Coordinate systems for electric fields.

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of different coordinate systems in solving for an electric field inside a solid sphere. The choice of coordinate system can be based on natural symmetries in the problem, and in this case, using spherical coordinates is the most logical and simplest option. The reason for this is that the flux through a spherical surface depends only on its radius, making it easier to solve for the electric field using spherical coordinates. The use of Cartesian coordinates would result in a more complicated solution.
  • #1
Im curious about an electric field (somewhere of radius s) inside a solid sphere (radius a) such that:

[tex]\int E.da=E4\pi s^{2}[/tex]
and Q = [tex]\frac{\rho 4\pi s^{3}}{\epsilon_{o}3}[/tex]

What is the difference between using each coordinate system to solve for E? It's just that I've really had to teach my self most maths involved with physics and although i can do most things, sometimes fundamental definitions escape me.
I tried searching for an answer but found it hard to understand the difference between spherical and Cartesian x, y, z coordinates. Am i right in assuming that the above is solved with Cartesian coordinates?
Im sure this is a very stupid and basic question.
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  • #2
The choice of coordinate system can be matched to natural symmetries in the problem. Choosing an "unnatural" system generally makes the equations very difficult, although the resulting solution is still valid. For a spherical system, the natural coordinates are spherical. (Makes sense?) Note that you wrote an equation above in terms of radius s, which is one of the spherical coordinates. Expressing this in cartesian coordinates would be far more complicated since
[tex]s=\sqrt{x^2 + y^2 + z^2}.[/tex]

To summarize: You are exploiting symmetry in the solution. The flux through a spherical surface surrounding a part of the medium depends only on its radius, so spherical coordinates are the logical and simplest choice in this case.
  • #3
Thankyou. I'm using the radius rather than a point xyz so its sperical. Makes sense.

Thanks again.

FAQ: Coordinate systems for electric fields.

1. What is a coordinate system for electric fields?

A coordinate system for electric fields is a mathematical framework used to describe and analyze the distribution and behavior of electric fields in a particular region of space. It involves assigning coordinates to points in space and using mathematical equations to represent the electric field at those points.

2. What are the common types of coordinate systems for electric fields?

The most common types of coordinate systems for electric fields are Cartesian coordinates, cylindrical coordinates, and spherical coordinates. These systems have different ways of assigning coordinates to points in space and are useful for different types of electric field configurations.

3. How do I choose the right coordinate system for my electric field problem?

The choice of coordinate system for an electric field problem depends on the symmetry and complexity of the field. For example, if the field has cylindrical symmetry, it would be best to use cylindrical coordinates. It is important to choose a coordinate system that simplifies the problem and makes it easier to solve.

4. Can I convert between different coordinate systems for electric fields?

Yes, it is possible to convert between different coordinate systems for electric fields using mathematical transformations. These transformations involve converting the coordinates and the electric field components from one system to another using specific equations.

5. Are there any limitations to using coordinate systems for electric fields?

Coordinate systems for electric fields are mathematical tools and have limitations when it comes to describing certain types of fields. For example, some electric fields may not have a specific symmetry that can be represented by a standard coordinate system. In such cases, advanced mathematical techniques may be needed to analyze the field.
