Coral Castle Mystery: Unravel a Unique Mystery

  • Thread starter klaw
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In summary, Coral Castle mystery is pretty interesting. Edward Leedskalnin built the castle all by himself, without any modern day tools, and he claimed that it was due to "magnetic current." The energy comes from the conserved magnetic dipole moments of the atoms inside the bar magnets, which are all aligned macroscopically to form a north and a south pole.
  • #1
coral castle mystery...

pretty interesting
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Physics news on
  • #2
So what did he discover? I don't know, but I know this, that if you take two bar magnets North, to North and place them in a tube. Mark the position that the top magnet is elevated in the tube, and wait 10 years that they will STILL be in the same position. Where did the 'energy' come from to keep that top magnet elevated? It has a weight, a mass, and is opposing the force of gravity for many years. If I replace the bottom magnet with an electromagnet, and elevated the top magnet to the same position, I could calculate the amount of energy used by the electromagnet. So where did the energy come from?
Would anyone be able explain this to me?
To me it sounds like 'free energy' but I've probably overlooked something. Or perhaps it simply can't be explained yet? nfi :)
  • #3

I had known about the mystery of Coral Castle since I watched the TV program hosted by Leonard Nimoy of Star Trek’s fame called “In Search of…”

The key person behind Coral Castle was Edward Leedskalnin. This person is also a mystery all by himself. But he built Coral Castle single-handedly and without any kind of modern day tools at his disposal. How he did it? This is the mystery.

What got me interested is his booklet about “Magnetic Current.” Since magnetic monopoles are not presently detectable by any kind of laboratory apparatus, physicists are convinced that there is no such thing as a “magnetic current.” The analogy to the electric current cannot be made. The electric current are the motion of charged particle like electrons and ions. But from the theory of electromagnetism, when electric charges move a magnetic field is created. Magnetic field can only exist if some kind of electric charge moves.

The electron is practically a point object. It has a mass. It has a charge. It also has a magnetic dipole moment. These are all measurable by experiments. Even each of the different types of neutrino with zero electric charge can be measured to have a very small magnetic dipole moment.

The existence of magnetic dipole moments in particles indicates that there is some sort of charge (density distribution) motion inside the particles. The neutron has no electric charge yet it has an absolute value of magnetic dipole moment as big as the proton. Physicists have no clear descriptions of how the charges are distributed inside the particles. There might be a connection to the concept of spin in quantum mechanics.

The answer to your question: where the energy comes from is the conserved magnetic dipole moments of the atoms inside the bar magnets, which are all aligned macroscopically to form a north and a south pole.

  • #4
To add to what Antonio said, it's not really free energy, it's potential energy. Potential energy is not used up in a standing state. Take the example of a spring holding up an object. Though the object has mass, the spring will hold it in place without using energy. To quote the article:
If we could cancel out the gravitational effect would that mean that we were creating energy to hold up the magnet, or would it mean that we didn't create energy, but instead didn't need it.
Magnetism behaves like a spring, resisting the force of gravity instead of literally pushing back against it. It is not using energy to do so, because the affected object is not being accelerated. No net work is being done.
  • #5
Originally posted by Antonio Lao
Even each of the different types of neutrino with zero electric charge can be measured to have a very small magnetic dipole moment.

The existence of magnetic dipole moments in particles indicates that there is some sort of charge (density distribution) motion inside the particles. The neutron has no electric charge yet it has an absolute value of magnetic dipole moment as big as the proton. Physicists have no clear descriptions of how the charges are distributed inside the particles. There might be a connection to the concept of spin in quantum mechanics.

I was not aware that this had been proven! Why has this not created a renewed interest in the idea of magnetic current? From Leedskalnin's Book of Magnetic Current:
If one-half of the force that makes up the atom is in the core, and the other half of the force run around the core, then in that case the atom could not join the other atoms to make a metal that could hold two magnet poles.
This being said, could not the same be said of electricity? In other words, how can electricity create a dipole magnetic field if it is flowing only in one direction? I'd never really made the connection before, but perhaps a capacitor is proof of this? The function of a capacitor is dependant on having created a strong negative charge on one plate, and a strong positive charge on another plate. As they are connected, the charges are exchanged simultaneously (in a non-alternating fashion). How can this fit with the standard model of electrons flowing in one direction through the circuit? Seems to me that it can't.

I also like the fact that the model which Leedskalnin describes does away with the concept of fields which I never really understood anyway. The term "field" sort of implied some magical transfer of energy from one point to another. Gravitational, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields are all a result of the exchange of 'magnets' as he describes them. Could it be that the 'magnets' are Higgs particles?
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  • #6

Everyone go there.

Now find that booklet he wrote so someone can use this super secret magic like science for some good.

...After you research it enough you see why it's super secret and hidden by explanations of technology that are actually myths. This negative electricty science is very powerful and dangerous.
  • #7
Coral Castle - what does 'high technology' mean?

