Coriolis and centrifugal forces

In summary, Homework Equations state that the F notation is for the fixed coordinate system and R for the rotating one. The equation states that \vec{a}_R=\vec{a}_F-2\vec{\omega}\times\vec{V}_R-\vec{\omega}\times\left( \vec{\omega}\times \vec{r} \right) andHi Karol! :smile: if the coordinate system is changed then the fictitious forces acting on objects (coriolis and centrifugal) change. The Coriolis force is smaller when the coordinate system is closer to the moving object but the centrifugal force is the same in both cases.
  • #1

Homework Statement

There is a fixed coordinate system and a rotating one. the origins don't coincide.
The situation is like a stone falling from a tower on earth, where the rotating system has it's origin at the base of the tower.
Are the coriolis and centrifugal forces dependent on the choice of the coordinate system?
According to the equation-yes, because r is measured in the rotating system (is it?), but my intuition says the forces are constant.
If i choose a closer coordinate system to the moving object then the imaginary forces, the coriolis and centrifugal, are smaller, no?

Homework Equations

The "F" notation is for the fixed coordinate system and "R" for the rotating one.
[tex]\vec{a}_R=\vec{a}_F-2\vec{\omega}\times\vec{V}_R-\vec{\omega}\times\left( \vec{\omega}\times \vec{r} \right)[/tex]


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  • #2
Hi Karol! :smile:
Karol said:
Are the coriolis and centrifugal forces dependent on the choice of the coordinate system?
According to the equation-yes, because r is measured in the rotating system (is it?) …

Yes of course.

r and v are measured in the rotating frame.

The coriolis force and the centrifugal force are creations of the coordinate system … of course they will usually be different for different systems … they are fictitious corrections that enable the observer to regards newotn's laws as applying.
… but my intuition says the forces are constant.

Why?? :confused:
  • #3
If so, which coordinate system do i choose if i want to know how far from the base of the tower the stone will fall?
If i choose at the center of the Earth i will get an other answer than if i choose it at the base of the tower
  • #4
Hi Karol! :smile:
Karol said:
If i choose at the center of the Earth i will get an other answer than if i choose it at the base of the tower

You're ignoring a more fundamental fictitious force: the fictitious force due to the translational acceleration of the observer (in this case, the centripetal acceleration of the tower round the earth).

This is not negligible (in fact, it's huge!).

So use the centre of the earth. :wink:

(of course, even if we use the centre of the earth, there's still the centripetal acceleration round the sun … but that's rω2, which is about 2300/3652, or about 2% … and of the sun round the galaxy, which is even smaller)
  • #5
I know the tower has centrifugal acceleration, but it doesn't affect the falling stone, or should i add this acceleration to the acceleration i get for the stone for the frame at the base of the tower? is it true that i will get 2 different answers for the distance the stone is falling from the base of the tower?
  • #6
Karol said:
I know the tower has centrifugal acceleration, but it doesn't affect the falling stone, or should i add this acceleration to the acceleration i get for the stone for the frame at the base of the tower?

the tower's frame of reference (ie with the origin at the tower) has a fictitious force due to the translational acceleration that it has in the centre-of-earth frame

since it's far larger than anything else in the calculation, i don't see any point in treating it as a correction … you should not use the tower-origin rotating frame of reference at all
  • #7
tiny-tim said:
the tower's frame of reference (ie with the origin at the tower) has a fictitious force due to the translational acceleration that it has in the centre-of-earth frame
Yes, i know it's far larger because the radius of the Earth is big in comparison with the tower, and i have understood your proposal to use the center of the Earth as the origin.
The fact is i read in some book a solved example to the tower problem in which they used the tower frame.
I want to understand, in principle, what should i do with these problems. should i add the forces the tower frame feels to the stone or not?
  • #8
The forces on the tower frame is just the centrifugal force, and this is already included in the gravitational acceleration [itex]\vec{g}[/itex], which can be set constant for this problem. The EoM. for the free fall from the tower thus reads
[tex]\ddot{\vec{x}}=-\vec{g}-2 \vec{\omega} \times \dot{\vec{x}}-\vec{\omega} \times (\vec{\omega} \times \vec{x}).[/tex]
where [itex]\vec{x}[/itex] is the position vector in the reference frame at the tower and [itex]\vec{\omega}[/itex] the constant angular velocity wrt. to this same frame, i.e.,
[tex]\vec{\omega}=\omega \begin{pmatrix}
-\cos \beta \\ 0 \\sin \beta
where [itex]\beta \in [-\pi/2,\pi/2][/itex] is the latitude where the tower is located on Earth.

