Contradictory (complex) integral transformation

In summary, the Schwarz-Christoffel mapping is a Riemann-mapping that maps the unit disk in the z-plane to a twice-symmetric area in the ζ-plane. The mapping is given by a complex function and the cross-shape in the ζ-plane has a symmetry about the real and imaginary axis when |z| = 1. However, there is a contradiction when evaluating the mapping numerically and this is due to a problem with the derivation of the transformation. The limits of integration should be checked below the point mentioned.
  • #1
The Schwarz-Christoffel mapping (a Riemann-mapping) from the unit disk (z-plane) to a twice-symmtric area (a cross, ζ-plane)

$$ \zeta : \mathbf C \to \mathbf C $$

is given by:

$$\frac{ \mathrm{d}\zeta }{ \mathrm{d} z} = \left( \frac{ ( z^2-b^2 ) ( z^2-\frac 1 {b^2} ) }{ ( z^2-a^2 ) ( z^2-\frac 1 {a^2} ) ( z^2-c^2 ) ( z^2-\frac 1 {c^2} ) } \right)^\frac12 $$


where a, b, and c are points in counter-clockwise order in the first quadrant on the unit circle. If the integration constant is chosen such that

$$\zeta ( z ) = \int_0^z \mathrm{d}y \frac{ \mathrm{d}\zeta }{ \mathrm{d} y}(y)$$

the cross-shape in the ζ-plane to which the unit circle in the z-plane is mapped has a symmetry about the real and the imaginary axis, i.e. ∀ |z| = 1:

$$ \zeta \left( \frac 1 z \right) = \bar \zeta ( z ) $$

$$ \zeta \left( - \frac 1 z \right) = -\bar \zeta ( z ) $$


This is true and evident from numeric evaluation but it is contradicted by:

$$ \zeta \left( \frac 1 z \right) = \int_0^1 \mathrm{d}y \frac{ \mathrm{d}\zeta }{ \mathrm{d} y}(y) + \int_1^{\frac 1 z }\mathrm{d}y \frac{ \mathrm{d}\zeta }{ \mathrm{d} y}(y) $$

Transformation of the second integral with x := 1/y

$$\begin{aligned}\int_1^{\frac 1 z }\mathrm{d}y \frac{ \mathrm{d}\zeta }{ \mathrm{d} y}(y) &= -\int_1^z \mathrm{d}x \frac 1 {x^2} \frac{ \mathrm{d}\zeta }{ \mathrm{d} y}\left(y = \frac 1 x \right) \\
&= -\int_1^z \mathrm{d}x \frac{ \mathrm{d}\zeta }{ \mathrm{d} x} ( x )

Where the second line follows from the first by simply inserting dζ/dz and distributing the x² factor on the fraction and pulling out pairwise terms of the forms b and 1/b. So we have

$$ \zeta \left( \frac 1 z \right) = \int_0^1 \mathrm{d}y \frac{ \mathrm{d}\zeta }{ \mathrm{d} y}(y) - \int_1^z\mathrm{d}y \frac{ \mathrm{d}\zeta }{ \mathrm{d} y}(y) $$

but ∫01… is purely real and ∫1z… is mixed real and imaginary, so this contradicts the symmetry about the real axis from above because

$$ \zeta ( z ) = \int_0^1 \mathrm{d}y \frac{ \mathrm{d}\zeta }{ \mathrm{d} y}(y) + \int_1^z\mathrm{d}y \frac{ \mathrm{d}\zeta }{ \mathrm{d} y}(y) $$

In fact, the transformation turns out to be wrong. ∫11/z… is indeed the complex conjucate of ∫1z…, not the negative, so there must be a problem with the derivation above.

Note: The cross in the ζ-plane is mapped such that 0 maps to the center, 1 maps to the tip of the left arm (i.e. negative real part, 0 imaginary part), -1 maps to the tip of the right arm and i, -i respectively, map to tips of the bottom and top arm. Therefore ∫01… points from the center outwards to the left arm and is purealy real while, say, ∫1i… points from the tip of the left arm to the tip of the bottom arm and is mixed real and imaginary.

PS: I'm afraid this is again related to choosing the correct branches on the exponentiation in the integral, so that by the (correct) choice of branches, I get the correct result, that is, the complex conjucate. But this seems messed up: Is there a tool which allows me to treat the transformation consistently without thinking through in detail which branch goes where and when so these be equivalent?

PS II: Even despite that vague suspicion, I can't really see how choosing branches could yield the complex conjugate, because that would only yield a sign for the expression (unless I switch branches inside the interval)

PS III: I'm aware of alternative methods to prove the relation, but that doesn't explain the above contradiction.


