Coordinates of Planets: An Astronomer's Guide

In summary, a novice astronomer was curious about the different coordinate systems used for stars and galaxies, and wondered about the convention for denoting the location of planets and the moon. They also asked about the possibility of using the celestial coordinate system for locating planets and the moon. It was explained that there are many celestial coordinate systems and it all comes down to choosing an origin, a directed reference plane, and a directed reference line. The most commonly used reference planes are the Earth's equator, orbital plane, and galactic plane. The process for defining a basic reference system for planets and the moon was also mentioned. Finally, a reliable website for generating the coordinates of planets in various coordinate systems was recommended.
  • #1
Hi, a novice astronomer here.

Was just looking at some stars/galaxies/planets the other day, and followed up some observations by looking at their locations (on wikipedia).

I noticed that for stars/galaxies there are a range of different coordinate/location systems used, although the celestial coordinate system seems the most common (e.g. 13h 23.7m xxs etc).

My question is thus, what is the convention for denoting the location/coordinates of planets/the moon? Since they are continuously moving, as are we on Earth, is there a dedicated system to describe their location?

Also as an aside, does the same happen with galaxies/stars? Because they are further away does their coordinate location change but by smaller magnitudes? Basically why can't the celestial coordinate system be used to locate planets/the moon?
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  • #2
t_n_p said:
I noticed that for stars/galaxies there are a range of different coordinate/location systems used, although the celestial coordinate system seems the most common (e.g. 13h 23.7m xxs etc).
That "13h 23.7m xxs" business is not a coordinate system. It is just the goofy way astronomers represent angle. Instead of a circle being 360 degrees it is 24 hours to astronomers. A minute in this scale is 1/60 of an hour, or 1/4 degree. A second is 1/60 of a minute, or 1/240 degrees, or 1/4 arc seconds.

There are many celestial coordinate systems. Astronomical coordinates are essentially spherical coordinates. Latitude, longitude, altitude are essentially spherical coordinates, for example. Such systems use a directed reference plane and a directed reference line on the plane (the Earth's equator and the intersection of the Greenwich meridian and the equator in case of latitude and longitude). The latitude (or its equivalent) of some point is the angle between the reference plane and the line from the origin to the point; the sign denotes whether the point is above or below the plane. The longitude (or its equivalent) is the angle between some reference line on the plane and the line from the origin to the projection of the point onto the plane.

So it all comes down to choosing an origin, a directed reference plane, and a directed reference line on the reference plane. There are an infinite number of choices. The most commonly used reference planes are the Earth's equator, The Earth's orbital plane, and the galactic plane.
  • #3
thanks for the reply.
that helps to clear up that part of the question, but what now of the planets/earth's moon?
  • #4
t_n_p said:
thanks for the reply.
that helps to clear up that part of the question, but what now of the planets/earth's moon?

If you want the gory details...

What you do is to use observations to distance quasars to define a basic reference system, and then use some algorithms to convert that system to one in which the sun's barycenter is in the middle.
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  • #5
thanks for the reply.
I found this website:
it claims to tell you the right ascension of the planets at any given date you plug in.

Would you say something like this is reliable?
  • #6
  • #7

Related to Coordinates of Planets: An Astronomer's Guide

What are coordinates of planets?

Coordinates of planets refer to the location of a planet in the sky, relative to a specific reference point. These coordinates are typically given as a combination of celestial longitude and latitude, or right ascension and declination.

How are coordinates of planets determined?

Coordinates of planets are determined using a variety of astronomical techniques, including observations from telescopes and spacecraft, as well as mathematical calculations. Astronomers use specific reference points, such as the position of stars or other celestial objects, to determine the coordinates of planets.

Why do coordinates of planets change?

The coordinates of planets change due to their orbital motion around the sun. As a planet moves along its orbit, its position in the sky relative to the reference point also changes. Additionally, the Earth's own motion around the sun can also affect the coordinates of planets.

What is the purpose of knowing coordinates of planets?

Knowing the coordinates of planets is important for astronomers to accurately locate and track the positions of planets in the sky. This information can also help with planning observations, calculating orbits, and making predictions about the movements of planets.

Are the coordinates of planets the same for everyone?

No, the coordinates of planets can vary depending on the location of the observer on Earth. For example, a planet may appear higher in the sky for an observer in the northern hemisphere compared to an observer in the southern hemisphere. Additionally, the coordinates may also change depending on the time and date of observation.

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