Correlation function of damped harmonic oscillator

In summary, the conversation discussed the damped harmonic oscillator model and its composite system with the Hamiltonians ##H_S##, ##H_R##, and ##H_{SR}##. The initial reservoir density was also mentioned, and the operators in the interaction picture were defined. The topic of calculating various reservoir correlation functions, such as ##<\tilde\Gamma_j(t)>_R##, was also brought up. The final equations involved partial traces and the calculation of these correlation functions.
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The model of damped harmonic oscillator is given by the composite system with the hamiltonians ##H_S\equiv\hbar \omega_0 a^\dagger a##, ##H_R\equiv\sum_j\hbar\omega_jr_j^\dagger r_j##, and ##H_{SR}\equiv\sum_j\hbar(\kappa_j^*ar_j^\dagger+\kappa_ja^\dagger r_j)=\hbar(a\Gamma^\dagger+a^\dagger\Gamma)##.
Now, the initial reservior density is ##R_0=\prod_je^{-\hbar\omega_jr_j^\dagger r_j/k_BT}(1-e^{-\hbar\omega_j/k_BT})##
We have the operators in the interaction picture,
##\tilde\Gamma_1(t)=\tilde\Gamma^\dagger(t)=\sum_j\kappa_j^*r_j^\dagger e^{i\omega_jt}## and ##\tilde\Gamma_2(t)=\tilde\Gamma(t)=\sum_j\kappa_jr_j e^{-i\omega_jt}##
I want to calculate ##<\tilde\Gamma_j(t)>_R=Tr_R(R_0\tilde\Gamma_j(t))## which is identical to zero.
I have no idea why ##<\tilde\Gamma_j(t)>_R##'s are zero.
Physics news on
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few more reservoir correlation functions

##<\tilde\Gamma^\dagger(t)\tilde\Gamma^\dagger(t')>_R\equiv Tr_R(R_0\tilde\Gamma^\dagger(t)\tilde\Gamma^\dagger(t'))\\ =\sum_{k,l} \kappa _k^* \kappa _l^* e^{i\omega_kt}e^{i\omega_lt'}\prod_j(1-e^{-\hbar\omega_j/k_BT})tr_R(e^{-\hbar\omega_jr_j^\dagger r_j/k_BT}r_k^\dagger r_l^\dagger)=0##

##<\tilde\Gamma(t)\tilde\Gamma(t')>_R\equiv Tr_R(R_0\tilde\Gamma(t)\tilde\Gamma(t'))\\ =\sum_{k,l}\kappa_k \kappa_le^{-i\omega_kt}e^{-i\omega_lt'}\prod_j(1-e^{-\hbar\omega_j/k_BT})tr_R(e^{-\hbar\omega_jr_j^\dagger r_j/k_BT}r_k r_l)=0##

##<\tilde\Gamma^\dagger(t)\tilde\Gamma(t')>_R\equiv Tr_R(R_0\tilde\Gamma^\dagger(t)\tilde\Gamma(t'))\\ =\sum_{k,l} \kappa _k^* \kappa _l e^{i\omega_kt}e^{-i\omega_lt'}\prod_j(1-e^{-\hbar\omega_j/k_BT})tr_R(e^{-\hbar\omega_jr_j^\dagger r_j/k_BT}r_k^\dagger r_l)\\ = \sum_j|\kappa_j|^2e^{i\omega_j(t-t')}\bar n(\omega_j,T)##

##\bar n(\omega_j,T)=tr_R(R_0r_j^\dagger r_j)=\frac{e^{-\hbar\omega_j/k_BT}}{1-e^{-\hbar\omega_j/k_B}}##

##<\tilde\Gamma(t)\tilde\Gamma^\dagger(t')>_R\equiv Tr_R(R_0\tilde\Gamma(t)\tilde\Gamma^\dagger(t'))\\ =\sum_{k,l} \kappa _k \kappa _l^* e^{-i\omega_kt}e^{i\omega_lt'}\prod_j(1-e^{-\hbar\omega_j/k_BT})tr_R(e^{-\hbar\omega_jr_j^\dagger r_j/k_BT}r_k r_l^\dagger)\\ = \sum_j|\kappa_j|^2e^{-i\omega_j(t-t')}[\bar n(\omega_j,T)+1]##

##tr_R## is the partial trace over the reservoir states.

I can't figure out last equalities in the above equations, mostly because of the partial traces.
Any advice would be very appreciated!

FAQ: Correlation function of damped harmonic oscillator

1. What is a correlation function?

A correlation function is a mathematical tool used to study the relationship between two variables. It measures the degree of similarity or dependence between the two variables over a range of values.

2. How is a correlation function calculated?

A correlation function for a damped harmonic oscillator can be calculated by taking the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation function of the oscillator's position or velocity. This can be expressed as a function of time, frequency, or energy.

3. What is a damped harmonic oscillator?

A damped harmonic oscillator is a type of mechanical system that experiences a restoring force proportional to its displacement from equilibrium, but also experiences a damping force that opposes its motion. An example of a damped harmonic oscillator is a mass on a spring with a dashpot attached.

4. What does the correlation function of a damped harmonic oscillator tell us?

The correlation function of a damped harmonic oscillator can tell us about the amplitude, frequency, and damping of the oscillator. It can also provide information about the system's response to external forces and any resonances that may occur.

5. How is the correlation function of a damped harmonic oscillator used in scientific research?

The correlation function of a damped harmonic oscillator is commonly used in research to study the behavior of physical systems, such as mechanical systems, electrical circuits, and quantum systems. It can also be used to analyze data and make predictions about the behavior of these systems under different conditions.
