Coriolis effect - polarised gravity?

In summary, some scientists are theorizing that gravity may actually be polarized and is torsionally affecting space time, resulting in clockwise and anti-clockwise spirals in the northern and southern hemispheres respectively. This could also explain the Earth's magnetic field. However, the Coriolis effect and other phenomena related to gravity are already well explained by existing theories, and there is no evidence to support the idea of polarized gravity. Additionally, if proven true, it would require a major reexamination of our understanding of gravity and could potentially lead to a breakthrough in the field. However, the existence of gravity waves, which would be necessary for polarized gravity, is still unproven.
  • #1
Hi all. Please excuse my tendency to over generalise

There is some theorising going on and certain evidence to suggest that gravity may actually be polarized. Some scientists are looking at our weather patterns for instance and the well known Coriolis effect. Some now suggest that gravity is in fact polarised space time torsionally in other words the northern hemisphere is a clockwise spiral reducing towards the centre , and the southern hemisphere is a anti- clockwise spiral reducing towards the centre. The division between the two being the equator.

The interesting thing about these concepts is that if proven true the magnetic field of the Earth can be explained as being a product of these space time spirals interacting with each other and the matter that they support. Also if one uses the Earth's magnetic/gravity state as an example of matter then it may very well prove to be an exciting development.

If one looks at a tornado for example or even a cyclone as being an example of the effects of torsional gravity it sort of makes sense. allowing for shifts in theoretical culminate centres of gravity which can come about due to changes in temperature.

I think also one has to look at everything as being an effect of gravity and this of course includes the worlds weather.

Has anyone heard of any of this before?
Science news on
  • #2
I haven't hear of it, but I know that the Coriolis effect is completely accounted for by Newtonian mech. and needs no extra explanation. I'd explain now, but as I said before, not much time.
  • #3
The coriolis force drops out of the equations when you differentiate an angular position denoted as a radius and an angle from a reference plane twice (giving the acceleration as a function of time). No pseudoscientific explanations are necessary.
  • #4
Jonathan, enigma, your posts indicate that you are kind people :wink:

Seriously, any evidence for polarized gravity would have had to include the discovery of the graviton (I'm making the assumption that the polarization would be similar to the polarization of E-M waves). I can't imagine that any serious physicist would have pursued such an idea in ernest.
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  • #5
I thought enigma and chi meson where being a little mean. Keep in mind that this is the theory development page. I don't care how crazy it is, I come to this page to hear new unusual ideas on everything!
  • #6
As enigma suggests the effect is often explained in this fashion as they apparently needed to understand it for the armed forces weapons targeting needs but i think this is only one of the effects. The second effect is simply the most famous one and that is that when you flush a toilet there is a different rotational spiral depending on the hemisphere you are in. Now Can anyone explain why there would be two different rotations other than an act of "G"
  • #7
I the case of a toliet or sink full of water, the Coriolis effect is too small to be relevant, less than the chirpping of a cricket a block away. One can get water to drain on small scales in both directions in both hemispheres. In the case of hurricanes and the like, the Coriolis effect is a result of instantaneous velocity differentials on the north/south axis of a large system because of the fact that the Earth's angular velocity is the same regardless of your latitude. Give me a minute and I'll post a oversimplified picture.
Edit: Sorry, can't get enough info small enough, no picture
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  • #8
I am not sure why there is a destinction that separates gravity from everything else.

Gravity I feel is all pervasive IT's impacts are profoundly effecting everything. When i look at the weather I see gravity at work When i see a car go by I see gravity at work. When i see an aeroplane flying i see gravity in motiion that is the plain is gravity space time.

When I see the wind lift a young girls skirt (Ha) I see gravity at work both the wind and the skirt and the motion up and down. I don't draw a destinction.

May be that's a fault. But tell me what isn't gravity. even EM is gravity of some sort.

A variation on a theme.

Gravity is the fundamental force ...all other forces are a variation of gravity and this is MY premise I guess.
  • #9
If they are all variations of the same thing, like water ice and steam, then why not define gravity through EM theory rather than the other way around, because that way we don't have to unnecessarily start over.
  • #10
Originally posted by Jonathan
I thought enigma and chi meson where being a little mean. Keep in mind that this is the theory development page. I don't care how crazy it is, I come to this page to hear new unusual ideas on everything!

