Control of coolant temperature in a nuclear reactor

In summary, increasing the neutron flux increases the power developed in the core and has an inverse relationship to the coolant exit temperature. However, if the coolant temperature decreases, then the reactivity increases and the power developed in the core will also increase. The cycle will continue until either the coolant temperature or reactivity reaches a steady-state value.
  • #1
I am trying to build a model of CANDU reactor core using a software called DYMOLA.For this purpose,I am trying to figure out a mathematical relation between coolant temperature and Power developed in a reactor.I have the following questions:

1.What is the effect of increasing the neutron flux (hence,increasing the power developed in the core) on the coolant exit temperature.Is there a mathematical relation that relates the temperature of coolant coming out of the reactor to the neutron flux.

2.I read that in a CANDU reactor a decrease in coolant temperature increases the reactivity.

But,consider the following scenario:

Coolant temperature decreases---->>Reactivity increases---->>Power developed in the reactor increases---->>resulting in an increase in coolant temperature---->>which decreases the reactivity!

When does the cycle stop??

Hope you understood my question
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  • #2
I'm not very familiar with CANDU reactors, however with PWRs the coolant temperature is controlled via steam demand and boric acid concentration. By using more steam, the coolant temperature decreases. Due to the steam generator being a saturated system, simply lowering the pressure of the SG will lower its temperature. This is why uncontrolled heat extractions (steam line breaks) are often a driving scenario for shutdown margin.

There are many on this board who are much more knowledgeable than I when it comes to the mathematics, however I do know for light water PWRs, neutron flux is not constant throughout core life (higher at end of life) due to a lower concentration of U235 as the core ages.
  • #3
The coolant temperature is related to the enthalpy, or specific enthalpy, and pressure.

h = cpT.

The coolant enters the core at some inlet temperature/sp. enthalpy (Ti/hi) and exits with an increase temperature/sp. enthalpy (Te/he).

As the coolant flow along the channel between the fuel rods, heat is transferred from the cladding to the coolant.

[tex] h_e = h_i + \Big({\int_o^z q''(z){\pi}D_h dz} + {\int_o^z f_c q'(z) dz}\Big)/GA [/tex]

where z = axial elevation, or core height for the exit.
q''(z) is the heat flux at the cladding surface,
q' = linear heat rate = πDhq''
Dh = heated diameter (cladding OD)
fc = fraction of heat from fuel that is directly deposited into the coolant rather than conducted through the cladding
G = coolant mass flux (kg/s-m2 in SI)
A = flow area of coolant channel.
  • #4
shrvn said:
But,consider the following scenario:

Coolant temperature decreases---->>Reactivity increases---->>Power developed in the reactor increases---->>resulting in an increase in coolant temperature---->>which decreases the reactivity!

When does the cycle stop??
Don't confuse time dependent with steady-state behavior.

Reactors have several competing reactivity mechanisms. These are in the fuel and moderator, and soluble neutron absorbers, and even integral (in the fuel) burnable absorbers as needed.

Doppler resonance absorption increases with temperature, as does spectral shift when moderator density decreases, which means less moderation. One can also introduce soluble boron into the cooling water or heavy water moderator. In CANDU reactors the coolant and moderator are separate heavy water circuits (Ref:
  • #5
Thank you Astronuc and SmalltownNuke

FAQ: Control of coolant temperature in a nuclear reactor

1. How is the coolant temperature controlled in a nuclear reactor?

The coolant temperature in a nuclear reactor is controlled by adjusting the flow rate of the coolant and by using control rods to absorb excess heat produced by the nuclear reaction.

2. Why is it important to control the coolant temperature in a nuclear reactor?

It is crucial to control the coolant temperature in a nuclear reactor to prevent the reactor from overheating and potentially causing a meltdown. It also ensures efficient operation of the reactor and helps maintain the integrity of the fuel rods.

3. What happens if the coolant temperature in a nuclear reactor is not properly controlled?

If the coolant temperature is not properly controlled, it can lead to a variety of dangerous situations, such as overheating, pressure buildup, and potential damage to the reactor core. This can ultimately result in a nuclear accident.

4. How do scientists and engineers monitor and regulate the coolant temperature in a nuclear reactor?

The coolant temperature in a nuclear reactor is constantly monitored by temperature sensors. Scientists and engineers use this data to adjust the flow rate of the coolant and control the insertion of control rods to maintain a stable temperature.

5. Can the coolant temperature in a nuclear reactor ever get too low?

Yes, the coolant temperature in a nuclear reactor can get too low, which can cause the reactor to shut down. This can be due to a decrease in the flow rate of the coolant or a malfunction in the control system. In such cases, measures must be taken to increase the temperature and resume normal operation.

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