Now you can also neglect the centrifugal acceleration in the EoM, because [itex]\omega=2 \pi/\text{d}[/itex] is very small at the time scale the free fall is happening. The remaining equation, including the Coriolis acceleration only, is then pretty straight-forward to solve!
  • #9
vanhees71 said:
The forces on the tower frame is just the centrifugal force, and this is already included in the gravitational acceleration [itex]\vec{g}[/itex], which can be set constant for this problem. The EoM
I don't understand that. centrifugal force isn't the acceleration g, and how is it included. and what do i do with it concerning the stone, if at all, and if i don't want to neglect the centrifugal force.
Excuse me, but what EoM means?
  • #10
I feel c certain centrifugal force on the earth. if the imaginary forces are coordinate system dependent, according to which coordinate system do i feel them? it must be with the origin at the center, and not on the surface, and this is the only one the can be used for the force has a certain magnitude, no?
  • #11
The constant force of gravity that we feel at a point on the Earth's surface is, in fact, a combination of gravity and the centrifugal pseudo-force caused by the Earth spinning. So, the centrifugal force is effectively bundled up with gravity and there is no need to calculate it separately.

Apart from at the poles and equator, this combined force doesn't point at the centre of the Earth. So, things that are falling vertically are not actually falling directly towards the centre of the Earth. But, because the force is effectively constant (except over large distances) we don't notice this or normally have to take this into account.

See the note on "apparent gravity":

If the Earth stopped spinning, then you'd find that things you thought were "vertical" were no longer vertical.

FAQ: Coriolis and centrifugal forces

1. What is the difference between Coriolis and centrifugal forces?

Coriolis force is a fictitious force that appears to act on objects in a rotating frame of reference, while centrifugal force is the apparent outward force experienced by an object in a rotating frame of reference. In other words, Coriolis force is a result of the object's inertia and the Earth's rotation, while centrifugal force is a result of the object's mass and the Earth's rotation.

2. How do Coriolis and centrifugal forces affect the Earth's weather patterns?

Coriolis force plays a major role in the formation and movement of large-scale weather patterns, such as hurricanes and cyclones. This force causes objects moving on the Earth's surface to be deflected to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere. Centrifugal force, on the other hand, contributes to the distribution of air masses and the formation of high and low-pressure systems.

3. Can Coriolis and centrifugal forces be observed in everyday life?

Yes, Coriolis and centrifugal forces can be observed in everyday life, although they may not be easily noticeable. For example, the rotation of the Earth causes objects to appear to curve when viewed from a distance, such as a plane flying in a straight line. Additionally, centrifugal force can be observed in amusement park rides, such as the spinning teacups, where riders experience a force pushing them outward.

4. How are Coriolis and centrifugal forces calculated?

Coriolis force is calculated using the equation F = -2mω x v, where m is the mass of the object, ω is the angular velocity of the rotating frame of reference, and v is the velocity of the object. Centrifugal force is calculated using the equation F = mv²/r, where m is the mass of the object, v is the velocity of the object, and r is the distance from the center of rotation.

5. Do Coriolis and centrifugal forces have any impact on the Earth's rotation?

Coriolis force has a minimal impact on the Earth's rotation, as it only affects objects moving on the Earth's surface. However, centrifugal force does play a role in the Earth's rotation by contributing to the bulging at the equator. This bulging causes a slight decrease in the Earth's rotational speed, known as the "centrifugal effect".