I'm sorry, really! My post does look meaner than intended; I guess sometimes the "smilies" don't soften sarcastic remarks so well.

So, here is my opinion:

As already noted, the coriolis effect is well accounted for; the conservation of angular momentum is well accounted for and a law regarding it is considered to be unbreakable; the effects of gravity are extremely well documeted, and the Newtonian theory as well as the Einsteinian theory, and the graviton/gravity-wave speculation will each individually explain the effects of gravity.

If there were a polarization of gravity, it would have profound effects across the universe, and all of the above phenomena, Laws, and theories would have to be altered if not chucked out entirely.

Of course it just might be true and everything we know so far is wrong. That would indeed be a breakthrough and worth several Nobel prizes. But it does hinge (I think)on the detection of gravity waves (not the gravitons as I said before)which are more and more looking like they don't exist.

So from my vantage point, with a 20-year-old BS in astrophysics, and 20 years of forgetting quantum physics, and many years of trying to keep a very open mind, I remain utterly sceptical of this speculation.
  • #11
I don't wish to show any disrepect for other persons qualifications or experience. I know that a lot of hard work has gone into them and i respect that. I haven't gone to university because there is no one that can teach me what i want to learn. I know we have theories that have proven very useful and are obviously sucessful. But in the field of gravity we are all just beginners. You guys are looking down on gravity via em and particle theory and i am attempting to look up from a position of nothing. you are looking from a position of something and i am, well,looking from a position of nothing except observation. And i happen to think this is a great thing because somewhere in the middle it's all going to make sense.

The reason I think there is a problem is what we think is polarisation. I am theorising on torsional polarisation that leads to magnetic or em polarisation and i might add may very well explain the tendency for matter to rotate.

My method was quite simple I guess and really hyperthetical.

I imagine a 3 dimensional hole to nothing in the space fabric.

I think to my would one plug such a hole.

and well I got an equalateral pyramid and drew 4 cones to suggest spirals ( spirals being way to hard to draw.)

I've placed the diagram at

Ok we have a minimum number of cones needed to plug this hole and that is four. But hey we can have any number above this. But 4 suggests a lack of stasis. if you look at it you'll get the impression that it wants to move...rotate...even hum ...i think

OK.. I notice that the coriolis effect is perpendicular to our magnetic field and I think well magnetism can be used to create electricity by passing a stronger form of Spacial intesity through it Namely copper wire. So I thought well if the gravity of Earth was torsionally polarised to wit anti clockwise vs clockwise and assuming this exists in all matter you have spiralling space time interaction thus generating another variation of itself called a magnetic field...This is theory development yes?

The effect of these spirals does not have to be ordered as they are impacted on by a whole host of things temperature changes, solar fluctuations, solar winds, light emmisions and so the bugger called gravity conforms rarely to any disernable pattern given a variable culminant centre of attraction making it extremely hard to quantify. A culminant centre of attraction is a centre of gravity for any given area. It is like a roming black hole. with no fixed address seeing as the planet is made up of a lot of individual pieces of matter each with their own little hole. The culminat effect is a variable centre of attraction for some of the spirals.

So we have relatively fixed centres (hard matter) and a variable culminant centre which is a culminant of all the other centres. generating off centred effects like tornados that don't touch the ground and tornados that seem to have a centre of gravity below the Earth's surface.

However every now and then we see a pattern of spirals such as cyclonic storms tornados, hmmm water down a drain, circular weather patterns some what circular ice flows at the south poles and at the north etc...I think if one looks one can find many examples of it. And I know this proves nothing but i think it says heaps.

angular momentum is just a version on a theme as gravity is all pervasive If on swings a object on a string until it is horizontal in it's plane and stops swinging the object scribes a spiral as it slowly comes to rest. You say... so.what.. I see gravity. like I see the tip of my nose. (which I might add is also a variation to a theme)

Just to throw in another example of variation i ask

What is the difference between common static electricity (shoes on carpet stuff) and electricity?
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  • #12
All right, peace. There has obviously been a lot of thought put into this idea. To become a theory though, and to come into the realm of acceptance, you will have to be able to make some prediction with this theory that can be upheld. Since it requires that nearly all rules be rewritten and new mathematical models be built, this theory has a lot of work to do.
  • #13

I know it's hard to explain this but I happen to have a particular gift which causes me some problems at times. Once i start talking or writing stuff my ideas evolve. The more I talk (write) the more the ideas evolve in a very dynamic way. More so than what would be considered normal

Since I posted my last discourse (not planned ) I have been thinking through other observations I have made and I tell you what this theory is just falling into place. I even know what the legendary graviton looks like.

