Cosmological constant from first principles

In summary: I thought that during inflation (which is the 1st de Sitter phase), the Hubble radius remained constant and only started to grow when inflation ended (point D in Padmanabhan Fig.1). It is \dot{a} that initially increased exponentially, but H = \dot{a}/a remained constant. Or am I mixing things up the wrong way...?Yes, you are mixing things up. The Hubble parameter during the inflationary epoch is the Planck length [Lp], and during the radiation epoch it is H~a^2.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Can the cosmological constant be derived from first principles? The answer appears to be - YES, according to this paper by Padmanabhan - 'The Physical Principle that determines the Value of the Cosmological Constant', This is, in part, an extension of Padmanabhan's earlier paper 'Emergent perspective of Gravity and Dark Energy',
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  • #2
There's a possible problem here: he's saying (I think) that λLF2 is ~1/nμ where n is the # of phase space cells within the Hubble radius (and μ turns out to be ~1.2). However, during the matter era, n [itex]\propto[/itex] ρ-3/4 [itex]\propto[/itex] t3/2, which would make λ variable. This is not allowed in GR. (When I say "# of phase space cells", I mean the # of photons that would result if all energy in the observable universe were converted to BB radiation.)
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  • #3
I'm not sure if I understood correctly, so please explain if I didn't...

But so it seems to me he says that there are three different phases of expansion: first de Sitter, then radiation dominated, then de Sitter again. If the Hubble parameter at first de Sitter phase is of order Planck mass, then the current Hubble parameter should be
[tex] H_{now} = \frac{a_{then}^2}{a_{now}^2} H_{then} = \frac{a_{then}^2}{a_{now}^2} L_P^{-1}[/tex]
and since in de Sitter, cosmological constant is related to H, one gets
[tex] \Lambda = 3H_{now}^2 = 3 \frac{a_{then}^4}{a_{now}^4} L_P^{-2} [/tex]

Then he goes about calculating [itex]Q = a_{now}/a_{then} [/itex]. I don't understand the calculation. There has to be some clear assumption for when the second de Sitter phase starts, and it has to be put in by hand. Where does the value fundamentally come from?
  • #4
clamtrox said:
I'm not sure if I understood correctly, so please explain if I didn't...

But so it seems to me he says that there are three different phases of expansion: first de Sitter, then radiation dominated, then de Sitter again. If the Hubble parameter at first de Sitter phase is of order Planck mass, then the current Hubble parameter should be
[tex] H_{now} = \frac{a_{then}^2}{a_{now}^2} H_{then} = \frac{a_{then}^2}{a_{now}^2} L_P^{-1}[/tex]
and since in de Sitter, cosmological constant is related to H, one gets
[tex] \Lambda = 3H_{now}^2 = 3 \frac{a_{then}^4}{a_{now}^4} L_P^{-2} [/tex]

Then he goes about calculating [itex]Q = a_{now}/a_{then} [/itex]. I don't understand the calculation. There has to be some clear assumption for when the second de Sitter phase starts, and it has to be put in by hand. Where does the value fundamentally come from?
The Hubble parameter during the inflationary epoch [1st de Sitter phase] is the Planck length [Lp]. The inflationary epoch is assumed to end when the de Sitter temperature is reached, defined as Tp = 1/(2piLp). This occurs at point D on p3 graph, the beginning of the radiation epoch. The radiation epoch ends when the number of comoving wave vectors that reenter the Hubble radius is the same as the number that exited during the inflationary epoch. This occurs at point B on p3 graph, which also marks the beginning of the second de Sitter phase. Q is the expansion factor, which is expected to be the same during all three epochs. It appears to me you can use the point when accelerated expansion began as the start of the second de Sitter phase.
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  • #5
Chronos said:
The Hubble parameter during the inflationary epoch [1st de Sitter phase] is the Planck length [Lp].

I suppose this depends on the chosen units and will be correct with everything expressed in Planck units, but then H_then = 1, not so?

