Contraction of the Riemann Tensor with the Weak Field Metric

In summary, when calculating the Ricci tensor, you need to take the trace of the Riemann tensor by summing over the indices in order to obtain the correct result.
  • #1
I have started with the space-time metric in a weak gravitational field (with the assumption of low velocity):
[tex] ds^2=-(1+2\phi)dt^2+(1-2\phi)(dx^2+dy^2+dz^2)[/tex]
Where [tex]\phi<<1[/tex] is the gravitational potential. Using the standard form for the Christoffel symbols have found:
[tex] \Gamma^0_{00}=\phi_{,0}, \Gamma^0_{0i}=\Gamma^0_{i0}=\phi_{,i}, \Gamma^0_{ij}=\delta_{ij}\phi_{,0}[/tex]
[tex] \Gamma^i_{00}=\phi^{,i}, \Gamma^i_{0j}=\Gamma^i_{j0}=-\delta^i_j\phi_{,0}, \Gamma^i_{jk}=\delta_{jk}\phi^{,i}-\delta^i_j\phi_{,k}-\delta^i_k\phi_{,j} [/tex]
Then combining derivatives of these to first order (ignoring products of Christoffel symbols) using:
[tex] R^\alpha_{\beta\mu\nu}=\Gamma^\alpha_{\beta\nu,\mu} - \Gamma^\alpha_{\beta\mu,\nu} [/tex]
to get:
[tex] R^0_{i0j}=\delta_{ij}\phi_00-\phi_{ij}, R^i_{0j0}=\phi^{,i}_{,j}+\delta^i_j\phi_{,00} [/tex]
[tex] R^i_{0jk}=-\delta^i_k\phi_{,0j}+\delta^i_j\phi_{0k}, R^i_{kj0}=\delta^i_j\phi_{0k} - \delta_{jk}\phi^{,i}_{,0} [/tex]
[tex] R^i_{kjl}=-\delta^i_l\phi_{,jk}+\delta_{kl}\phi^{,i}_{,j}+ {\delta^i_j}\phi_{,kl}-\delta_{jk}\phi^{,i}_{,l} [/tex]
(Where greek indices run from 0 to 3 and latin indices run from 1 to 3, and commas denote coordinate partial differentiation). And here is where I run into problems.. When I try to use [tex] R_{\alpha\beta}=R^\sigma_{\alpha\sigma\beta} [/tex] to contract these down to find the Ricci tensor. For example I get:
[tex] R_{00}=R^\sigma_{0\sigma 0}=\phi^{,i}_{,i}+\phi_{,00} [/tex]
Which doesn't agree with the text I'm using which gives [tex] R_{00}=\nabla^2\phi +3\phi_{,00} [/tex]
Can anybody spot where I'm going wrong? Many Thanks for any help.
Jack M
Physics news on
  • #2
First of all, you should be aware that the Ricci tensor is not the same as the Christoffel symbols. The Ricci tensor is a second rank tensor obtained by taking the trace of the Riemann tensor, which is a fourth rank tensor. In your example, you have correctly calculated the components of the Riemann tensor. However, when calculating the Ricci tensor, you need to take the trace of the Riemann tensor in order to obtain the Ricci tensor. To do this, you need to sum over the indices $\alpha$ and $\beta$ in the equation $R_{\alpha\beta}=R^\sigma_{\alpha\sigma\beta}$. This gives:$R_{00}=R^\sigma_{0\sigma 0}+R^\sigma_{1\sigma 1}+R^\sigma_{2\sigma 2}+R^\sigma_{3\sigma 3}$ $R_{00}=\phi^{,i}_{,i}+3\phi_{,00}$ which agrees with the text you are using. Hope this helps!

FAQ: Contraction of the Riemann Tensor with the Weak Field Metric

1. What is the Riemann Tensor?

The Riemann Tensor is a mathematical object used in the study of curvature in differential geometry. It measures the curvature of a manifold in a particular direction and is composed of components that represent the change in direction of geodesics in curved space.

2. What is a Weak Field Metric?

A Weak Field Metric is a metric tensor used to describe the gravitational field in regions where the gravitational effects are weak compared to the speed of light. It is a simplified version of the full metric tensor used in general relativity.

3. What is the significance of contracting the Riemann Tensor with the Weak Field Metric?

Contracting the Riemann Tensor with the Weak Field Metric allows us to calculate the Ricci Tensor, which is a key component in Einstein's field equations of general relativity. This helps us understand the gravitational effects of a weak field and make predictions about the behavior of matter in this field.

4. How is the Riemann Tensor contracted with the Weak Field Metric?

The Riemann Tensor is contracted with the Weak Field Metric by multiplying the components of the Riemann Tensor with the inverse of the Weak Field Metric. This results in a simplified expression for the Ricci Tensor, which can then be used in the Einstein field equations.

5. What are some applications of contracting the Riemann Tensor with the Weak Field Metric?

Contracting the Riemann Tensor with the Weak Field Metric is used in many applications, including studying the behavior of matter in a weak gravitational field, predicting the dynamics of celestial bodies in our solar system, and understanding the gravitational effects of astrophysical objects such as black holes and neutron stars.

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