I would like you to pm me if possible because I think you have greater experience with theory composition than I do. (mentoring?)

I believe that certain predictions are available and certainly the math would also prove to be possible.

For instance with the right computer modeling and processing power you can predict the movement and shape of a gas in the open atmosphere. And may be, if enough variables are considered weather forcasting becomes more reliable.
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  • #14
Respectfully, I have to decline. FIrst of all, the math was never my strong suit, and most of my calculus is as fogotten as my German. I barely have enough time to participate in these forums at 3 posts per day, so I wouldn't have any more time to commit (I teach college level physics to high school students. I also teach "bottom floor physics" to other high school students, so if I ever seem cranky...well that's the reason).

Other people in these forums are clearly more "up" on things. They are in the major leagues, I'm a "AA" player. (That's a baseball analogy, and I see you're Austrailian) THis post is approaching chit chat.
  • #15
I just remembered something of my days as a motor mechanic...ahh so long ago...

To support the notion of polarised gravity...when you pass a current of electricity through a wire a magnetic field is created.

It's direction of rotation for want of a better word is dependent on the polarity of the current. Was called the "fist" approach with thumb pointing to the Earth (negative) I think.

Also does anyone know any evidence or theory that proves gravity IS NOT polarised?
  • #16
Originally posted by scott_sieger
I haven't gone to university because there is no one that can teach me what i want to learn. I know we have theories that have proven very useful and are obviously sucessful. But in the field of gravity we are all just beginners. You guys are looking down on gravity via em and particle theory and i am attempting to look up from a position of nothing. you are looking from a position of something and i am, well,looking from a position of nothing except observation. And i happen to think this is a great thing because somewhere in the middle it's all going to make sense.
The way you are looking at science is backwards. Starting from nothing you will have to produce hundreds of years of scientific research on your own before you can begin to extend the current level of scientific knowledge. Further, unless you can understand the current theories, you have nothing on which to base any objection to them. Which is why you are wasting your time with things like this:
Also does anyone know any evidence or theory that proves gravity IS NOT polarised?
Yes. If gravity were polarized, everything we know about orbital mechanics would be wrong. The theories work well enough (at the very least) to send spacecraft into orbit of or past the outer planets in the solar system, so gravity cannot be polarized.
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  • #17

What are you trying to defend? I am not attacting any ones theories. I am just attempting to open the mind a little.

Further, unless you can understand the current theories, you have nothing on which to base any objection to them. Which is why you are wasting your time with things like this

Have I quoted any ones theories...No...Am I objecting to any one's

The discussion I thought was about the possible torsional polarity of gravity and not just attacking and defending someones theories.

The previous posts asks a simple question about why a magnetic field in a wire carrying current has a rotational direction linked to the polarity of that current.

would this not suggest that there may be a ppossible link between torsional and current polarity?

Why is the object of this previous post being ignored?

To support the notion of polarised gravity...when you pass a current of electricity through a wire a magnetic field is created.
It's direction of rotation for want of a better word is dependent on the polarity of the current. Was called the "fist" approach with thumb pointing to the Earth (negative) I think.

Would not this effect imply what it does?
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  • #18
Originally posted by scott_sieger
What are you trying to defend? I am not attacting any ones theories. I am just attempting to open the mind a little.
When you propose something in direct contradiction to an existing theory, whether you are aware of it or not, you are attacking the theory.

The corollary is also true - your lack of knowledge of the existing theories does not decrease their validity nor increase the validity of your own.

Existing theories adequately explain the phenomenon you are describing. What you are proposing would neither fit existing data nor the theories that explain the data.

Whether intentional or not, the net result is an attitude of 'I am not bound by existing theories.' Sorry, but you are.
Why is the object of this previous post being ignored?
Gravity and magnetic fields have little in common. You cannot assume that one will mirror the other.
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  • #19
Russ, cool it a little, this is the TDF. I do agree though, in most cases Newton's theory is good enough. However, I might mention that many people at looking at MOND to fix the anomalous observations. The whole problem, Scott, is that you come up with theories not based on some evidence that needs explaining, but apparently out of no where. Start with a mystery, end with understanding.
  • #20
Originally posted by Jonathan
Russ, cool it a little, this is the TDF.
If I come off as harsh, its just me being frank/direct. I won't go the Chroot route...
  • #21
Lets start again...this is a copy of the original post.