Pergatory said:
I was not aware that this had been proven! Why has this not created a renewed interest in the idea of magnetic current? From Leedskalnin's Book of Magnetic Current:

This being said, could not the same be said of electricity? In other words, how can electricity create a dipole magnetic field if it is flowing only in one direction? I'd never really made the connection before, but perhaps a capacitor is proof of this? The function of a capacitor is dependant on having created a strong negative charge on one plate, and a strong positive charge on another plate. As they are connected, the charges are exchanged simultaneously (in a non-alternating fashion). How can this fit with the standard model of electrons flowing in one direction through the circuit? Seems to me that it can't.

I also like the fact that the model which Leedskalnin describes does away with the concept of fields which I never really understood anyway. The term "field" sort of implied some magical transfer of energy from one point to another. Gravitational, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields are all a result of the exchange of 'magnets' as he describes them. Could it be that the 'magnets' are Higgs particles?
This sure sounds like the so called magic world of "spin".

The capacitor model works. In semi-conductor physics terms you have described a PN juction, where the positive charge cariers are the "hole" is located by the crystal lattice atom that has lost an electron. The N in PN is the electron negative charge. The P is the "acceptor" positive charge, otherwise known as "hole".

There are two views on the basic structure of the spin of an electron.Where spin is measured purely by the direction of motion in the z-axis (up/down, +,-) off the y-axis when moving through an inhomogeneous magnetic field, B, where the field direction and field gradient direction (mechanically determined) are oriented up,up (or down,down or other ) The gradient is distributed as energy_density(z), where 'up' is low-to-increasing density.

View 1. Each electron is either +e, or -e, implying a two prewired spin state exist before polarization when entering the field/gradient volume. This demonstrates the 50/50 disrtibuition ('dice game AE confused witha coin/flip) statistics so disfavored by Einstein.

View 2. The electron is in a pre-polarized dynamic alternating state of +-+-+-+- and so on, where each observed state, + or - is shortlived for some t> 0. When the electron enters the polarizing field/gradient volume the current observed state becomes the default polarized state. One nice thing about this model is that the 50/50 statistical head flip can be maintained perfectly by assuming the observed +-+-+-+- switching schemes is purely regular as indicated. Conforming to JS Bell's equirement for a minimum completness, the nonobserved state is assigned a nonlocal status () when not observed, therefore the dynamics would go as +(-) -(+) +(-) -(+) etc where no physical implications are impressed on the () state, the nonlocal.

Getting back to the spin we see an eyes widening event (mine widened) when noticing the electron moves equally well, is diverted equally, whether in the + or - direction, B. This requires navigation ability to move equally as effiicient when moving into energy density increasing environment ''up', or decreasing energy density 'down'. The forces of motion on the electron cannot be reconsiled with a simple "potential" gradient model, especially when the forces on the electron are magnetically centered. As the electron moves exclusively in the pre-polarized y-axis and adds the dz/dt direction imposed when polarized, the time varying electric (dB/dt) field pops into consideration as an electron-particle-local time varying elecric field volumethat is dragged along by the moving spin-1 particle, leaving the time invariant magnetic field/gradient volume in its wake to the rear.

There is a that graphically and schematically, describe the basics of spin particle transitions through Stern-Gerlach field gradient volumes, using the three-state spin-1 particles as test vehicles: Three state system (+, +-, -).

There is no wonder the prevailing scientific community haven't discovered "magnetic monopoles" they went looking for the poles in all the local only regions. Characterisitc magnetic monopole dynamics is necessarily local/ nonlocal in nature, but all the particles have one. The other problem, also, is the rote assumption that magnetic monopole dynamics can be properly modeled using an orbiting electric field (local only model) as the magnetic monopole generator. The mm generating system is orders of magnitude more complex than the simple minded (crude) orbiting field contrivance.

Finally,, the Corall Castle story contains a semi constant thread of "soniic engineering, or technology, associated with the man who built the Coral Castle.
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FAQ: Coral Castle Mystery: Unravel a Unique Mystery

1. What is Coral Castle and where is it located?

Coral Castle is a unique and mysterious structure located in Homestead, Florida. It was built by a man named Edward Leedskalnin between 1923 and 1951. It is made entirely of coral rock and consists of numerous megalithic stones, some weighing up to 30 tons.

2. How was Coral Castle built and by whom?

Coral Castle was built solely by Edward Leedskalnin, who claimed to have single-handedly moved and carved the massive stones without any modern technology. He kept his construction methods a secret, leading to many theories and speculations about how he accomplished such a feat.

3. What is the mystery surrounding Coral Castle?

The main mystery surrounding Coral Castle is how Edward Leedskalnin was able to move and carve the massive stones without any help or modern technology. He also refused to allow anyone to watch him work, adding to the intrigue and speculation surrounding the construction of Coral Castle.

4. Are there any theories about how Coral Castle was built?

There are several theories about how Coral Castle was built, including the use of anti-gravity technology, sound waves, and even supernatural abilities. However, there is no concrete evidence to support any of these theories, and the true construction methods remain a mystery.

5. Can visitors explore Coral Castle today?

Yes, Coral Castle is now open to the public for tours. Visitors can explore the various structures and learn more about the mystery surrounding its construction. However, some of the original pieces, such as the nine-ton gate, are now missing and have been replaced with replicas.
