Cosmological Constant and Planck Length in relativity

In summary: would cause an outward acceleration, in violation of the general law of "inertia equals mass/acceleration"
  • #1
There seems to be a difference in the way relativity views Planck length as frame dependent and the cosmological constant, an energy density?, as invariant...Any insights appreciated!

There is a well known contradiction between relativity and the Planck length:

Wikipedia explains the contradiction nicely:

If Special Relativity is to hold up exactly to this (Planck) scale, different observers would observe Quantum Gravity effects at different scales, due to the Lorentz-FitzGerald contraction, in contradiction to the principle that all inertial observers should be able to describe phenomena by the same physical laws.

Yet the energy density of empty space is believed now to have a positive value and apparently this cosmological constant of "...universal energy density would have the same value for all observers, no matter where or when they made their observations no matter how they moved."

(which is why Einstein called it "constant")

Lee Smolin, THE TROUBLE WITH PHYSICS, 2006, P151.

Or is the cosmological constant not quite like an energy density??
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Physics news on
  • #2
Naty1 said:
There is a well known contradiction between relativity and the Planck length:

Wikipedia explains the contradiction nicely:
I have heard this argument before, but it is not a sound argument and if there really is a contradiction this is not the reason.

Quantum Gravity would be the physical law which would apply at all scales. That one observer would be able to take one limit of QG and another observer would not be able to take the same limit is not a contradiction in any sense.

The same thing applies in SR where an observer at rest wrt some system could use Newtonian physics and an observer moving at relativistic velocities wrt the same system would need to use SR. In both cases SR is the "same physical law" used to describe the situation in each frame, Newtonian physics being simply a limiting case of SR.
  • #3
Well there ARE different versions of double special relativity; wikipedias reflects the original via Giovanni Camelia; Lee Smolin and collaborators produced saying

but it is not a sound argument and if there really is a contradiction this is not the reason.

may be your opinion, but well respected theoretical physicsts disagree. I sure don't know any resolution hence this post

Maybe this IS a contradiction and there are NO answers yet.

Even so, how does the cosmological constant stay invariant that way in relativity??
  • #4
Naty1 said:
well respected theoretical physicsts disagree
Appeal to authority is a logical fallacy. The argument is valid or not valid regardless of who uses it.

I should put a caviat in my previous reply, that is that I am assuming that a correct Quantum Gravity theory would be Lorentz symmetric, like other Quantum Field Theories.
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  • #5
how does the cosmological constant stay invariant that way in relativity??
It is proportional to the metric.
IOW: It's not simply an energy density, there are also pressure terms that make it invariant.
  • #6
Ich...Thank you!

(I wonder where Einstein got the idea to put pressure in GR?? Smart, very smart!)
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  • #7
My guess is that the density term is precisely equal to the 3P/c^2 term where P is negative - leaving only the cosmological term as driving the expansion (a la de Sitter).
  • #8
pressure of the vacuum (given it has energy density)

Related to Cosmological Constant and Planck Length in relativity

1. What is the Cosmological Constant in relativity?

The Cosmological Constant is a term in Einstein's theory of General Relativity that represents the energy density of the vacuum of space. It is denoted by the Greek letter lambda (Λ) and is thought to be responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe.

2. How does the Cosmological Constant affect the universe?

The Cosmological Constant is believed to be a fundamental component of the universe, affecting its overall expansion and structure. It is thought to play a crucial role in the evolution of the universe, and its value has a significant impact on the fate of the universe.

3. What is the relationship between the Cosmological Constant and Planck Length?

The Planck Length is the smallest possible length that can be measured in the universe, and it is related to the Cosmological Constant through Einstein's equations of General Relativity. The value of the Cosmological Constant is inversely proportional to the Planck Length, meaning that as one increases, the other decreases.

4. How are the Cosmological Constant and Planck Length connected to the search for a Theory of Everything?

The Cosmological Constant and Planck Length are both essential factors in the search for a Theory of Everything, which aims to unify all fundamental forces and explain the workings of the universe. The values of these constants are crucial in understanding the fundamental laws of nature and their interconnections.

5. What is the significance of the Cosmological Constant and Planck Length in modern physics?

The Cosmological Constant and Planck Length have significant implications in modern physics, particularly in the fields of cosmology and quantum mechanics. They play a crucial role in understanding the expansion and structure of the universe, as well as the behavior of particles at the smallest scales. These constants are also essential in developing new theories and models to explain the mysteries of the universe.

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