- #1
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Convert the decimal numbers 73, 1906, -95, and -1630 into signed 12 bit numbers in the following representations:
a) Sign and magnitude
b) 1's complement
c) 2's complement
So 73 is easy. It's positive so I know it starts with 0. so I know that
73: sign and mag = 000001001001, 1s complement = 000001001001, 2's complement = 000001001001 . We know this because \(\displaystyle 2^6 + 2^3 + 2^0 = 73.\)
BUT let's say I have
1906. I know the first digit will be 0 because it is positive.
So wouldn't I find the sign and magnitude the same way?
1906 sign and mag =what? Apparently it doesn't work the same way?
they are getting this:
1906 sign and mag: 011101110010 , 1s comp = 011101110010 2s comp = 011101110010
but how? \(\displaystyle 2^{11} + 2^{10} + 2^9\) does NOT equal 1906!
a) Sign and magnitude
b) 1's complement
c) 2's complement
So 73 is easy. It's positive so I know it starts with 0. so I know that
73: sign and mag = 000001001001, 1s complement = 000001001001, 2's complement = 000001001001 . We know this because \(\displaystyle 2^6 + 2^3 + 2^0 = 73.\)
BUT let's say I have
1906. I know the first digit will be 0 because it is positive.
So wouldn't I find the sign and magnitude the same way?
1906 sign and mag =what? Apparently it doesn't work the same way?
they are getting this:
1906 sign and mag: 011101110010 , 1s comp = 011101110010 2s comp = 011101110010
but how? \(\displaystyle 2^{11} + 2^{10} + 2^9\) does NOT equal 1906!