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  • #2
I might be able to help you, but...your notation is a little confusing. Do you mean ##\displaystyle \zeta(z) = \int_0^z \left. dy \frac{d\zeta}{dy}\right|_y## or ##\displaystyle \zeta(z)=\int_0^z \left. \frac{d\zeta}{dy}\right|_y \, dy##?
  • #3
Mandelbroth said:
I might be able to help you, but...your notation is a little confusing. Do you mean ##\displaystyle \zeta(z) = \int_0^z \left. dy \frac{d\zeta}{dy}\right|_y## or ##\displaystyle \zeta(z)=\int_0^z \left. \frac{d\zeta}{dy}\right|_y \, dy##?

Physicists tend to put the ##dy## before the function that is integrated.
  • #4
ManDay said:
The Schwarz-Christoffel mapping (a Riemann-mapping) from the unit disk (z-plane) to a twice-symmtric area (a cross, ζ-plane)

$$ \zeta : \mathbf C \to \mathbf C $$

is given by:

$$\frac{ \mathrm{d}\zeta }{ \mathrm{d} z} = \left( \frac{ ( z^2-b^2 ) ( z^2-\frac 1 {b^2} ) }{ ( z^2-a^2 ) ( z^2-\frac 1 {a^2} ) ( z^2-c^2 ) ( z^2-\frac 1 {c^2} ) } \right)^\frac12 $$


$$\zeta ( z ) = \int_0^z \mathrm{d}y \frac{ \mathrm{d}\zeta }{ \mathrm{d} y}(y)$$

the cross-shape in the ζ-plane to which the unit circle in the z-plane is mapped has a symmetry about the real and the imaginary axis, i.e. ∀ |z| = 1:

$$ \zeta \left( \frac 1 z \right) = \bar \zeta ( z ) $$

$$ \zeta \left( - \frac 1 z \right) = -\bar \zeta ( z ) $$


This is true and evident from numeric evaluation but it is contradicted by:

$$ \zeta \left( \frac 1 z \right) = \int_0^1 \mathrm{d}y \frac{ \mathrm{d}\zeta }{ \mathrm{d} y}(y) + \int_1^{\frac 1 z }\mathrm{d}y \frac{ \mathrm{d}\zeta }{ \mathrm{d} y}(y) $$
Here is where I can't follow you. If the modulus of z is equal to 1, then that appears to be correct, because this basically inserts the value for which zeta equals 1/z, and if |z|=1, its complex conjugate is identically it's multiplicative inverse. Thus, I see no apparent contradiction.

Check limits of integration below that point.
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  • #5
Mandelbroth said:
Here is where I can't follow you. If the modulus of z is equal to 1, then that appears to be correct, because this basically inserts the value for which zeta equals 1/z, and if |z|=1, its complex conjugate is identically it's multiplicative inverse. Thus, I see no apparent contradiction.

Check limits of integration below that point.

I suspect this is a misunderstanding: Yes, the last line you quoted is indeed obtained by just inserting z* = 1/z into the definition, so to speak, of ζ. The actual contradiction is shown in the following (after where you stopped quoting me) and is concluded where I say

[…] this contradicts the symmetry about the real axis from above because […]

Did this clarify it?
  • #6
ManDay said:
I suspect this is a misunderstanding: Yes, the last line you quoted is indeed obtained by just inserting z* = 1/z into the definition, so to speak, of ζ. The actual contradiction is shown in the following (after where you stopped quoting me) and is concluded where I say


Did this clarify it?
Kind of. Just so I'm clear, what have you defined y to be? What is it in terms of z?
  • #7
This is meant in functional notation, not system notation. Two functions f(x) and f(y) have the same form (actually, they are the same function). There are no globally bound variables or any such hocus-pocus that is popular among physicists :-p

$$ \frac { \mathrm{d}\zeta } { \mathrm{d} y } (y) \equiv \left. \frac { \mathrm{d}\zeta } { \mathrm{d} z } \right|_{z=y}$$
(meaning y is just bound by the integral, i.e. a placeholder name)
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  • #8
ManDay said:
Transformation of the second integral with x := 1/y

$$\begin{aligned}\int_1^{\frac 1 z }\mathrm{d}y \frac{ \mathrm{d}\zeta }{ \mathrm{d} y}(y) &= -\int_1^z \mathrm{d}x \frac 1 {x^2} \frac{ \mathrm{d}\zeta }{ \mathrm{d} y}\left(y = \frac 1 x \right) \\
&= -\int_1^z \mathrm{d}x \frac{ \mathrm{d}\zeta }{ \mathrm{d} x} ( x )

Where the second line follows from the first by simply inserting dζ/dz and distributing the x² factor on the fraction and pulling out pairwise terms of the forms b and 1/b. So we have

Your notation is awkward and not easy to follow. Try and come up with something better like doing away entirely with the notation [itex]\frac{d\zeta}{dz}[/itex] and just calling it f(z), then you could write the integrand simply as [itex]\frac{1}{x^2} f(\frac{1}{x})dx[/itex]. Now ain't that easier to read?

