Contraction of the Riemann Tensor with the Weak Field Metric

In summary, In a weak gravitational field with low velocity, you can use the space-time metric to find the Ricci tensor.
  • #1
I have started with the space-time metric in a weak gravitational field (with the assumption of low velocity):
[tex] ds^2=-(1+2\phi)dt^2+(1-2\phi)(dx^2+dy^2+dz^2)[/tex]
Where [tex]\phi<<1[/tex] is the gravitational potential. Using the standard form for the Christoffel symbols have found:
[tex] \Gamma^0_{00}=\phi_{,0}, \Gamma^0_{0i}=\Gamma^0_{i0}=\phi_{,i}, \Gamma^0_{ij}=\delta_{ij}\phi_{,0}[/tex]
[tex] \Gamma^i_{00}=\phi^{,i}, \Gamma^i_{0j}=\Gamma^i_{j0}=-\delta^i_j\phi_{,0}, \Gamma^i_{jk}=\delta_{jk}\phi^{,i}-\delta^i_j\phi_{,k}-\delta^i_k\phi_{,j} [/tex]
Then combining derivatives of these to first order (ignoring products of Christoffel symbols) using:
[tex] R^\alpha_{\beta\mu\nu}=\Gamma^\alpha_{\beta\nu,\mu} - \Gamma^\alpha_{\beta\mu,\nu} [/tex]
to get:
[tex] R^0_{i0j}=\delta_{ij}\phi_{00}-\phi_{ij}, R^i_{0j0}=\phi^{,i}_{,j}+\delta^i_j\phi_{,00} [/tex]
[tex] R^i_{0jk}=-\delta^i_k\phi_{,0j}+\delta^i_j\phi_{0k}, R^i_{kj0}=\delta^i_j\phi_{0k} - \delta_{jk}\phi^{,i}_{,0} [/tex]
[tex] R^i_{kjl}=-\delta^i_l\phi_{,jk}+\delta_{kl}\phi^{,i}_{,j}+ {\delta^i_j}\phi_{,kl}-\delta_{jk}\phi^{,i}_{,l} [/tex]
(Where greek indices run from 0 to 3 and latin indices run from 1 to 3, and commas denote coordinate partial differentiation). And here is where I run into problems.. When I try to use [tex] R_{\alpha\beta}=R^\sigma_{\alpha\sigma\beta} [/tex] to contract these down to find the Ricci tensor. For example I get:
[tex] R_{00}=R^\sigma_{0\sigma 0}=\phi^{,i}_{,i}+\phi_{,00} [/tex]
Which doesn't agree with the text I'm using which gives [tex] R_{00}=\nabla^2\phi +3\phi_{,00} [/tex]
Can anybody spot where I'm going wrong? Many Thanks for any help.
Jack M
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  • #2

When you contract this, don't forget that δii = 3.
  • #3
Ok so that takes care of the factor 3, then how does [tex] \phi^{,i}_{,i} [/tex] correspond to [tex] \nabla^2\phi [/tex]? Cheers for the help
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  • #4
Because they are the same. I would assume that $\phi$ is a scalar (from what you showed) - then partial derivative is the same as the full derivative. And what you just wrote are exactly the same - just different way of expressing it. Hope it helps
  • #5
JMedley said:
Ok so that takes care of the factor 3, then how does [tex] \phi^{,i}_{,i} [/tex] correspond to [tex] \nabla^2\phi [/tex]? Cheers for the help

You have [itex]\partial ^{i}\partial _{i}\phi = \delta ^{ij}\partial _{j}\partial _{i}\phi[/itex] and this, in background flat 3 - space with a Cartesian chart is [itex] \delta ^{xx}\partial ^{2}_{x}\phi + \delta ^{yy}\partial ^{2}_{y}\phi + \delta ^{zz}\partial^{2} _{z}\phi = \partial ^{2}_{x}\phi + \partial ^{2}_{y}\phi + \partial^{2} _{z}\phi = \triangledown ^{2}\phi [/itex]

FAQ: Contraction of the Riemann Tensor with the Weak Field Metric

1. What is the Riemann tensor and how does it relate to the weak field metric?

The Riemann tensor is a mathematical object that describes the curvature of spacetime in Einstein's theory of general relativity. It is closely related to the weak field metric, which is the metric tensor that describes the gravitational field in weakly curved spacetime.

2. Why is the contraction of the Riemann tensor with the weak field metric important?

The contraction of the Riemann tensor with the weak field metric is important because it allows us to calculate the gravitational potential in a weakly curved spacetime. This potential is a crucial component in understanding the behavior of matter and energy in the presence of a gravitational field.

3. How is the contraction of the Riemann tensor with the weak field metric calculated?

The contraction is calculated by taking the tensor product of the Riemann tensor and the weak field metric, and then summing over repeated indices. This results in a single tensor component that represents the gravitational potential.

4. What is the significance of the Riemann tensor being a second-order tensor?

The fact that the Riemann tensor is a second-order tensor means that it contains information about the curvature of spacetime in two independent directions. This is important because it allows us to describe the full curvature of spacetime, rather than just one aspect of it.

5. Are there any real-world applications of the contraction of the Riemann tensor with the weak field metric?

Yes, the contraction of the Riemann tensor with the weak field metric is used in various fields such as astrophysics and cosmology to study the behavior of matter and energy in the presence of gravitational fields. It is also an important tool in the development of gravitational theories and in making predictions about the behavior of objects in the universe.

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