Conts fncs, open sets, boundry

  • Thread starter redyelloworange
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In summary, we are asked to show that for a one-to-one mapping f from open set U to open set V, with continuous inverse mapping f-1, for any set S whose closure is contained in U, the boundary of f(S) is equal to the image of the boundary of S under f. This can be shown by using the definitions of open sets and continuity, and the fact that f and f-1 are both continuous.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let U and V be open sets in Rn and let f be a one-to-one mapping from U onto V (so that there is an inverse mapping f-1). Suppose that f and f-1 are both continuous. Show that for any set S whose closure is contained in U we have f(bd(S)) = bd(f(S)).

Homework Equations

Open sets: every point in the set is an interior point. int(S) = S. Or S contains none of its boundry points.

bd(S) = {x in Rn | B(r,x)∩S≠ø and B(r,x)∩Sc≠ø for every r>0}

The Attempt at a Solution

ie, show that the function takes a boundry to a boundry.

Let S be a set in U. The let f(S) = T. Note that f-1(T) = S.

Also, since T = {x in Rn s.t. f(x) V} and f conts, and V open, then T is open.
The same conclusion holds for S.

Thus T and S are both open. They also have the same number of elements.

I don't know where to go from here.
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  • #2
Now state the definition of continuity in terms of balls. f(x)=y is continuous at x if for every B(y,d) there is a radius e such that f(B(x,e)) is contained in B(y,d).

FAQ: Conts fncs, open sets, boundry

What are continuous functions?

Continuous functions are mathematical functions that have no abrupt changes in their value. This means that as the input of the function changes, the output changes smoothly without any breaks or discontinuities.

How are open sets defined in topology?

In topology, open sets are defined as sets that contain all of their limit points. Limit points are points that can be approached arbitrarily close by points in the set. In simpler terms, open sets are sets that do not include their boundary points.

What is the boundary of a set?

The boundary of a set is the set of points that are both in and not in the set. In other words, it is the boundary between what is included and what is not included in the set. For example, in a circle, the boundary would be the circle itself.

How do you determine if a function is bounded?

A function is bounded if its values do not approach infinity as the input approaches infinity. In other words, the values of the function must stay within a certain range as the input increases. For example, a linear function is bounded, but an exponential function is not.

What is the relationship between continuous functions and open sets?

In topology, there is a theorem called the "Continuous Mapping Theorem" which states that the pre-image of an open set under a continuous function is also an open set. This means that continuous functions preserve open sets, as any open set in the output can be traced back to an open set in the input.
