Could a Banana Help My Painful Shoulder Cramp?

  • Thread starter Math Is Hard
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In summary: You need to see a PT to stretch it and loosen it up. If there's no swelling and the pain is not severe, then you can try icing it. If it's severe, then you need to see a PT.
  • #1
Math Is Hard
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
owwwiie wowwwiie! I woke up with the most painful muscle cramp in my left shoulder blade this morning. Just turning my head right or left is excruciating. Driving to work was pure agony.

One of my co-workers suggested eating a banana. He thought maybe my potassium was low. Do you think that will help? I took ibuprofen, too. Any other ideas? I have to go hook up computers in about 1/2 an hour and it's going to hurt like the devil if this doesn't stop. :cry:
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  • #2
Get a massage.
  • #3
arildno said:
Get a massage.
Damn! Why did I have to give my masseuse the day off today?!
  • #4
Are you sure it's a muscle cramp? If so, you could try applying a heat pack to it and/or getting a massage. Or, perhaps stretching it slowly and deliberately.

It might something more like a tear or some kind of ligament damage though, in which case the stretching/massaging might not be a good idea... I don't think it can hurt to try applying some heat though.
  • #5
You certainly should see some health professional if it persists tomorrow¨.
  • #6
A banana is harmless so try it. You can also try a muscular relaxant like Robax[something] which also has a pain killer.
  • #7
hypnagogue said:
Are you sure it's a muscle cramp? If so, you could try applying a heat pack to it and/or getting a massage. Or, perhaps stretching it slowly and deliberately.

It might something more like a tear or some kind of ligament damage though, in which case the stretching/massaging might not be a good idea... I don't think it can hurt to try applying some heat though.

nah..nothing is damaged. I just slept in a weird position last night. It will be gone by tonight but I was hoping there was something I could do to ease it now. Maybe I'll try lying flat on the floor.
  • #8
Orefa said:
A banana is harmless so try it. You can also try a muscular relaxant like Robax[something] which also has a pain killer.
hmmm.. maybe I could take a Doan's pill. good idea.
  • #9
arildno said:
You certainly should see some health professional if it persists tomorrow¨.
Yes, mother. :wink: :biggrin:
  • #10
I agree with applying heat to it.

Sounds like it might be very tense.
  • #11
Where is the cramp exactly? Is is under the shoulder blade, or is it more in the trap?
  • #12
Sounds like the trapezius - - although it could be the levator scapulae or rhomboid minor. In addition to pain medication, heat will help as well as massage. Once in a while, I've had a stiff neck, and heat and massage help.

And don't forget masseur is a male massage therapist and masseuse is female - there is a difference. :rolleyes:
  • #13
JasonRox said:
I agree with applying heat to it.

Sounds like it might be very tense.

You always have good advice. Though it might be a little impractical right now since I'm at the office. Maybe I'll split early today.

Jeff said:
Where is the cramp exactly? Is is under the shoulder blade, or is it more in the trap?
It is definitely in the trapezius area. It starts at the base of my neck and goes down.
  • #14
Aww, poor MIH, i have had similar pains and the good news is they disapear
almost without notice, anyway hope you are ok tomorow.
  • #15
You're lucky you don't work with some of the guys I worked with years ago. The day I came in with a stiff neck, they threw nurf balls or paper wads at me unexpectedly just to see the expression on my face when I would reflexively duck.
  • #16
Stick with some Advil for now. Stretch the area with slow shoulder shrugs and neck rotation to the extent the pain allows. When you get home, jump in the shower and let water run on the area as hot as you can stand. Then turn it as cold as you can stand. 15-20 seconds on each setting, repeat 8-10 times. It sounds weird, but it does wonders for inflamation.
  • #17
Follow this with acupuncture, an evening at the spa and a Hawaiian vacation. That should do it.
  • #18
man i know how that feels. and I am also pretty sure it is the trapezius.

I usually get this when i sleep with my head at a bad angle a lot at night.

stretching and such usually fixes it up. but I've had a couple times where stretching won't even help. and a good sleep with no pillows fixes me up great.
  • #19
I would check for swelling before I decided between ice or heat. If there's swelling, put ice on it (or at least do not put heat on it) and rest it (do not use it or stretch it or rub it). I can think of at least two things: tight muscle or inflamed or strained tendon, and you don't treat them the same way. The tendon that connects your trapezius at the end around your shoulder blade is a flat one, so the pain might not feel as concentrated as it does with tendonitis or strains in other areas.