Also, I do not agree that:

[tex]\frac{d\zeta}{dz}\biggr|_{z=x}=\frac{1}{x^2} \frac{d\zeta}{dz}\biggr|_{z=1/x}[/tex]
  • #9
jackmell said:
Your notation is awkward and not easy to follow. Try and come up with something better like doing away entirely with the notation [itex]\frac{d\zeta}{dz}[/itex] and just calling it f(z), then you could write the integrand simply as [itex]\frac{1}{x^2} f(\frac{1}{x})dx[/itex]. Now ain't that easier to read?

You seem to conveniently forget that there is a derivative involved. How would that be written with your "easy" notation?
Also, I do not agree that:

[tex]\frac{d\zeta}{dz}\biggr|_{z=x}=\frac{1}{x^2} \frac{d\zeta}{dz}\biggr|_{z=1/x}[/tex]

\frac1{x^2}\frac{\mathrm{d}\zeta}{\mathrm{d}z}\left(z=\frac1x\right) &= \frac1{x^2} \left( \frac{ ( \left(\frac1x\right)^2-b^2 ) ( \left(\frac1x\right)^2-\frac 1 {b^2} ) }{ ( \left(\frac1x\right)^2-a^2 ) ( \left(\frac1x\right)^2-\frac 1 {a^2} ) ( \left(\frac1x\right)^2-c^2 ) ( \left(\frac1x\right)^2-\frac 1 {c^2} ) } \right)^\frac12 \\
&= \frac1{x^2} \left( \frac{ x^4 ( 1-x^2 b^2 ) ( 1-x^2 \frac 1 {b^2} ) }{ ( 1-x^2a^2 ) ( 1-x^2 \frac 1 {a^2} ) ( 1-x^2 c^2 ) ( 1-x^2\frac 1 {c^2} ) } \right)^\frac12 \\
&= \left( \frac{ ( \frac 1 {b^2}-x^2 ) ( b^2-x^2 ) }{ ( \frac 1 {a^2} -x^2 ) ( a^2-x^2 ) ( \frac 1 {c^2} -x^2 ) ( c^2-x^2) } \right)^\frac12 \\
&= \frac{\mathrm{d}\zeta}{\mathrm{d}x}(x)

(this is contradicted by a similar calculation where you take the complex vonjugate of the whole term, instead, which yields the correct result)
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  • #10
ManDay said:
\frac1{x^2}\frac{\mathrm{d}\zeta}{\mathrm{d}z}\left(z=\frac1x\right) &= \frac1{x^2} \left( \frac{ ( \left(\frac1x\right)^2-b^2 ) ( \left(\frac1x\right)^2-\frac 1 {b^2} ) }{ ( \left(\frac1x\right)^2-a^2 ) ( \left(\frac1x\right)^2-\frac 1 {a^2} ) ( \left(\frac1x\right)^2-c^2 ) ( \left(\frac1x\right)^2-\frac 1 {c^2} ) } \right)^\frac12 \\
&= \frac1{x^2} \left( \frac{ x^4 ( 1-x^2 b^2 ) ( 1-x^2 \frac 1 {b^2} ) }{ ( 1-x^2a^2 ) ( 1-x^2 \frac 1 {a^2} ) ( 1-x^2 c^2 ) ( 1-x^2\frac 1 {c^2} ) } \right)^\frac12 \\
&= \left( \frac{ ( \frac 1 {b^2}-x^2 ) ( b^2-x^2 ) }{ ( \frac 1 {a^2} -x^2 ) ( a^2-x^2 ) ( \frac 1 {c^2} -x^2 ) ( c^2-x^2) } \right)^\frac12 \\
&= \frac{\mathrm{d}\zeta}{\mathrm{d}x}(x)

Ok, I see it now. Thanks for clearing that up for me. I'll continue working with it as it's an interesting problem for me. I suspect it's a branching issue you're having but don't see it yet.
  • #11
ManDay said:
Where the second line follows from the first by simply inserting dζ/dz and distributing the x² factor on the fraction and pulling out pairwise terms of the forms b and 1/b. So we have

$$ \zeta \left( \frac 1 z \right) = \int_0^1 \mathrm{d}y \frac{ \mathrm{d}\zeta }{ \mathrm{d} y}(y) - \int_1^z\mathrm{d}y \frac{ \mathrm{d}\zeta }{ \mathrm{d} y}(y) $$

but ∫01… is purely real and ∫1z… is mixed real and imaginary, so this contradicts the symmetry about the real axis from above because

$$ \zeta ( z ) = \int_0^1 \mathrm{d}y \frac{ \mathrm{d}\zeta }{ \mathrm{d} y}(y) + \int_1^z\mathrm{d}y \frac{ \mathrm{d}\zeta }{ \mathrm{d} y}(y) $$

