Coordinate basis for cotangent space

In summary: He gets to a point where he wants to say that the ##\partial^\mu A_\mu## term that appears in the contracted Bianchi identity (Carroll's equation 3.51) is equal to the ##J^\mu A_\mu## term. In the vector calculus version, this is because divergence of the curl is zero, but in the differential geometry version it's because of the antisymmetry of the Faraday tensor. It's looking at this example that made me realise that Carroll's "##\partial##" is what I would write as "##abla##" in a vector calculus context.
  • #1
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Warning: this may be totally trivial, or totally wrong.

I've been working through Sean Carroll's lecture notes, and I've got to . I follow the derivation for showing that the tangent space bases are the partial derivatives (Carroll's equation 2.9 on the 13th page of the PDF, numbered 43). However, he only sketches the proof for the cotangent basis, and I'm not sure I've filled in the gaps correctly.

Carroll says that the gradient is the canonical 1-form and quotes its action on the vector ##d/d\lambda## as (Carroll's 2.14, 14th page, numbered 44):
\mathrm{d}f\left(\frac{d}{d\lambda}\right) =\frac{df}{d\lambda}
You can expand this using Carroll's 2.9 as
\mathrm{d}f\left(\frac{d}{d\lambda}\right) =\frac{df}{d\lambda} =\frac{dx^\mu}{d\lambda}\partial_\mu f
from which I deduce that ##d/d\lambda## should be read as ##dx^\mu/d\lambda## in this context, and that ##\mathrm{d}f## is what I would have written in a non-relativistic context as ##\nabla f##. I presume that the difference in notation is because ##\nabla## is reserved for covariant differentiation.

Carroll then says that the gradient of the coordinate functions is the basis, and proves it by acting it on the partials to get a Kronecker delta (Carroll's 2.15, 15th page numbered 45):
\mathrm{d}x^\mu\left(\partial_\nu\right) = \frac{\partial x^\nu}{\partial x^\mu}\partial_\nu x^\mu
Obviously this expression is a delta function.

Is this chain of reasoning correct? I'm none too sue that I'm handling operators and index notation correctly.
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  • #2
That last line should read $$\text{d}x^\mu(\partial_\nu)=\frac{\partial x^\mu}{\partial x^\nu}=\delta^\mu_\nu$$

Also, the gradient we are familiar with ##\nabla f## in Euclidean 3-space is a vector, and so would be the "raised version" of the gradient ##\text{d}f## that is mentioned here. In other words ##\nabla f = (\text{d}f)^\sharp##
  • #3
Matterwave said:
That last line should read $$\text{d}x^\mu(\partial_\nu)=\frac{\partial x^\mu}{\partial x^\nu}=\delta^\mu_\nu$$
That's exactly Carroll's equation 2.15. I was trying to get at how to get from the left hand side to the middle by analogy with Carroll's equation 2.14. 2.14, by way of 2.9, is: $$\mathrm{d}f\left(\frac{d}{d\lambda}\right)=\frac{df}{d\lambda} = \frac{dx^\mu}{d\lambda}\partial_\mu f$$ Since I'm now interested in 2.15, which is ##\mathrm{d}x^\mu(\partial_\nu)##, I tried replacing ##d/d\lambda## with ##\partial/\partial x^\nu## and ##f## with ##x^\mu## to get the expression I quoted. I get the impression from your reply that that was wrong and that the answer comes out directly - but if so I don't see how. I think I should formally construct the maps represented by the shorthand here and see if I can see it (Edit: something I'll do in the morning...).

Matterwave said:
Also, the gradient we are familiar with ##\nabla f## in Euclidean 3-space is a vector, and so would be the "raised version" of the gradient ##\text{d}f## that is mentioned here. In other words ##\nabla f = (\text{d}f)^\sharp##
I was under the impression that the gradient was always a 1-form, even in Euclidean space. It's just that the Euclidean metric tensor is trivial, so one can get away with being sloppy about the distinction between vectors and dual vectors (or not even realize that there is a distinction to be made), since ##V_i=g_{ij}V^j=V^i## in this one case. Is that wrong?
  • #4
Ibix said:
That's exactly Carroll's equation 2.15. I was trying to get at how to get from the left hand side to the middle by analogy with Carroll's equation 2.14. 2.14, by way of 2.9, is: $$\mathrm{d}f\left(\frac{d}{d\lambda}\right)=\frac{df}{d\lambda} = \frac{dx^\mu}{d\lambda}\partial_\mu f$$ Since I'm now interested in 2.15, which is ##\mathrm{d}x^\mu(\partial_\nu)##, I tried replacing ##d/d\lambda## with ##\partial/\partial x^\nu## and ##f## with ##x^\mu## to get the expression I quoted. I get the impression from your reply that that was wrong and that the answer comes out directly - but if so I don't see how. I think I should formally construct the maps represented by the shorthand here and see if I can see it (Edit: something I'll do in the morning...).