P.S. I am not a doctor. o:)
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  • #20
honestrosewater said:
P.S. I am not a doctor. o:)

But you plan one on the forum :smile:
  • #21
Hee hee. Too bad it doesn't pay well enough.

Does it hurt when you apply pressure to the area (e.g. pressing on it with your hand if you can reach)?
  • #22
Thanks for the sympathy and the advice. Gee, Bob, talk about evil coworkers! That is so messed up!

I'm doing the stretches like Jeff said, and it seems to be easing up a little. I would really like to do what Orefa said (minus the acupuncture!).
munky, yeah, I woke up on my side for some reason, with my shoulder way forward and my weight on top of it. I was so stiff, it hurt just to pull myself out of position. So, no pillow tonight, huh? Not even a little one?

HRW, it's ok, I'm not injured. It's just like a bad stiff neck (some people call it a 'crick') except it's lower than usual.
  • #23
Something like this happens to me once or twice a year, and it's a wicked annoyance. I haven't ever found a remedy I can offer, it just seems to go away by itself eventually.

Anyway, hope your's clears up soon.
  • #24
honestrosewater said:
Hee hee. Too bad it doesn't pay well enough.

Does it hurt when you apply pressure to the area (e.g. pressing on it with your hand if you can reach)?

I can reach it pretty well if I lay back in my chair, Doctor. I mean, HRW. It feels good when I press hard because the muscle relaxes a bit.

Something like this happens to me once or twice a year, and it's a wicked annoyance. I haven't ever found a remedy I can offer, it just seems to go away by itself eventually.

Anyway, hope your's clears up soon.

Thanks, zoob. I did not know zoobys got these things, too.
  • #25
Math Is Hard said:
I can reach it pretty well if I lay back in my chair, Doctor. I mean, HRW. It feels good when I press hard because the muscle relaxes a bit.
Okay, sorry, I just worry. :smile:

*passes MIH a bloody mary*
  • #26
honestrosewater said:
Okay, sorry, I just worry. :smile:

*passes MIH a bloody mary*

ahhh.. thank you so much.


That's just how I like 'em - half vodka, half tabasco! :cool:
  • #27
Math Is Hard said:
That's just how I like 'em - half vodka, half tabasco! :cool:
:smile: Spoken like a true !
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  • #28
hypnagogue said:
:smile: Spoken like a true !

:smile: hehehehehehehe..ha ha.. hee hee.. ooh - ow.
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  • #29
Owww, poor MIH! :frown:

I woke up once not being able to turn my head, extreme pain. I had to go immediately to the doctor, I mean I seriously could not move my head.

I was placed in a neck brace and put on percodan. The brace was a great relief, it took the pressure off. I had to wear the brace for a few weeks. Pinched nerve or something.

Don't mees around MIH, if it is still bad tomorrow, go to the doctor.
  • #30
Evo said:
Owww, poor MIH! :frown:

I woke up once not being able to turn my head, extreme pain. I had to go immediately to the doctor, I mean I seriously could not move my head.

I was placed in a neck brace and put on percodan. The brace was a great relief, it took the pressure off. I had to wear the brace for a few weeks. Pinched nerve or something.

Don't mees around MIH, if it is still bad tomorrow, go to the doctor.
Wow! That sounds horrible! :frown:

No worries - I am already 1000 times better than I was this morning. Having to get under desks to connect computers was keeeeeelling me. We didn't have any slaves- er - work-study students today, so I had to do it myself.
  • #31
one time I turned to look over my shoulder and got stuck. I couldn't turn my head because every time I tried I got an exploding, burning pain in my neck. I spent two days with my chin on my shoulder. unable to look forward. It sucked
  • #32
You should have sex. You'll forget about your pains and woes. I'm sure some of us could help you with that too.
  • #33
Mk said:
You should have sex. You'll forget about your pains and woes. I'm sure some of us could help you with that too.
Wow. Rico Suave. :smile:
  • #34
tribdog said:
one time I turned to look over my shoulder and got stuck. I couldn't turn my head because every time I tried I got an exploding, burning pain in my neck. I spent two days with my chin on my shoulder. unable to look forward. It sucked
Ouch! I sympathize! Must have been hell walking around like that. Did you have to walk sideways?

Mk said:
You should have sex. You'll forget about your pains and woes. I'm sure some of us could help you with that too.
I'm.. I'm.. at a loss for words. :redface:
  • #35
p.s. Jeff, the hot/cold treatment seemed to give me some relief, although the treatment was almost worse than the ailment! I thought for a moment maybe you made that up just as a practical joke!

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