularity, you must first determine a contour that encloses the singularity. Then, you break the contour into smaller segments and evaluate the integral along each segment using the Cauchy integral formula. Finally, you sum up the contributions from each segment to get the overall value of the integral.

3. Why is a contour integral around an essential singularity important?

A contour integral around an essential singularity is important because it allows us to evaluate the value of a function at a point where it is not defined. This is useful in many applications, such as in complex analysis and physics, where functions with essential singularities often arise.

4. What is the difference between an essential singularity and a removable singularity?

An essential singularity is a point where a function has an infinite number of isolated singularities, while a removable singularity is a point where a function is not defined but can be made continuous by assigning a value to that point. In other words, a removable singularity can be "removed" by defining the function at that point, while an essential singularity cannot.

5. Can a contour integral around an essential singularity have a finite value?

Yes, a contour integral around an essential singularity can have a finite value. This can happen when the function has a pole or branch point at the essential singularity, which can cancel out the singularity and result in a finite value for the integral.

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