Conventional absorbtion spectra and E_g

In summary, the conversation discussed measuring conventional absorption spectra of a semiconductor and evaluating the band gap for the material. The band gap was described as the minimum photon energy where absorption can be seen and is characterized by a threshold behavior. The absorption above the band gap follows a (hw - E_g)^1/2 behavior and there may also be a resonance feature below the band gap due to absorption by excitons. The easiest way to determine the band gap is to plot absorption versus photon energy. The conversation also touched on the impact of linear size on absorption and the calculation of alpha from optical density. Ultimately, the conversation concluded with the exchange of results and further discussion on the presence of defect levels in the band gap.
  • #1
I have measured conventional absorption spectra of semiconductor - Optical density from wavelenght.
So now I want to evaluate band gap for this material.

In what kind of coordinates I how to reperesnt this spectra to see the band gap value ( where graph crosses the Energy axis) ?

*I m investigating semicondcutor
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  • #2
The band gap is the minimum photon energy where you can see the absorption. it is characterized by a threshold behavior. The aborption below the bandgap should be zero (at least for direct band gap semiconductors, (ALSO PLEASE NOTE Franz-Keldysh Effect).

The absorption above the band gap is characterized by a (hw - E_g)^1/2 behavior.
  • #3
mcodesmart said:
The absorption above the band gap is characterized by a (hw - E_g)^1/2 behavior.

...for a bulk (3D) material.

For a semiconductor one might also see a pronounced resonance feature slightly below the band gap energy due to absorption by excitons (bound electron-hole pairs).

The easiest thing is to simply plot absorption versus photon energy. The band gap should become pretty obvious from that graph.
  • #4
Attached is the experimental data for GaAs. Please take a look and I would be interested in your comments.

I think that exciton absorption that you mentioned are occurring above the band gap energy. You can also see the threshold behavior that I mentioned.


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  • #5
An exciton is a hydrogen-like bound state of an electron and a hole. Its lowest possible energy is therefore the smallest possible energy of a free electron and a free hole (which is the band gap) minus the binding energy. However, this binding energy may be quite small (for 3D GaAs we are talking about roughly 4.8 meV only) and the exciton also has some dispersion which means that it also can have some kinetic energy which slightly broadens the excitonic absorption.

It is hard to see for materials with small exciton binding energy, but excitonic (ground state) absorption must be below the band gap. This might be easier to see when fitting a superposition of the free carrier absorption and the excitonic absorption. It might be easier to see for materials with larger exciton binding energy like Cu2O or maybe ZnO or some II-VI semiconductors. It might also be easier to see for quantum wells, where the dimensionality enhances the binding energy and modifies the density of states and accordingly the shape of the free carrier absorption.
  • #6
Thank you all for your help.

mcodesmart said:
The absorption above the band gap is characterized by a (hw - E_g)^1/2 behavior.

I think the best way is to calculate absorption by [itex]\alpha[/itex]=a (hw - E_g)^1/2, but i have several samples withdifferent linear sizes.
So I am thinking that linear size should have impact to [itex]\alpha[/itex].
And i don't know how to calculate "a" because it has many variables,which could be dependent from specific semiconductor.

Perhaps I can assume some kind of value for "a'"? But in that case how can I consider the impact of linear size of different samples?
  • #7
prehisto said:
So I am thinking that linear size should have impact to [itex]\alpha[/itex].

Not really. It gives you a rather irrelevant factor, but it does not change the shape of every single absorption curve which is the important thing in determining the band gap.

For the same reason I do not see why one would want to calculate a. You plot your absorption vs. wavelength, fit the relevant equation to it and see whether the result makes sense or you should rather use a different function for fitting. There is no deep physical insight about the band gap you get by knowing a.

Here, I assume that your measurement goes as follows: you check the relative absorption of your sample at some wavelength, change your optical wavelength, measure absorption again, change wavelength again and so on.
  • #8
OK,I understand now that i do not need " a".
But now i have a problem,becuase i need to calculate [itex]\alpha[/itex] from optical density.
And again i do not know how to do that, could someone can help ?
  • #9
O.D measurements depend on sample length.

[itex]10^{-OD} = I(z)/I_o [/itex]

replace I(z) with [itex]I_o e^{-αl}[/itex] and work it out..

The answer is [itex]OD = 0.434 αl [/itex]
  • #10
prehisto said:
OK,I understand now that i do not need " a".
But now i have a problem,becuase i need to calculate [itex]\alpha[/itex] from optical density.
And again i do not know how to do that, could someone can help ?

As mcodesmart already explained, this will fortunately just be a simple prefactor to your OD. Unless you already have different linear sizes for different wavelenghts within one single run of the experiment, the shape of the OD curve and the absorption curve (which is what matters in determining the band gap) will be the same for each single linear size (assuming you measured the OD for all wavelengths for a given linear size and then did the same for the next size and so on).
  • #11
I measured the OD for all wavelengths for a given linear size.
Then i plotted [itex]\alpha[/itex]2 from energy(eV).

So now I can determine the E_g where trendline crosses Energy axis ([itex]\alpha[/itex]=0) .

But it looks not so great as i expected because of defects levels in bandgap .
  • #12
You mind sharing your results so we can take a look as well.. I am curious and also, what material is it..

Related to Conventional absorbtion spectra and E_g

1. What is a conventional absorption spectrum?

A conventional absorption spectrum is a graph that shows the amount of light absorbed by a substance at different wavelengths. It is typically measured by passing light through a sample and recording the amount of light that is transmitted through the sample. The resulting spectrum can provide information about the electronic structure and properties of the substance.

2. How is E_g related to a conventional absorption spectrum?

E_g, also known as the band gap energy, is the amount of energy required for an electron to move from the highest occupied energy level to the lowest unoccupied energy level in a substance. It is related to a conventional absorption spectrum because the absorption of light by a substance is directly linked to the energy levels of its electrons, and the band gap energy can be determined from the wavelengths at which the substance absorbs light.

3. What factors can affect the shape of a conventional absorption spectrum?

The shape of a conventional absorption spectrum can be affected by several factors, including the chemical composition, structure, and physical state of the substance, as well as the temperature and pressure at which the measurement is taken. Additionally, the presence of impurities or defects in the substance can also influence the shape of the spectrum.

4. What information can be obtained from the E_g value in a conventional absorption spectrum?

The E_g value in a conventional absorption spectrum can provide important information about the electronic structure and properties of a substance. It can indicate the size of the band gap, which can affect the substance's conductivity, optical properties, and reactivity. It can also provide insights into the energy levels and electronic transitions of the substance's electrons.

5. How is a conventional absorption spectrum used in practical applications?

Conventional absorption spectra are commonly used in various scientific and industrial applications. For example, they can be used to identify and quantify the presence of certain substances in a sample, to study the properties and behavior of materials, and to monitor chemical reactions and processes. In addition, conventional absorption spectra are often used in the development and optimization of technologies such as solar cells, light-emitting diodes, and sensors.

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