Russ, do I try to debunk any ones theories, am I looking to create a theory?

What am I trying to inspire with this thread?

Why has it degenerated into a petty squabble over someones theories?
Original post

Hi all. Please excuse my tendency to over generalise

There is some theorising going on and certain evidence to suggest that gravity may actually be polarized. Some scientists are looking at our weather patterns for instance and the well known Coriolis effect. Some now suggest that gravity is in fact polarised space time torsionally in other words the northern hemisphere is a clockwise spiral reducing towards the centre , and the southern hemisphere is a anti- clockwise spiral reducing towards the centre. The division between the two being the equator.

The interesting thing about these concepts is that if proven true the magnetic field of the Earth can be explained as being a product of these space time spirals interacting with each other and the matter that they support. Also if one uses the Earth's magnetic/gravity state as an example of matter then it may very well prove to be an exciting development.

If one looks at a tornado for example or even a cyclone as being an example of the effects of torsional gravity it sort of makes sense. allowing for shifts in theoretical culminate centres of gravity which can come about due to changes in temperature.

I think also one has to look at everything as being an effect of gravity and this of course includes the worlds weather.

Has anyone heard of any of this before?
  • #22
Originally posted by scott_sieger
Russ, do I try to debunk any ones theories, am I looking to create a theory?

What am I trying to inspire with this thread?

Why has it degenerated into a petty squabble over someones theories?
As soon as you use the word "gravity" in your idea there, the existing theories of gravity and all existing data on the workings of gravity become relevant.

Your idea sounds nice, but it is directly contradicted by existing data and theories. It is wrong. I'm sorry, it doesn't get any simpler or more complicated than that.
  • #23
so Russ, you really don't have anything to discuss as we already know that anything we say may very well contradict existing theory.

This is a discussion, a chance to use a little imagination on the topic of polarised gravity. If you have nothing constructive to add to the generality of the discussion except to say that it is not worth discussing then why post anything?
  • #24
Originally posted by scott_sieger
so Russ, you really don't have anything to discuss as we already know that anything we say may very well contradict existing theory.

This is a discussion, a chance to use a little imagination on the topic of polarised gravity. If you have nothing constructive to add to the generality of the discussion except to say that it is not worth discussing then why post anything?
Actually, my point was that there is nothing on this topic to discuss by me or anyone else beyond saying that its wrong. And that's what I did. I'm sorry if you don't like it. If you think there is more to it, feel free to post some evidence or other ideas about it and I'll do my best to explain to you why your reasoning is wrong. Be aware though that any explanation will likely just be re-explaining the existing theory or simply stating that existing evidence doesn't support your idea.

Science doesn't have all the answers. It does however have the answer to this question. Please don't interpret this to mean you shouldn't ask questions. You should. But you should not assume that no one else has asked the question before or that science doesn't have an answer. And it'll save you (and me) a lot of time if you seek to understand the accepted answer to the question.

FAQ: Coriolis effect - polarised gravity?

1. What is the Coriolis effect?

The Coriolis effect is a phenomenon that occurs due to the Earth's rotation. It causes moving objects, such as air or water, to appear to veer off course when observed from a rotating reference frame, such as the Earth's surface.

2. How does the Coriolis effect affect weather patterns?

The Coriolis effect plays a significant role in shaping global wind patterns and weather systems. In the Northern Hemisphere, winds tend to rotate counterclockwise around low-pressure systems and clockwise around high-pressure systems due to the Coriolis effect.

3. Does the Coriolis effect impact objects in motion on the Earth's surface?

Yes, the Coriolis effect can also affect objects in motion on the Earth's surface, such as airplanes or missiles. However, its impact is typically only noticeable for objects traveling at high speeds or over long distances.

4. How does the Coriolis effect influence ocean currents?

The Coriolis effect has a significant influence on ocean currents, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere. It causes ocean currents to curve to the right of their intended path, leading to the formation of large circular currents, such as the Gulf Stream.

5. Is there a relationship between the Coriolis effect and polarised gravity?

There is no direct relationship between the Coriolis effect and polarised gravity. However, both phenomena are influenced by the Earth's rotation and can have an impact on the motion of objects on or above the Earth's surface.