Would Lp not be the Hubble radius, rather than the Hubble parameter, which would be extremely large, i.e. [itex]H_{then} = 1/T_{Planck} \approx 10^{43} \, \, sec^{-1}[/itex]?
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  • #6
Jorrie said:
I suppose this depends on the chosen units and will be correct with everything expressed in Planck units, but then H_then = 1, not so?

Would Lp not be the Hubble radius, rather than the Hubble parameter, which would be extremely large, i.e. [itex]H_{then} = 1/T_{Planck} \approx 10^{43} \, \, sec^{-1}[/itex]?
Agreed, the initial Hubble radius appears to be Lp, which expands by H~a during the inflationary epoch, followed by H~a^2 during the radiation epoch - which appears consistent with the LCDM model.
  • #7
Chronos said:
Agreed, the initial Hubble radius appears to be Lp, which expands by H~a during the inflationary epoch, followed by H~a^2 during the radiation epoch - which appears consistent with the LCDM model.

I thought that during inflation (which is the 1st de Sitter phase), the Hubble radius remained constant and only started to grow when inflation ended (point D in Padmanabhan Fig.1). It is [itex]\dot{a}[/itex] that initially increased exponentially, but [itex]H = \dot{a}/a[/itex] remained constant. Or am I mixing things up the wrong way here?
  • #8
He calls the Hubble radius 'constant asymptotically' during inflation [p2], which lead me to assume H could increase linearly while 'a' went wild. It seemed logical, the modes within the initial Hubble radius would be whisked away, unable to reenter the Hubble radius until the radiation epoch commenced. The change in the Hubble radius during inflation may, however, be too trivial to be of any consequence.
  • #9
Chronos said:
He calls the Hubble radius 'constant asymptotically' during inflation [p2], which lead me to assume H could increase linearly while 'a' went wild.
Thanks, makes sense. Sharp slope changes on log-log plots are really gradual changes on linear plots.

From his page 7, second bullet:
Time translation invariance of the geometry suggests that de Sitter space-
time qualifies as some kind of “equilibrium” configuration. Given the two
length scales, one can envisage two de Sitter phases for the universe, one
governed by H = Lp−1 and the other governed by H = (Λ/3)1/2. Of these,
I would expect the Planck scale inflationary phase to be an unstable equi-
librium causing the universe to make a transition towards the second de
Sitter phase governed by the cosmological constant. The transient stage
is populated by matter emerging along with classical geometry around the
point D in Fig. 1.


I don't quite catch the meaning of the last sentence. Does he mean that all the radiation and matter (energy) that we observe emerged around point D, or did it gradually emerge during the middle phase (D to B), i.e. migrated from the left side of the parallelogram to the right side? We are presumable situated very near point B, busy entering phase B to C.


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  • #10
Me neither. The emergent phase is not well characterized. It appears he asserts a quantum gravity solution is required on that count.

Related to Cosmological constant from first principles

1. What is the cosmological constant?

The cosmological constant is a term in Einstein's field equations of general relativity that represents the energy density of the vacuum of space. It is often denoted by the Greek letter lambda (Λ) and is used to describe the expansion of the universe.

2. How does the cosmological constant affect the universe?

The cosmological constant is responsible for the acceleration of the expansion of the universe. It creates a repulsive force that counteracts the gravitational pull of matter, causing the universe to expand at an accelerating rate.

3. What are the first principles used to derive the cosmological constant?

The first principles used to derive the cosmological constant include Einstein's theory of general relativity, the energy-momentum tensor, and the equations of motion for the universe. These principles are used to calculate the energy density of the vacuum and determine the value of the cosmological constant.

4. How is the value of the cosmological constant determined?

The value of the cosmological constant is determined through observations and calculations of the expansion rate of the universe. Scientists also use data from cosmic microwave background radiation and the distribution of galaxies to refine the value of the cosmological constant.

5. What are some current theories about the origin of the cosmological constant?

One theory is that the cosmological constant is a fundamental constant of nature, similar to the speed of light. Another theory suggests that it is a manifestation of the energy of the vacuum, known as "dark energy." Some scientists also propose that the cosmological constant may vary over time or be influenced by other unknown factors in the universe.

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