Understanding the Contravariant Derivative: A Tangential and Normal Perspective

In summary, the conversation discusses the concepts of covariant and contravariant derivative operators in the context of Riemannian manifolds. The precise definition of a contravariant derivative operator is given, and it is noted that metric compatibility is essential. The conversation then explores the relationship between these operators and the decomposition of the tangent space of a sub-manifold into tangential and normal components. The idea is proposed that the covariant derivative is the tangential component of the given connection, while the contravariant derivative is the normal component. The correctness of this idea is questioned and further clarification is sought.
  • #1
So much has been talking about covariant derivative. Anyone knows about contravariant derivative? What is the precise definition and would that give rise to different [tex]\Gamma^{k}_{i,j}[/tex] and other concepts? :rolleyes:
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  • #2
A "contravariant derivative operator" would probably be defined by [tex]\nabla^a=g^{ab}\nabla_b[/tex], where [tex]\nabla_b[/tex] is a torsion-free derivative operator that is compatible ([tex]\nabla_a g_{bc}=0[/tex]) with a nondegenerate metric [tex]g_{ab}[/tex].
  • #3
The connection needn't be torsion free, but metric compatibility is essential.

  • #4
Let [tex](M,{\cal T})[/tex] be a sub-manifold of a Riemannian manifold [tex](N,{\cal R})[/tex] with metric tensor [tex]g[/tex], If we decompose the tangent space at the point [tex]p\in M\subseteq N[/tex] and accordingly decompose the tangent bundle [tex]T_pN=T_pM\circleplus {\tilde T}_pM[/tex] into tangential to [tex]M[/tex] and normal to [tex]M[/tex], could we say that the "converiant derivative" is the "tangential component" of the given connection [tex]\nabla_X: {\cal X}(N)\mapsto {\cal X}(N)[/tex] while the "contravariant derivative" is the "normal component" of [tex]\nabla_X[/tex] ?
I mean the "convariant derivative along the vector fileld [tex]X[/tex]" is the projection of [tex]\nabla_X[/tex] onto the tangent space of the submanifold [tex]M[/tex], while the "contravariant derivative along the vector field [tex]X[/tex]" is the projection of [tex]X[/tex] onto the normal space of the submanifold [tex]M[/tex] in [tex]N[/tex]
I would like to check if the above saying is correct
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FAQ: Understanding the Contravariant Derivative: A Tangential and Normal Perspective

What is a contravariant derivative?

A contravariant derivative is a mathematical concept used in differential geometry to describe how a vector field changes along a given direction. It is a directional derivative that takes into account the change in the coordinate system.

How is a contravariant derivative different from a covariant derivative?

A covariant derivative is defined in terms of the change in the components of a vector field, while a contravariant derivative is defined in terms of the change in the direction of the vector field. In other words, a covariant derivative is defined with respect to the basis of the tangent space, while a contravariant derivative is defined with respect to the basis of the cotangent space.

What is the relationship between a contravariant derivative and a metric tensor?

A metric tensor is used to define the distance between points in a given coordinate system. The contravariant derivative is defined with respect to this metric tensor, which allows it to take into account the change in the coordinate system when calculating the directional derivative of a vector field.

What are some applications of contravariant derivatives?

Contravariant derivatives are commonly used in the field of differential geometry to study the curvature and topology of differentiable manifolds. They are also used in physics, particularly in the study of general relativity, to describe the behavior of gravitational fields and other physical phenomena.

How is a contravariant derivative calculated?

The contravariant derivative of a vector field can be calculated using the Christoffel symbols, which are defined in terms of the metric tensor. These symbols represent the connection between the tangent and cotangent spaces, and are used in the formula for the contravariant derivative.

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