Cosets and Vector Spaces Question

In summary: U∩W.In summary, cosets in the context of vector spaces refer to the equivalence classes of an equivalence relation defined by a subspace. If two cosets are equal, then the difference between the corresponding vectors is in the intersection of the two subspaces. This can be seen as a result of set theory and the definition of a subspace.
  • #1
Master J
In studying vector spaces, I came across the coset of a vector space.

We have an equivalence relation defined as

u = v [itex]\rightarrow[/itex] u-v [itex]\in[/itex] W

where W is a subspace of V.

the equivalence class that u belongs to is u + W. I can see why u must belong to this equivalence class ( the coset) because of reflexivity, but why W?

Is u - W [itex]\in[/itex] W ?
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  • #2
In general W will not be a subset of u+W. In fact W is contained in u+W if and only if u∈W.

Note that u - W ∈ W doesn't even make sense, because u-W is a set, and you're asking if it's an element of W (on a set theoretic level this does make sense, but in the context of vector spaces, u-W is clearly not a vector)
  • #3
What do you mean??

Do you want to know if [itex]W\in a+W[/itex]?? The answer is that this makes no sense. W is a set and can be an element of a+W.

Do you want to now if [itex]W\subseteq a+W[/itex]?? In general this is not true unless a is already in W.
  • #4
Perhaps I should have clarified...I meant that W would stand for any element of W.

If the coset of the equivalence relation is u + W, this means as I understand it, that the equivalence relation for u only holds for u itself ( u - u = 0 [itex]\in[/itex] W), and for any element of W. Is that correct?
  • #5
No. If v is equivalent to u then v-u∈W. Note that if u is NOT contained in W, then u-w is NOT in W for any w∈W - if u-w=v for some v∈W, then u=w+v∈W since v,w∈W.

It probably helps to look at some examples. Let our vector space be R2 and W be the subspace of all points of the form (x,x). Now consider u=(1,0). u+W is the set of all vectors of the form (x+1,x) - literally everything of the form (1,0)+(x,x). So (2,1), (3,2), (4,3) are all equivalent to u. (1,1) is NOT equivalent to u
  • #6
i tend to think of it like this:

suppose we have a plane, which we will take to be R2.

now suppose we have a proper subspace of R2, which is of the form:

L = {a(x,y) : a in R}.

this is a line going through the origin and the point (x,y).

a coset is thus a set v + L, which is a line parallel to L passing through the point v.

we thus get a 1-dimensional space whose "vectors" (elements) are all parallel lines. to "add 2 lines" u+L and v+L, we take the line parallel to L passing through u+v, or (u+v) + L.

in 3 dimensions, a quotient by a plane, yields a "1-dimensional stack of planes", and a quotient by a line yields a "2-dimensional bundle of parallel lines" (in 3 dimensions we need two vectors to tell us "which line we're on", since one vector just gives us "a line of lines", like pencils aligned to make a fence).

of course, one can't visualize higher dimensions spatially, but the same idea is going on:

if dim(V) = n, and dim(W) = k, then dim(V/W) = n-k (we use k dimensions to create W, and we need the other n-k dimensions to locate which copy of W we're in).

V/W is V, chopped up into "W-sized pieces".

to answer your original question: all the elements of W live in W = 0+W, the 0-vector of V/W (W's "home base").
  • #7
The simple answer is that u-w is not an element of W unless u is an element of W.
  • #8
indeed, u-w is in the same coset as u+w, since:

(u+w) - (u-w) = 2w ∈ W.
  • #9
Thanks for the input people, you have cleared up a lot!

The notion of cosets is quite confusing, at least to me. They've made their appearance in a chapter on Vector Spaces and I haven't seen them before.

Another minor detail I have come across is this (perhaps my set theory is lacking!):

if 2 cosets are equal, u + W = v + W, where u & v [itex]\in[/itex] U, then u - v [itex]\in[/itex] U [itex]\bigcap[/itex] W.

How is this the case? Is it simply set theory?
  • #10
Master J said:
Thanks for the input people, you have cleared up a lot!

The notion of cosets is quite confusing, at least to me. They've made their appearance in a chapter on Vector Spaces and I haven't seen them before.

Another minor detail I have come across is this (perhaps my set theory is lacking!):

if 2 cosets are equal, u + W = v + W, where u & v [itex]\in[/itex] U, then u - v [itex]\in[/itex] U [itex]\bigcap[/itex] W.

How is this the case? Is it simply set theory?

suppose u + W = v + W.

then (u - v) + W = (v - v) + W = 0 + W = W (i simply subtracted v + W from "both sides", using the fact that -(v + W) = (-1)(v + W) = (-1)v + W = -v + W).

by definition of a subspace, u - v is also in U, if both u,v are (subspaces are closed under vector addtion and scalar multiplication, so -v = (-1)v is in U when v is, and thus u - v = u + (-v) is in U, since both u and -v are in U).

so u - v is in U, and u - v is in W, and thus is in the set of all elements which are in both sets, which we call U∩W.

thus u - v

FAQ: Cosets and Vector Spaces Question

What are cosets and vector spaces?

Cosets are subsets of a given group that are formed by multiplying each element in the subset by a fixed element in the group. Vector spaces are sets of vectors that can be added and multiplied by scalars to create new vectors.

How are cosets and vector spaces related?

Cosets can be seen as a special type of vector space, as they follow similar properties such as closure under addition and scalar multiplication. However, not all vector spaces are cosets, as cosets must be formed from a fixed element in a group.

What is the difference between a coset and a subgroup?

A subgroup is a subset of a group that is itself a group, while a coset is a subset of a group formed by multiplying each element in the subset by a fixed element in the group. Subgroups are closed under multiplication and contain the identity element, while cosets may not have these properties.

How are cosets and vector spaces used in linear algebra?

Cosets and vector spaces are fundamental concepts in linear algebra and are used to understand the structure and properties of vector spaces. They also play a key role in solving systems of linear equations and studying linear transformations.

Can cosets and vector spaces be applied in other fields of science?

Yes, the concepts of cosets and vector spaces have applications in various fields such as computer science, physics, and engineering. They are used to model and analyze systems with multiple dimensions, and their properties make them useful in solving complex problems.

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