Convergence of a cosine sequence in Banach space

In summary, the convergence of a cosine sequence in Banach space is a concept in mathematics that describes the behavior of a sequence of cosine values in a specific type of mathematical space known as a Banach space. This convergence is defined by the limit of the sequence approaching a fixed value as the number of terms in the sequence increases. This concept has important applications in functional analysis, and it is a key concept in the study of Banach spaces and their properties.
  • #1
Does the sequence [itex] \{f_n\}=\{\cos{(2nt)}\}[/itex] converge or diverge in Banach space [itex] C(-1,1) [/itex] endowed with the sup-norm [itex] ||f||_{\infty} = \text{sup}_{t\in (-1,1)}|f(t)| [/itex]?

At first glance my intuition is that this sequence should diverge because cosine is a period function. But how to really prove that?

I have tried to approach the problem from the point of view that if the sequence converges it must be a Cauchy sequence, since [itex] C(-1,1) [/itex] is a normed space. It would remain to show that [itex] \{f_n\}[/itex] is not a Cauchy sequence.

For indexes [itex]n[/itex] and [itex]n+1[/itex] it holds:

[itex] ||f_n-f_{n+1}||_{\infty} = ||\cos{(2nt)} - \cos{(2(n+1)t)}||_{\infty} = \text{sup}_{t\in (-1,1)}|\cos{(2nt)} - \cos{(2(n+1)t)}| [/itex].

But how to see that this won't become smaller and smaller for [itex]n [/itex] large enough, exactly? What I tried next was to argue that if [itex]\{\cos{(2nt)}\}[/itex] converges, it must converge towards some constant value that cosine can have (i.e. a number from the interval [itex] [-1,1][/itex]) because there is no limit of the form [itex]\cos{(2kt)}[/itex] for any [itex]k \in N[/itex]. Since [itex] ||\cos{(2nt)}||_{\infty} = 1[/itex] for all indexes, the constant must be [itex] f = 1[/itex] or [itex] f = -1[/itex] because the limit function must have the same norm as all other members of the sequence. But then [itex] ||f_n - f||_{\infty} = ||\cos{(2nt)}\pm 1||_{\infty} = 2[/itex] for all indexes and thus [itex] \{f_n\}[/itex] is not a Cauchy sequence. I'm not sure whether my thinking here is correct.

My other theory was to fix [itex] t \in (-1,1) [/itex] and consider indexes [itex] n [/itex] and [itex] m [/itex], for whom [itex] n< m[/itex], as degrees of freedom. Then it holds that

[itex] ||f_n(t)-f_{m}(t)||_{\infty} = \text{sup}|\cos{(2nt)} - \cos{(2mt)}| [/itex]

and there are arbitrarily many (especially large) [itex] n [/itex] and [itex] m [/itex] for whom [itex]\text{sup}|\cos{(2nt)} - \cos{(2mt)}| = 2 [/itex] for any fixed [itex] t \in (-1,1) [/itex] . Since [itex]n[/itex], the smaller of the indexes, can get larger and larger while [itex] ||f_n(t)-f_{m}(t)||_{\infty} = 2 [/itex] still holds, the sequence [itex] \{f_n\}[/itex] cannot be a Cauchy sequence.

What do you think?
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  • #2
Does the sequence converge pointswise?
  • #3
Examine what happens at [itex]t=\frac{\pi}{4}[/itex]. Value cycles 0,-1,0,1. Sequence can't converge.
  • #4
mathman said:
Examine what happens at [itex]t=\frac{\pi}{4}[/itex]. Value cycles 0,-1,0,1. Sequence can't converge.

Ah! It is as simple as that. Yes, convergence would have to hold for all [itex] t \in [-1,1] [/itex] so it is enough to find an individual [itex]t[/itex] that won't satisfy it.
  • #7
mathman said:

I haven't thought it out completely, but it looks like it is weakly convergent to g(t)=0 for all t.

No, it does not converge weakly in ##C(-1,1)##. It converge weakly to 0 in ##L^p##, ##1\le p <\infty##, and converges to 0 in weak-* topology in ##L^\infty##, all thanks to Riemann--Lebesgue Lemma.

