Convergence of Series: Proving and Finding the Sum

In summary, it seems that the person is seeking help with proving the convergence of a series and finding its sum. They are asked about what series tests they know, and they mention the ratio and divergence tests. The other person suggests trying those tests, but the person is unsure and mentions the sign test. The conversation ends with the suggestion to try a test that the person knows.
  • #1
prove the convergence of the series and find the sum.

please help me


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  • #2
What series tests do you know?
  • #3
R136a1 said:
What series tests do you know?

i don't understand your question /
  • #4
aleebai said:
i don't understand your question /

What theorems or results do you know that allow you to (dis)prove convergence?

For example, you have the ratio test. Or you have the divergence test that allow you to show convergence if the terms of the series do not converge to ##0##.

So, which of these tests do you know?
  • #5
R136a1 said:
What theorems or results do you know that allow you to (dis)prove convergence?

For example, you have the ratio test. Or you have the divergence test that allow you to show convergence if the terms of the series do not converge to ##0##.

So, which of these tests do you know?

sign Leibniz , Dalambers
  • #6
aleebai said:
sign Leibniz , Dalambers

OK, so try those tests. Are there any that work?
  • #7
R136a1 said:
OK, so try those tests. Are there any that work?

that's it I can not decide =) wanted to ask for help, but sorry no one answers.
  • #8
aleebai said:
that's it I can not decide =) wanted to ask for help, but sorry no one answers.

Pick some test that you know, and try it! If it doesn't work, try another one.

Let's start with the first one you mentioned: the sign test, what does that say? Does this series satisfy the criteria?

FAQ: Convergence of Series: Proving and Finding the Sum

What does it mean to "prove the convergence" of a scientific study?

To "prove the convergence" means to demonstrate that the results of a scientific study are consistent and reliable. This is done by conducting multiple experiments or trials and obtaining similar results each time.

How can you determine the convergence of a study?

The convergence of a study can be determined by analyzing the data and looking for patterns or trends. If the results consistently follow a certain pattern or trend, then the study can be considered convergent.

Why is proving convergence important in science?

Proving convergence is important in science because it ensures the accuracy and validity of the results obtained. Without convergence, the results may be unreliable and could lead to incorrect conclusions.

Can a study be considered convergent if it only has a small sample size?

No, a study cannot be considered convergent if it only has a small sample size. Convergence requires a sufficient amount of data to be analyzed in order to determine if the results are consistent and reliable. A small sample size may not accurately represent the entire population being studied.

What are some common methods used to prove convergence in scientific studies?

Some common methods used to prove convergence in scientific studies include statistical analysis, replication of experiments, and peer review. These methods help to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results obtained.