It comes directly. Make your substitutions into the middle equality and the expression follows directly. If you want to replace it in the final expression, you have to find a different index than ##\mu##. In the expression you wrote in the OP both ##\mu,\nu## appear twice which means both are summed over, when they shouldn't be. So, if you replace at the second equality you get:$$\text{d}x^\mu(\partial_\nu)=\frac{\partial x^\rho}{\partial x^\nu}\partial_\rho x^\mu$$ By the chain rule and the inverse function theorem you'll get back a delta function in ##\mu,\nu##.
I was under the impression that the gradient was always a 1-form, even in Euclidean space. It's just that the Euclidean metric tensor is trivial, so one can get away with being sloppy about the distinction between vectors and dual vectors (or not even realize that there is a distinction to be made), since ##V_i=g_{ij}V^j=V^i## in this one case. Is that wrong?

The natural gradient that we see in differential geometry is always a 1-form, but the gradient that we see in vector calculus is usually the vector gradient since one forms are not used in ordinary vector calculus. The metric is only trivial in Cartesian coordinates. The gradient in spherical coordinates, for example, that you see in Wikipedia is the vector gradient.
  • #5
Matterwave said:
It comes directly. Make your substitutions into the middle equality and the expression follows directly. If you want to replace it in the final expression, you have to find a different index than ##\mu##. In the expression you wrote in the OP both ##\mu,\nu## appear twice which means both are summed over, when they shouldn't be. So, if you replace at the second equality you get:$$\text{d}x^\mu(\partial_\nu)=\frac{\partial x^\rho}{\partial x^\nu}\partial_\rho x^\mu$$ By the chain rule and the inverse function theorem you'll get back a delta function in ##\mu,\nu##.
Thanks - I'll think about that.

Matterwave said:
The natural gradient that we see in differential geometry is always a 1-form, but the gradient that we see in vector calculus is usually the vector gradient since one forms are not used in ordinary vector calculus. The metric is only trivial in Cartesian coordinates. The gradient in spherical coordinates, for example, that you see in Wikipedia is the vector gradient.
Of course. I'm going to get this change-of-basis-changes-tensor-components stuff through my head one of these days.

In fact, there's an example of the difference between vector calculus and differential geometry earlier on in Carroll's notes. He's talking about Maxwell's equations, and converts them to differential geometric forms by "raising and lowering indices with abandon" (possibly not quite a direct quote). He has to do this because, as you say, the vector calculus version uses only vectors and the differential geometry version uses forms and vectors.

FAQ: Coordinate basis for cotangent space

What is a coordinate basis for cotangent space?

A coordinate basis for cotangent space refers to a set of coordinate vectors that span the dual space of a given tangent space. It is used to describe the linear functionals that act on the tangent space, allowing for the calculation of directional derivatives and other operations in differential geometry.

How is a coordinate basis for cotangent space related to tangent space?

The coordinate basis for cotangent space is closely related to the basis for tangent space. The tangent space is a vector space that is defined at each point on a manifold, while the cotangent space is the dual space of the tangent space. This means that while tangent vectors represent directional derivatives, cotangent vectors represent the linear functionals that act on the tangent vectors.

What is the role of a coordinate basis for cotangent space in differential geometry?

The coordinate basis for cotangent space plays a crucial role in differential geometry as it allows for the calculation of directional derivatives, which are essential for understanding the behavior of curves and surfaces in higher dimensions. It also helps in defining the metric tensor, which is used to measure distances and angles on a manifold.

How is a coordinate basis for cotangent space calculated?

A coordinate basis for cotangent space can be calculated by taking the basis for tangent space and using the dual basis construction. This involves taking the basis vectors for tangent space and defining their dual vectors, which are then used to span the cotangent space. In some cases, the coordinate basis can be calculated using a coordinate chart or transformation.

What are some applications of a coordinate basis for cotangent space?

The coordinate basis for cotangent space has various applications in mathematics and physics. It is used in differential geometry to understand the geometry of curved spaces, in mechanics to study the dynamics of systems with multiple degrees of freedom, and in general relativity to describe the behavior of spacetime. It is also used in other fields such as computer graphics, robotics, and machine learning.
