Coriolis Acceleration of a Mechanism

In summary: Thanks for your help!In summary, the problem involves a rotating mechanism with various pin connections and sliding links. The angular velocity of link AB is 2 rad/s and its angular acceleration is 4 rad/s^2. The angular velocity of link CD is 4.62 rad/s. The relative velocity of point C with reference to A is 1.386 m/s and its velocity is 0.8 m/s. The angular acceleration of link CD is unknown. The relative acceleration of point C with reference to A is both horizontal and vertical, and its magnitude and direction can be determined using vector analysis. The acceleration of point C is also both horizontal and vertical, and can be found using the Coriolis acceleration equations.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Rod AB rotates with the angular velocity and acceleration CCW as shown. Points A and D are pin connected. The collar C is pin connected to the link CD and slides over the link AB. At the instant shown the link CD is vertical and the link AB has an angular velocity of 2 rad/s, and an angular acceleration of 4 rad/s2


1) The angular velocity of link CD
2) The relative velocity of point C with reference to A
3) The velocity of point C
4) The angular acceleration of link CD
5) The relative acceleration of point C with reference to A
6) The acceleration of point C --> Here is a picture of the question so you can see what the mechanism looks like.

Homework Equations

v = ωr (1)
an = ω2r (2)
at = αr (3)
vb = va + vb/a (4)
ab = aa + ab/a (5)[/B]

Coriolis Accel. eqn

acorn = -2ω(vb/a t) (6)
acort = 2ω(vb/a n) (7)

The Attempt at a Solution

Since this solution involves drawing various vectors I will include a picture of my work to help make things a bit easier. All of my work is in this picture as well so you can either look at my work their or at what I have written below.,4PSWKHt


First off I started with the velocity analysis and drew where I thought the velocity vectors of each point would be. From my vectors vc, vc', and vc/c' I found,

vc' = vc cos 30 = 1.386 m/s
vc/c' = vc sin 30 = 0.8 m/s

next I found my angular velocity of CD,

ωCD = vc' / rCD = 4.62 rad/s


I started off by writing down all the relevant equations

acn = rAC ωAC2
act = rAC αAC

ac'n = rCD ωCD2
ac't = rCD αCD

ac/c'n = ?
ac/c't = ?

acorn = -2ωCD(vc/c'n)
acort = 2ωCD(vc/c't)

What I am stuck on is that I don't know where my vectors are supposed to go. I'm not sure what I've done wrong and don't really know where to go from here.
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  • #2
The ω^2-related accelerations are always towards the center of rotation, the others orthogonal to it. And you know the orientations of those vectors with your 30°-sketch, this is similar to the velocities.
  • #3
mfb said:
The ω^2-related accelerations are always towards the center of rotation, the others orthogonal to it. And you know the orientations of those vectors with your 30°-sketch, this is similar to the velocities.
So since I drew my vc/c' directly down my ac/c'n would be down in the same direction and I would have no tangential ac/c't?
  • #4
I'm not sure if I understand your notation (why don't you use coordinates like x and y?). You have both horizontal and vertical acceleration at point C.
  • #5
It's ok I think I have found what I did wrong!

FAQ: Coriolis Acceleration of a Mechanism

1. What is Coriolis acceleration?

Coriolis acceleration is a type of acceleration that occurs when a body is in motion on a rotating frame of reference. It is caused by the Coriolis force, which is a fictitious force that appears to act on objects in a rotating frame of reference.

2. How does Coriolis acceleration affect mechanisms?

Coriolis acceleration can affect mechanisms by causing them to experience a force that is perpendicular to the direction of motion. This can result in changes in the trajectory, velocity, and acceleration of the mechanism.

3. What is the Coriolis force and how is it related to Coriolis acceleration?

The Coriolis force is a fictitious force that appears to act on objects in a rotating frame of reference. It is directly proportional to the angular velocity of the rotating frame and the velocity of the object, and is responsible for causing Coriolis acceleration.

4. Can Coriolis acceleration be measured and calculated?

Yes, Coriolis acceleration can be measured and calculated using the equation a = 2ω x v, where a is the Coriolis acceleration, ω is the angular velocity, and v is the velocity of the object. It can also be measured using specialized instruments such as Coriolis accelerometers.

5. What are some real-world applications of Coriolis acceleration?

Coriolis acceleration has many practical applications, including in navigation systems, gyroscopes, and centrifuges. It is also important in understanding weather patterns, ocean currents, and the motion of celestial bodies.
