Correct application of skin effect

In summary: However, if the skin depth is much greater than the diameter of the conductor, significant AC losses will occur.
  • #1
Hi all,

I want to resonantly charge a capacitor, i.e. using a coil and diode combination instead of a resistor, in a very short period, which means a high current at high frequency.

The problem is the coil. I read that at high frequency AC you get to deal with the skin effect, and also the proximity effect, which cause the current to be concentrated in the outer layer of the conductor. This would strongly increase the actual resistance of the coil when compared to DC conditions, and I would need to use large diameter hollow tubing instead of wire to get an acceptable resistance value.

So I’m not really clear if these effects apply to my coil. On the one hand the current *is* strongly time-variant (a half sine wave); on the other hand it never changes direction: it’s still DC. Does anybody know if skin and proximity effects do or do not apply to pulsed DC?

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  • #2
Why don't you use many smaller size inductor in parallel so you get a lot of surface? But you should be careful, inductor in series with the capacitor make a good series resonance circuit.

I don't know the detail, but using an inductor for this would not be my first choice.
  • #3
how big is this gizmo? what kind of frequency?

welding cable might do
i find it at my local scrap metal yard for $1.50 a pound. way cheaper than new.

if it's small
build one coil with copper tube from hardware store
and another with wire from hardware store and see if there's a measurable difference?

if you're using an iron core at significant frequency, losses there will outweigh your skin effect.
and yes, halfwave rectified has large AC components.

old saying - one experiment is worth a thousand expert opinions.
  • #4
You have a coil and capacitor, so it is easy to calculate the resonant frequency.
Assuming that a copper conductor is used.
d=skin depth in inches
f= frequency in hertz
Unless the skin depth is much less than the diameter of the conductor, there should not be any problem.

FAQ: Correct application of skin effect

What is skin effect and how does it affect the application of skin effect?

Skin effect is a phenomenon in which high frequency alternating current tends to flow primarily on the surface of a conductor, rather than through the entire cross-section. This can lead to increased resistance and heating of the conductor, which can impact the performance of electrical devices and systems.

What types of conductors are most affected by skin effect?

Skin effect is most pronounced in conductors with a large diameter-to-skin depth ratio, such as solid conductors or hollow tubes. It is less noticeable in stranded or braided conductors, as the individual strands can mitigate the effects of skin effect.

How is skin effect mitigated in practical applications?

One common method of mitigating skin effect is by using stranded or braided conductors, as mentioned earlier. Another approach is to use hollow conductors, which have a larger surface area and therefore a smaller skin depth. In some cases, multiple conductors can be used in parallel to reduce the overall skin effect.

What are the potential consequences of not accounting for skin effect in electrical designs?

If skin effect is not properly accounted for, it can lead to increased power losses, reduced efficiency, and even equipment failure. This can result in increased costs for energy and maintenance, and potential safety hazards.

Are there any benefits to skin effect in certain applications?

In some cases, skin effect can be intentionally utilized for specific purposes. For example, in high frequency applications, skin effect can be used to reduce the effective cross-sectional area of a conductor, allowing for smaller and more compact designs. Additionally, skin effect can help to reduce interference between neighboring conductors.

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