Coordinate representation of the momentum operator

In summary, the position operator in coordinate representation is Xab=aδ(a-b), which is diagonal as expected. The momentum operator, Pab=-ih∂aδ(a-b), is not supposed to be diagonal as it does not commute with X. However, it may appear diagonal to some, but this is not always the case. The support of the derivative of a distribution is contained within the support of the original distribution, but this does not mean that the derivative is always zero wherever the original distribution is zero. The concept of distributions can be thought of as being supported on functions, not on the domain of the functions themselves. Therefore, the derivative of a delta function is not necessarily zero wherever the delta function is zero.
  • #1
The position operator in coordinate representation is:
this is diagonal as expected

The momentum operator turns out to look like

Now, this is not supposed to be diagonal because it does not commute with X.
However it looks pretty diagonal to me.

What am I missing?
Physics news on
  • #2
The momentum operator is not what you wrote here. It is equal to:
[tex]P_{ab} = e^{i(a-b)}[/tex]
with some scaling factors.
  • #3
haael said:
The momentum operator is not what you wrote here. It is equal to:
[tex]P_{ab} = e^{i(a-b)}[/tex]
with some scaling factors.

What exactly are you saying?

Anyone familiar with quantum mechanics in dirac notation?
  • #4
MSLion said:
The position operator in coordinate representation is:
this is diagonal as expected

The momentum operator turns out to look like

Now, this is not supposed to be diagonal because it does not commute with X.
However it looks pretty diagonal to me.

What am I missing?

I don't see how it looks diagonal. For something to be diagonal, it needs to be multiplied by a delta function. An example of a diagonal matrix is:

Oab=δ(a-b) f(a,b)

for arbitrary function f(a,b).

The delta function is essentially the identity matrix, and f(a,b) are the diagonal components.
  • #5
From what I understood on distributions the support of the derivative of a distribution is contained within the support of the original distribution.

Therefore ∂aδ(a-b) should be zero wherever δ(a-b) is.
  • #6
MSLion said:
From what I understood on distributions the support of the derivative of a distribution is contained within the support of the original distribution.

Therefore ∂aδ(a-b) should be zero wherever δ(a-b) is.

Distributions are supported on functions ##f(a)##, not on the domain of the functions themselves. Given a function ##f(a)##, we have ##\delta[f]=f(0)## and ## \delta'[f]=f'(0)##. These are generally not equal. The same argument can be made for delta functions which are shifted away from the origin.

##\delta'## is as independent of ##\delta## as an ordinary function is from its derivative. There's no unitary operator that can map one to another (for all test functions ##f##).

FAQ: Coordinate representation of the momentum operator

1. What is the coordinate representation of the momentum operator?

The coordinate representation of the momentum operator is a mathematical expression that describes the momentum of a particle in terms of its position in space. It is denoted as p and is defined as p = -iħ(∂/∂x), where ħ is the reduced Planck's constant and x is the position coordinate.

2. How is the momentum operator related to the position operator?

The momentum operator is related to the position operator through the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which states that the product of the uncertainties in position and momentum must be greater than or equal to ħ/2. In other words, the two operators do not commute and their values cannot be known simultaneously with certainty.

3. What is the significance of the momentum operator in quantum mechanics?

The momentum operator plays a crucial role in quantum mechanics as it is used to describe the movement and behavior of particles at the subatomic level. It is a fundamental operator that is used in many quantum mechanical equations and is essential for understanding the behavior of particles in the quantum world.

4. How is the momentum operator used in solving quantum mechanical problems?

The momentum operator is used in solving quantum mechanical problems by applying it to the wave function of a particle in the Schrödinger equation. This allows us to determine the momentum of the particle and how it changes over time, which in turn helps us understand the quantum behavior of the system.

5. Can the momentum operator be represented in other coordinate systems?

Yes, the momentum operator can be represented in other coordinate systems, such as spherical or cylindrical coordinates. The expression for the momentum operator will change depending on the coordinate system, but its fundamental role in describing the momentum of a particle remains the same.

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