Conventionality when Graphing Transformations.

In summary, graphing an equation like f(x) = x results in a line through the origin in two dimensional space, where the horizontal axis represents the domain and the vertical axis represents the image. Representing the input and output of a transformation in the same picture can be tricky, especially when dealing with higher dimensions. The convention is to choose an orientation that maximizes the information we can use, often looking along the z-axis. This means that the constant output of a function like g(x, y) = x - y = 0 is omitted from its graph. The graph of x - y = 0 in three dimensional space would be a line through the origin in the xy-plane, but it is usually represented differently due to the chosen
  • #1
If you think about graphing an equation like f(x) = x; you think about a line through the origin in two dimensional space, where the horizontal axis represents the domain and the vertical the image.
How can you get the input and the output of a transformation in the same picture? In the previous case neither the input nor the output even exist in ℝ^2. If you take that to higher dimensions it becomes even weirder. How can a transformation from ℝ^n to ℝ^m be represented in ℝ^(n+m).
I get how it works, we've been introduced to the concept in middle school. I'm just wondering if there is some elementary reason or if it's just convention. And also, who decided that the constant output of a function like g(x, y) = x - y = 0 should be omitted from its graph? Why is it that in this case we're allowed to map only all the possible inputs to the transformation and and leave out the fact that a third component z exists but is just a constant. By the f(x) = x graphing convention shouldn't the graph of x - y = 0 be a line through the origin in three dimensional space that stays in the xy-plane?
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  • #2
I don't understand your question about general transformations. I think your language is ambiguous.

In the last case
By the f(x) = x graphing convention shouldn't the graph of x - y = 0 be a line through the origin in three dimensional space that stays in the xy-plane?
That is exactly what it is - the trouble with graphing this the way you suggest is that we only have 2D paper so best practice is to choose to orient the image to maximize the information we can use. In this case, we usually choose an orientation looking along the z axis. (Technically there are an infinite possible extra dimensions ... you don't suggest drawing more than three I notice :) )

So what you are talking about is a rule-of-thumb ... like rounding to 2dp or crossing your axis at (0,0,0).

if you wrote z=x-y, then the set x-y=0 is the intersection of z in the x-y plane. Does it still make sense to represent x-y=0 in 3D?
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  • #3
V0ODO0CH1LD said:
If you think about graphing an equation like f(x) = x; you think about a line through the origin in two dimensional space, where the horizontal axis represents the domain and the vertical the image.
How can you get the input and the output of a transformation in the same picture? In the previous case neither the input nor the output even exist in ℝ^2. If you take that to higher dimensions it becomes even weirder. How can a transformation from ℝ^n to ℝ^m be represented in ℝ^(n+m).
I get how it works, we've been introduced to the concept in middle school. I'm just wondering if there is some elementary reason or if it's just convention. And also, who decided that the constant output of a function like g(x, y) = x - y = 0 should be omitted from its graph? Why is it that in this case we're allowed to map only all the possible inputs to the transformation and and leave out the fact that a third component z exists but is just a constant. By the f(x) = x graphing convention shouldn't the graph of x - y = 0 be a line through the origin in three dimensional space that stays in the xy-plane?

You're right in that what you are representing is the collection of points given by

{(x,f(x))} , or {(x,y),z:=f(x,y)} , etc -- meaning we cannot graphically-represent

higher dimensions. Re g(x,y) , its graph, re the previous rule, is actually given by

{(x,y,g(x,y)}={(x,y,0)} . You're right that sometimes assumptions are made (implicitly)

and you need to guess from the context; the graph of x may mean the graph of f(x)=x,

of from f(x,y)=x , or f(x,y,z)=x, etc. Usually , from the context one should be able to

tell which one is being referred-to. Re your comment that neither the input nor the

output exist in ℝ2, they actually do, and they are given by the subsets

{(x,0)} and {(0,x)} ( or, more generally, for y=f(x), {(x,0) and (0,f(x)) ).

In addition, if I understood you well, there is the

issue of the choice of embedding: a figure that can "live" in a certain space, can also

live in higher dimensions. You are right in the strict sense that it should be specified in

advance what the ambient space is-- you can define functions going into circles,

or any other topological space.

Related to Conventionality when Graphing Transformations.

1. What is conventionality in graphing transformations?

Conventionality in graphing transformations refers to the accepted or standard ways of representing transformations on a graph. These conventions make it easier for scientists to communicate and understand the transformations being shown on a graph.

2. Why is conventionality important in graphing transformations?

Conventionality is important because it ensures consistency and accuracy in graphing transformations. By following established conventions, scientists can avoid confusion and misinterpretation of the data being presented.

3. What are some common conventions used in graphing transformations?

Some common conventions include using a Cartesian coordinate system, having the independent variable on the x-axis and the dependent variable on the y-axis, and using a consistent scale for each axis. Additionally, transformations are typically represented by different colors or symbols to differentiate them from the original graph.

4. Can conventions change when graphing transformations?

While there are established conventions, they can vary slightly depending on the specific type of graph or data being presented. For example, a bar graph may have different conventions than a line graph. However, it is important to follow the conventions that are commonly used in your field of study to ensure clear communication and understanding.

5. How can I learn about the conventions for graphing transformations?

You can learn about conventions for graphing transformations by consulting textbooks, scientific journals, or other reputable sources in your field of study. It may also be helpful to look at examples of graphs and how they are conventionally represented. Additionally, working with a mentor or experienced scientist can also provide valuable insight into graphing conventions.

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