COP of Reversible Refrigeration Cycles

In summary, the coefficient of performance (COP) for a reversible refrigeration cycle between two thermal energy reservoirs with temperatures TH and TL is given by TL/TH-TL. This applies to both Carnot and Brayton cycles, although the latter is internally reversible but not externally reversible in the thermodynamic sense. This may account for the discrepancy in COP values between the two cycles, as the Brayton cycle involves heat transfer through a finite temperature difference, making it externally irreversible. It is important for textbooks to be more specific and accurate in their descriptions to avoid confusion.
  • #1
Considering two thermal energy reservoirs, one at a higher temperature of TH compared to the other at TL, if we operate a reversible refrigeration cycle between the reservoirs then its coefficient of performance is given by,


This is the basically the maximum COP a refrigeration cycle can achieve operating between two thermal energy reservoirs at TH and TL.Since a Carnot refrigerator is a reversible refrigeration cycle the above expression for COPR,rev is valid for the reversed Carnot cycle.

If we consider any other reversible refrigeration cycle operating between the same two temperature limits it should have a similar COP as given by the above expression.Now considering a reversed Brayton cycle which is a reversible cycle (all processes are internally reversible) operating between two TERs at TH and TL,it should be given similarly as,

COPreversed brayton cycle=TL/TH-TL=COPreversed carnot cycle

But my textbook outlines that the COP of a reversed Brayton cycle is less than that of a reversed Carnot cycle operating under similar temperature limits.(Please refer to the attachment)

This seems contradictory as all reversible refrigerators should have the same COP operating between the same temperature limits.

Any thoughts?

Gas Refrigeration Cycle.jpg
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  • #2
The explanation given seems to be a bit careless with the use of the term "reversible". When it speaks of the Brayton power cycle consisting of processes each of which are "internally reversible" it appears to be using that term in the sense that each of the processes can be run in the opposite direction. That is a confusing use of the term "reversible". It does not mean that each of the processes are "reversible" in the thermodynamic sense (i.e. that the system and surroundings are always infinitesimally close to thermodynamic equilibrium so that the direction can be reversed by an infinitesimal change of conditions). The Brayton power cycle is not a reversible cycle. Like any thermodynamic cycle, it can be run in the opposite or reverse direction to make heat flow to occur from the cold reservoir to the hot reservoir by doing mechanical work on the system.

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  • #3
Andrew Mason said:
The explanation given seems to be a bit careless with the use of the term "reversible". When it speaks of the Brayton power cycle consisting of processes each of which are "internally reversible" it appears to be using that term in the sense that each of the processes can be run in the opposite direction. That is a confusing use of the term "reversible". It does not mean that each of the processes are "reversible" in the thermodynamic sense (i.e. that the system and surroundings are always infinitesimally close to thermodynamic equilibrium so that the direction can be reversed by an infinitesimal change of conditions). The Brayton power cycle is not a reversible cycle. Like any thermodynamic cycle, it can be run in the opposite or reverse direction to make heat flow to occur from the cold reservoir to the hot reservoir by doing mechanical work on the system.


Well I guessed it correctly a cycle that is truly "reversible" in thermodynamic sense should be both internally and externally reversible.Probably Carnot cycle is the best known thermodynamic cycle that is totally reversible in nature.Reversed Brayton cycle involves heat transfer through a finite temperature difference and thus is externally irreversible.

Indeed books should be more careful and specific in descriptions.

Related to COP of Reversible Refrigeration Cycles

What is COP of reversible refrigeration cycles?

The coefficient of performance (COP) of reversible refrigeration cycles is a measure of the efficiency of a refrigeration system. It is defined as the ratio of the heat removed from the cold reservoir to the work input required to remove that heat.

How is COP calculated?

COP is calculated by dividing the desired output (heat removed) by the required input (work). In the case of reversible refrigeration cycles, the desired output is the heat removed from the cold reservoir and the required input is the work required to remove that heat.

What is the significance of COP in refrigeration systems?

COP is an important measure of efficiency in refrigeration systems because it indicates how much heat can be removed with a given amount of work input. A higher COP means a more efficient system, as less work is required to remove the same amount of heat.

What factors can affect the COP of reversible refrigeration cycles?

The COP of reversible refrigeration cycles can be affected by various factors such as the type of refrigerant used, the temperature difference between the hot and cold reservoirs, and the design and efficiency of the components used in the system.

What is the ideal COP for a reversible refrigeration cycle?

The ideal COP for a reversible refrigeration cycle is infinite, which would mean that no work is required to remove heat from the cold reservoir. However, this is not achievable in real systems. The COP of practical refrigeration systems usually ranges from 2 to 6.

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