But there is no convergence in the weak topology of ##C(-1,1)##: if you consider the functional ##\delta=\delta_0## on ##C(-1,1)##, ##\delta(f)=f(0)##, then ##\delta(f_n)=1## for all ##n##. But for any functional ##\Phi## corresponding to an absolutely continuous measure, $$\Phi(f):= \int_{-1}^1 f(x)\phi(x) dx, \qquad \phi \in L^1(-1,01), $$ we have ##\Phi(f_n)\to 0##, again thanks to Riemann--Lebesgue Lemma.

PS. And of course, if the sequence diverges in weak topology, it diverges in norm as well.
  • #8
Hawkeye18 said:
But there is no convergence in the weak topology of C(−1,1)C(-1,1): if you consider the functional δ=δ0\delta=\delta_0 on C(−1,1)C(-1,1), δ(f)=f(0)\delta(f)=f(0),
O, indeed, even it has already been written:
mathman said:
Examine what happens at t=π4t=\frac{\pi}{4}. Value cycles 0,-1,0,1. Sequence can't converge.
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  • #9
Hawkeye18 said:
No, it does not converge weakly in ##C(-1,1)##. It converge weakly to 0 in ##L^p##, ##1\le p <\infty##, and converges to 0 in weak-* topology in ##L^\infty##, all thanks to Riemann--Lebesgue Lemma.

But there is no convergence in the weak topology of ##C(-1,1)##: if you consider the functional ##\delta=\delta_0## on ##C(-1,1)##, ##\delta(f)=f(0)##, then ##\delta(f_n)=1## for all ##n##. But for any functional ##\Phi## corresponding to an absolutely continuous measure, $$\Phi(f):= \int_{-1}^1 f(x)\phi(x) dx, \qquad \phi \in L^1(-1,01), $$ we have ##\Phi(f_n)\to 0##, again thanks to Riemann--Lebesgue Lemma.

PS. And of course, if the sequence diverges in weak topology, it diverges in norm as well.
Your statement is confusing. What has the delta function have to do with anything?
  • #10
mathman said:
Your statement is confusing. What has the delta function have to do with anything?

Delta function is a bounded linear functional on ##C(-1,1)##.
  • #11
Hawkeye18 said:
Delta function is a bounded linear functional on ##C(-1,1)##.
Delta function is not bounded. Linear functionals consist of members of L1(-1,1). [itex]\lim_{n \to \infty}\int_{-1}^{1}g(t)cos(2nt)dt=0[/itex] for any L1 function g(t).
  • #12
Delta function is a bounded linear functional on ##C(-1,1)##: $$|\delta (f)| = | f(0)| \le \sup_{x\in(0,1)} |f(x)| =: \|f\|_{C(-1,1)}.$$
  • #14
micromass said:
Definitely not true. The delta function is bounded. The dual of ##C[-1,1]## is given by the Riesz representation theorem and consist basically of Stieltjes integrals/measures (depending on how you look at it).–Markov–Kakutani_representation_theorem
My misunderstanding. There is a concept of weak-* convergence, where L1 is used rather than the measures you described.

Related to Convergence of a cosine sequence in Banach space

1. What is a cosine sequence in Banach space?

A cosine sequence in Banach space is a sequence of elements in the space that follows a cosine pattern, meaning the terms alternate between positive and negative values.

2. How is convergence defined in Banach space?

In Banach space, convergence is defined as the property where a sequence of elements approaches a specific element in the space as the sequence progresses towards infinity.

3. What is the importance of convergence in Banach space?

Convergence in Banach space is important because it allows us to study the behavior of sequences and determine if they approach a specific value. This is especially useful in analyzing the convergence of series and integrals.

4. How is the convergence of a cosine sequence determined in Banach space?

The convergence of a cosine sequence in Banach space can be determined by using mathematical techniques such as the Cauchy criterion or the limit comparison test. These methods allow us to analyze the behavior of the sequence and determine if it converges or diverges.

5. What are some real-life applications of the convergence of a cosine sequence in Banach space?

The convergence of a cosine sequence in Banach space has applications in various fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. For example, it can be used to study the oscillating behavior of a physical system or to analyze the convergence of a financial time series.

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