I do not get mixed real and imaginary for the second integral when I check your integrals with [itex]z=e^{\pi i/12}[/itex] and integrate over a path which follows the unit circle: Let's take [itex]z=e^{\pi i/12}[/itex] so that, numerically, [itex]\zeta(z)\approx 0.9978+0.2422i[/itex] and thus [itex]\overline{\zeta}(z)\approx 0.9978-0.2422i[/itex]. Now letting the derivative be u(z):
[tex]\int_0^1 u(w)dw\approx 0.9978[/tex]
[tex]\int_1^z u(w)dw=\int_0^{\pi/12} u(e^{it}) i e^{it} dt\approx 0.2422i[/tex]
and therefore:

[tex]\zeta(1/z)\approx 0.9978-0.2422i[/tex]
which agrees with your derivation.
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  • #12
jackmell said:
I do not get mixed real and imaginary for the second integral when I check your integrals with [itex]z=e^{\pi i/12}[/itex] and integrate over a path which follows the unit circle: Let's take [itex]z=e^{\pi i/12}[/itex] so that, numerically, [itex]\zeta(z)\approx 0.9978+0.2422i[/itex] and thus [itex]\overline{\zeta}(z)\approx 0.9978-0.2422i[/itex]. Now letting the derivative be u(z):
[tex]\int_0^1 u(w)dw\approx 0.9978[/tex]
[tex]\int_1^z u(w)dw=\int_0^{\pi/12} u(e^{it}) i e^{it} dt\approx 0.2422i[/tex]
and therefore:

[tex]\zeta(1/z)\approx 0.9978-0.2422i[/tex]
which agrees with your derivation.

I don't know your particular choice for a, b, and c, but while ∫01 lies on the end of the left, horizontal arm, ∫0exp(iπ/12) is likely to lie on the same edge, which means they have the same real part.

In general, however, ∫1exp(iπr) with r ∈ ℝ, does not point strictly vertically and thus has mixed real- and imaginary parts.
  • #13
ManDay said:
I don't know your particular choice for a, b, and c,

I chose your choices:

[tex]a=e^{i/2}, b=e^i, c=e^{3/2 i}[/tex]

I believe I've determined the cause of your problem, at least to my satisfaction, and if this was a final exam question, this is how I would risk answering it: You have

[tex]\int_1^{1/z} u(y)dy[/tex]

and you propose making the substitution [itex]x=1/y[/itex]. That substitution introduces the function [itex]u(1/x)=v(x)[/itex] and v(x) between the endpoints x=1 and x=z has a principal branch cut which if I just integrated numerically without regards to analytic continuitity, would integrate (discontinuously) over a branch-cut. However if I integrated over an analytically-continuous sheet of v(x), I could get the correct answer. But I'm not sure I can determine which sheet of v(x) to integrate over without knowing the answer beforehand.

Conclusions: The substitution x=1/y is not a recommended technique to evaluate the integral above.

Here's mine:


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Related to Contradictory (complex) integral transformation

1. What is a contradictory (complex) integral transformation?

A contradictory (complex) integral transformation is a mathematical operation that involves transforming an integral into a complex number. This can be done by replacing the variable of integration with a complex number or by using complex functions in the integrand.

2. How is a contradictory (complex) integral transformation different from a regular integral?

A regular integral involves finding the area under a curve in a real number system, while a contradictory (complex) integral transformation involves finding the area under a curve in a complex number system. This means that the result of a contradictory integral transformation will be a complex number, while the result of a regular integral will be a real number.

3. What are some applications of contradictory (complex) integral transformation?

Contradictory (complex) integral transformation has a wide range of applications in mathematics and physics. It is commonly used in solving complex differential equations, evaluating complex series, and in the study of complex functions and their properties.

4. What are some challenges associated with contradictory (complex) integral transformation?

One of the main challenges of contradictory (complex) integral transformation is the understanding and manipulation of complex numbers. It also requires a good understanding of complex analysis and the properties of complex functions. Additionally, the resulting complex numbers may not always have a physical interpretation.

5. How can one approach solving a contradictory (complex) integral transformation?

Solving a contradictory (complex) integral transformation involves first understanding the properties of complex numbers and complex functions. Then, the integral can be transformed using techniques such as substitution, integration by parts, or contour integration. It is important to carefully consider the limits of integration and the properties of the integrand to ensure an accurate result.

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