Cooper Pairs: Non-Ideal Gas Behavior & BEC Comparisons

In summary, Cooper pairs do not behave like an ideal gas because they have repulsive interactions between their electrons. These interactions prevent them from behaving like two BEC's. It is not surprising that Cooper pairs can be created using a variety of systems, including two BEC's.
  • #1
Repulsive interactions are an attribute of Cooper Pairs, which mean that Cooper Pairs don't behave like an ideal gas . Are these the only attributes that prevent Cooper pairs to behave like an "ideal" boson? How could we show that the two superconductors of a JJ behave just like two BEC's?
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  • #2
I am not sure I understand the questions. AFAIK you do not need a condensate in order to form a JJ (I presume you mean a Josephson junction). You do not even need a microsopic model for what is going on in the two banks in ordet to derive the Josephson equations (which is fortunate since this means that we can model high-Tc junctions).
There is a very nice (and simple) derivation of the equations in the Feynman lectures. I like it because it shows that the Josephson effect is very "general" (at least once the equations have been generalized to non-sinusoidal CPRs, Feynman's approach can be easily modified to cover this).
Hence, it is not surprising that it can be created using so many different systems including two BEC.

Alexander Golubov wrote a very nice review of the Josephson effects a few years ago (which includes unconventional current-phase relations); you should be able to find it using Google schoolar (I don't remember the title but I do have it on my computer at work).
  • #3
i appreciate the above reply
  • #4
I'm not interested in the derivations of the well know ac and dc josephson equations. However, I am interested in trying to relate the two islands of a josephson junction with two BE condensates of Cooper pairs when the charging energy is sufficiently much larger than the Josephson coupling energy. I'm just having a difficult time in understanding this analogy. I understand that quasiparticle tunneling is minimal, when we have strong repulsive interactions between the two electrons. Any help would be well appreciated.
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FAQ: Cooper Pairs: Non-Ideal Gas Behavior & BEC Comparisons

What are Cooper pairs?

Cooper pairs are pairs of electrons that are bound together by an attractive force in a superconductor. This pairing allows for the electrons to move through the material with no resistance, resulting in the phenomenon of superconductivity.

How do Cooper pairs behave in non-ideal gas conditions?

In non-ideal gas conditions, Cooper pairs can still exist but their behavior may be affected. The attractive force between the electrons may be weakened, leading to a decrease in superconductivity. Additionally, interactions with other particles in the gas can disrupt the pairs, causing them to break apart and resulting in a loss of superconductivity.

What is the relationship between Cooper pairs and Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs)?

Cooper pairs and BECs are both examples of quantum phenomena that arise from the behavior of atoms or particles at extremely low temperatures. While Cooper pairs are pairs of electrons, BECs are collections of atoms that have been cooled to near absolute zero and behave as a single quantum entity.

Can Cooper pairs exhibit Bose-Einstein condensation?

Yes, under certain conditions, Cooper pairs can exhibit Bose-Einstein condensation. This occurs when a large number of Cooper pairs occupy the same quantum state, resulting in the macroscopic behavior of a BEC.

How do non-ideal gas Cooper pairs compare to BECs?

Non-ideal gas Cooper pairs and BECs have many similarities, such as Bose-Einstein condensation and the ability to flow without resistance. However, they also have key differences, such as the particles involved (electrons vs. atoms) and the conditions required for condensation to occur. Additionally, the behavior of Cooper pairs in a non-ideal gas can vary greatly from BECs due to the presence of other particles and interactions within the gas.
