Convergent sequence in compact metric space

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of compact metric spaces and their relationship to converging or diverging sequences. It is stated that in a compact metric space, at least one subsequence of a sequence p(n) will converge to a point in X, but not every subsequence will necessarily converge. The example is given of the sequence p(n) = (-1)^n in the compact metric space X = [-1,1], where two subsequences converge and infinitely many others diverge. It is also clarified that while every converging sequence will have all its subsequences converging to the same point, the converse is not necessarily true. The conversation ends with a request for correction if any of the information is incorrect.
  • #1

In Baby Rudin, Thm 3.6 states that If p(n) is a sequence in a compact metric space X, then some subsequence of p(n) converges to a point in X.

Why is it not the case that every subsequence of p(n) converges to a point in X? I would think a compact set would contain every sequence (finite or infinite) that originates within it.

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  • #2
pob1212 said:

In Baby Rudin, Thm 3.6 states that If p(n) is a sequence in a compact metric space X, then some subsequence of p(n) converges to a point in X.

Why is it not the case that every subsequence of p(n) converges to a point in X? I would think a compact set would contain every sequence (finite or infinite) that originates within it.


Take [itex]X=[-1,1][/itex] and let [itex]p(n)=(-1)^{n}[/itex]. Then there exists a convergent subsequence, namely the constant sequence [itex]p(2n)=1[/itex]. But the subsequence [itex]p(n)[/itex] (= the entire sequence) is not convergent.
  • #3
pob1212 said:

In Baby Rudin, Thm 3.6 states that If p(n) is a sequence in a compact metric space X, then some subsequence of p(n) converges to a point in X.

Why is it not the case that every subsequence of p(n) converges to a point in X? I would think a compact set would contain every sequence (finite or infinite) that originates within it.


As Micromass points out, you can shuffle several convergent sequences that converge to different points.

Can you suffle infinitely many convergent sequences converging to different points? If so what happens?
  • #4
micromass said:
But the subsequence [itex]p(n)[/itex] (= the entire sequence) is not convergent.

I think the issue was that I had assumed bounded sequences converge. This is clearly not the case.

To answer my question using the example you gave, there are 2 subsequences of p(n) which converge: p(2n) and p(2n+1), but a number of other subsequences (infinitely many to be exact) that diverge in X = [-1,1], a compact metric space. But if these 2 subsequences converge then infinitely many subsequences converge (i.e. p(4n), p(6n), ...). Right? And clearly p(3n), p(5n), ... all diverge. So then infinitely many subsequences diverge. Is this right?

In general at least one subsequence of p(n) in a compact metric space X converges to a point in X, but if the sequence p(n) converges to a point p [itex]\in[/itex] X, then every subsequence converges to p [itex]\in[/itex] X.

Please correct me if I'm wrong
  • #5
That's right!

pob1212 said:
I think the issue was that I had assumed bounded sequences converge. This is clearly not the case.

To answer my question using the example you gave, there are 2 subsequences of p(n) which converge: p(2n) and p(2n+1), but a number of other subsequences (infinitely many to be exact) that diverge in X = [-1,1], a compact metric space. But if these 2 subsequences converge then infinitely many subsequences converge (i.e. p(4n), p(6n), ...). Right? And clearly p(3n), p(5n), ... all diverge. So then infinitely many subsequences diverge. Is this right?

In general at least one subsequence of p(n) in a compact metric space X converges to a point in X, but if the sequence p(n) converges to a point p [itex]\in[/itex] X, then every subsequence converges to p [itex]\in[/itex] X.

Please correct me if I'm wrong

FAQ: Convergent sequence in compact metric space

What is a convergent sequence?

A convergent sequence is a sequence of numbers or points that approaches a specific value as the sequence progresses. This value is called the limit of the sequence.

What is a compact metric space?

A compact metric space is a mathematical concept used in topology and analysis. It is a metric space in which every open cover has a finite subcover. In simpler terms, it is a space that is "small enough" to contain all of its limit points.

How do you prove that a sequence is convergent in a compact metric space?

To prove that a sequence is convergent in a compact metric space, you can use the definition of convergence. This involves showing that the sequence gets arbitrarily close to the limit point as the sequence progresses. You can also use the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, which states that every sequence in a compact metric space has a convergent subsequence.

What is the significance of a convergent sequence in a compact metric space?

A convergent sequence in a compact metric space is important because it helps us understand the behavior of a space near its limit points. It also allows us to make predictions about the behavior of the space in certain situations.

Can a sequence be convergent in a non-compact metric space?

Yes, a sequence can be convergent in a non-compact metric space. However, the concept of compactness helps us make stronger statements about the behavior of sequences near their limit points. In a non-compact metric space, a sequence may have limit points that are not contained within the space itself.
