Correct coordinate transformation from Poincare-AdS##_3## to global AdS##_3##

In summary, the coordinates in global AdS3 are a mixture of the old coordinates, rescaled by a factor of 2.
  • #1
Consider the transformation from Poincare-AdS##_3## geometry to global AdS##_3## geometry:

$$ds^{2} = \frac{dr^{2}}{r^{2}} + r^{2}g_{\alpha\beta}dx^{\alpha}dx^{\beta}, \qquad \text{Poincare-AdS$_3$}$$
$$ds^{2} = \frac{dr^{2}}{r^{2}} + r^{2}\left(-dt^{2}+r^{2}d\phi^{2}\right), \qquad \text{Poincare-AdS$_3$}$$
$$ds^{2} = - r^{2}dt^{2} + \frac{dr^{2}}{r^{2}} + r^{4}d\phi^{2}, \qquad \text{Poincare-AdS$_3$}$$
$$ds^{2} = -\cosh^{2}\rho\ d\tau^{2} + d\rho^{2} + \sinh^{2}\rho\ d\varphi^{2}, \qquad \text{global AdS$_3$}$$

where the transformation of coordinates is as follows:

$$\rho = \ln r, \qquad \tau = \left(\frac{2e^{\rho}}{e^{\rho}+e^{-\rho}}\right)t, \qquad \varphi = \left(\frac{2e^{2\rho}}{e^{\rho}-e^{-\rho}}\right)\phi.$$


The transformation ##\rho = \ln r## simply rescales the radial distance ##r## by the logarithmic function.

The transformation with ##\displaystyle{\tau = \left(\frac{2e^{\rho}}{e^{\rho}+e^{-\rho}}\right)t}## rescales the time ##t## by the factor ##\displaystyle{\frac{2e^{\rho}}{e^{\rho}+e^{-\rho}}}##. For example, at ##\rho = 0##, we have ##\tau = t##, and at ##\rho = \infty##, we have ##\tau = 2t##.

The transformation with ##\displaystyle{\varphi = \left(\frac{2e^{2\rho}}{e^{\rho}-e^{-\rho}}\right)\phi}## rescales the angle ##\phi## by the factor ##\displaystyle{\frac{2e^{2\rho}}{e^{\rho}-e^{-\rho}}}##. For example, at ##\rho = 0##, we have ##\varphi = \infty##, and at ##\rho = \infty##, we have ##\varphi = \infty##.


Have I made a mistake in my interpretation of the transformation ##\displaystyle{\varphi = \left(\frac{2e^{2\rho}}{e^{\rho}-e^{-\rho}}\right)\phi}##?
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  • #2
I don't think any of your interpretations are correct. I wouldn't use "rescale" to describe any of these, especially not for ##\tau## and ##\varphi##. The new coordinates are a mixture of all of the old ones, not merely "rescaled".

To give the best interpretion of these, I would draw some diagrams.
  • #3
You may have a look at this online worksheet. At the end of it, the transformation from Poincaré coordinates to global ones is considered. This is for AdS4, but I guess you can easily adapt to AdS3.
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Likes fresh_42 and highflyyer
  • #4
Thank you.

FAQ: Correct coordinate transformation from Poincare-AdS##_3## to global AdS##_3##

1. What is the difference between Poincare-AdS3 and global AdS3?

Poincare-AdS3 and global AdS3 are two different coordinate systems used to describe the geometry of three-dimensional anti-de Sitter space. Poincare-AdS3 is a coordinate system that is well-suited for describing the local geometry of AdS3, while global AdS3 is better for describing the global properties of AdS3.

2. Why is it important to know how to transform between Poincare-AdS3 and global AdS3 coordinates?

Understanding how to transform between these two coordinate systems is important for studying the physics of AdS3 in different contexts. For example, Poincare-AdS3 coordinates are useful for studying the near-horizon geometry of black holes in AdS3, while global AdS3 coordinates are useful for understanding the global structure of AdS3 and its holographic dualities.

3. What is the process for transforming coordinates from Poincare-AdS3 to global AdS3?

The transformation from Poincare-AdS3 to global AdS3 involves a change of variables in the metric. This can be done by setting the conformal factor to be 1, and then making a change of variables that maps the Poincare-AdS3 coordinates to the desired global AdS3 coordinates.

4. What are some applications of the correct coordinate transformation from Poincare-AdS3 to global AdS3?

The correct coordinate transformation from Poincare-AdS3 to global AdS3 is used in a variety of fields, including string theory, quantum gravity, and holography. It is also important in understanding the behavior of black holes in AdS3 and the AdS/CFT correspondence.

5. Are there any challenges or limitations when performing the coordinate transformation from Poincare-AdS3 to global AdS3?

While the coordinate transformation itself is straightforward, there can be challenges in applying it in certain situations. For example, in the presence of matter or other fields, the transformation may not be well-defined or may lead to singularities. Additionally, the transformation may not be applicable in higher dimensions or in other geometries. Care must be taken to ensure that the transformation is valid and physically meaningful in each specific case.
