Convergence of Uniformly Continuous Functions on Metric Spaces

  • Thread starter radou
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In summary, the Lemma above allows us to find a limit for the sequence (f_n) as n goes to infinity if fn converges uniformly to f.
  • #1
Homework Helper

Homework Statement

For some reason, although it looks simple, it's giving me trouble.

Let X be a topological space, and Y a metric space. Let fn : X --> Y be a sequence of continuous functions, and let xn be a sequence of points in X converging to x. Show that if fn converges uniformly to f, then (fn(xn)) converges to f(x).

The Attempt at a Solution

The facts I know:

i) since fn is a sequence of continuous finctions which converges uniformly to f, f is continuous
ii) since f is continuous, f(xn) converges to f(x).

Now, since fn converges uniformly to f, for every ε > 0 there exists some N such that for all x in X and for any n >= N, d(fn(x), f(x)) < ε holds. (iii)

I need to show that for any ε > 0, there exists some integer N such that, for all n >=N d(fn(xn), f(x)) < ε holds.

Let ε > o be given. Since, because of uniform convergence (iii) holds for any x, it holds for the members of the sequence xn, too. So, there exists N such that for n >= N, d(fn(xn), f(xn)) < ε holds. Now I'm stuck. Could this mean that the sequences fn(xn) and f(xn) converge to the same limit? Since then fn(xn) would definitely converge to f(x). But I can't find a theorem or result which says anything about that right now.

Perhaps I'm not on the right track at all. Thanks for any replies.
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  • #2
You're almost there -- you have all the pieces, you just need to put them together.

Would it illuminate anything if I suggested that you choose [tex]N[/tex] so that for [tex]n > N[/tex] and every [tex]x' \in X[/tex] (thus, in particular, for the [tex]x_n[/tex]) you have [tex]d(f_n(x'), f(x')) < \frac\epsilon2[/tex] ?
  • #3
ystael, just before I read your answer, and just before I think about it, I came up with a Lemma which I proved (hopefully correct - if it works, I proved what I need to prove.)

Lemma. Let xn and yn be sequences in the metric space (X, d), with xn --> x and yn --> y. If for every ε > 0 there is a positive integer N such that for all n >= N, d(xn, yn) < ε holds, then x = y.

Proof. Let ε > 0 be given. Since xn and yn converge, for ε/2 there is some N1 such that n>= N1 implies d(xn, x) < ε/2, and some N2 such that n>= N2 implies d(yn, y) < ε/2. Let N3 be the integer associated with ε. Let N = max{N1, N2, N3}. Then d(x, y) <= d(x, xn) + d(xn, yn) + d(yn, y) < 2ε, for all n >= N. Since this holds for any ε > 0, we conclude that d(x, y) = 0, i.e. x = y.
  • #4
This lemma and its proof are correct.
  • #5
OK, but there's one step more I'm not sure about in the proof of the original problem - we know that f(xn) --> f(x), but I don't know if fn(xn) converges (which is partially what I need to show) - without this, I can't apply the Lemma above, it just occurred to me.

I know that fn(xn) --> fn(x), since fn is continuous for every n, but that's a different thing. I'm interested in the convergence of the sequence f1(x1), f2(x2), ... and not fn(x1), fn(x2), ...
  • #6
ystael said:
You're almost there -- you have all the pieces, you just need to put them together.

Would it illuminate anything if I suggested that you choose [tex]N[/tex] so that for [tex]n > N[/tex] and every [tex]x' \in X[/tex] (thus, in particular, for the [tex]x_n[/tex]) you have [tex]d(f_n(x'), f(x')) < \frac\epsilon2[/tex] ?

OK, let ε > 0 be given. Then, for ε/2 there exist some N1 such shat for n >= N1, d(fn(xn), f(xn)) < ε/2 and some N2 such that for n >= n2, d(f(xn), f(x)) < ε/2. If N = max {N1, N2}, we have d(fn(xn), f(x)) <= d(fn(xn), f(xn)) + d(f(xn), f(x)) < ε, for any n >= N. Hence, fn(xn) converges to f(x).
  • #7
This is correct. Make sure you are clear on how this construction requires uniform convergence of [tex](f_n)[/tex] to [tex]f[/tex]. When you say "there exists some [tex]N_1[/tex] such that for [tex]n \geq N_1[/tex], [tex]d(f_n(x_n), f(x_n)) < \frac\epsilon2[/tex]", the point [tex]x_n[/tex] is not constant in the limit expression, so this statement is not true if [tex](f_n)[/tex] only converges to [tex]f[/tex] pointwise.
  • #8
ystael said:
This is correct. Make sure you are clear on how this construction requires uniform convergence of [tex](f_n)[/tex] to [tex]f[/tex]. When you say "there exists some [tex]N_1[/tex] such that for [tex]n \geq N_1[/tex], [tex]d(f_n(x_n), f(x_n)) < \frac\epsilon2[/tex]", the point [tex]x_n[/tex] is not constant in the limit expression, so this statement is not true if [tex](f_n)[/tex] only converges to [tex]f[/tex] pointwise.

Yes, I'm aware of that. It allows us to "fit in" members of the sequence xn.

Thanks a lot for your help.
  • #9
By the way, the way I tried to prove it, along with the Lemma in one of the posts above, it doesn't seem to work, right? Because of what I wrote in post #5..?

Related to Convergence of Uniformly Continuous Functions on Metric Spaces

1. What is a sequence problem?

A sequence problem is a type of mathematical problem that involves finding a pattern or rule in a sequence of numbers or objects. The goal is to identify the pattern and use it to extend the sequence or predict future values.

2. How do you solve a sequence problem?

To solve a sequence problem, you need to carefully observe the given sequence and try to identify any patterns or rules that govern it. This can involve looking at the differences between consecutive terms, the ratio between terms, or any other relationships. Once the pattern is identified, it can be used to extend the sequence or predict future values.

3. What are some common types of sequence problems?

Some common types of sequence problems include arithmetic sequences, geometric sequences, and Fibonacci sequences. Other types may involve more complex patterns or rules.

4. How can solving sequence problems be useful?

Solving sequence problems can help develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It can also be useful in real-life situations, such as predicting future trends in numbers or identifying patterns in data.

5. Are there any tips for solving sequence problems?

Some tips for solving sequence problems include looking for obvious patterns, starting with simpler sequences before moving on to more complex ones, and checking your answers by plugging in values to the identified pattern or rule.

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