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Homework Statement
I got a problem with some simple modeling. The original code assumes a spherical cloud with a central source, and it assumes that the source sits at the centre of the sphere. I want to change this model and instead of using photons coming from the central source, I want to assume that the photons start from the surface of the sphere.
Homework Equations
The original parameters are:
Initial Location
xp = xs
yp = ys
zp = zs
Set the photon of travel ---------
! nxp=sint*cos(phi)
! nyp=sint*sin(phi)
! nzp=cost
I used spherical coordinates for the starting point (r,t,phi)
What sort of conversion is needed in the setting of the photon travel?
The Attempt at a Solution
Any hints/help is more than welcome
Thanks a lot in advance