Could a Semiconductor Plate Alter the Casimir Effect?

In summary, the Casimir Effect acts upon two closely spaced parallel conducting plates due to the reduced photon pressure between them. If one of the plates was a semiconductor and ceased to conduct, it could potentially create a net force on the permanently conducting plate towards the center. However, the Casimir effect is not affected by microscopic details and only considers macroscopic conductivity. Additionally, the concept of transferring momentum from external photons is not applicable in this scenario.
  • #1

I would love to hear people's thoughts on the following:

My (basic) understanding is that the Casimir Effect acts upon 2 closely spaced parallel conducting plates, because the photon pressure between the plates is less - only wavelengths which are multiples/divisors of the plate spacing can exist.

If one of the plates was in fact a semiconductor, when it ceased to conduct would there be a net force on the (permanently) conducting plate towards the centre of the 2 plates? If the semiconductor were driven on/off at high frequency, could this force become substantial? ( e.g. a potential propulsion for spacecraft )

I haven't been able to find mention of this particular theory on t'interweb - I'm sure there are countless flaws with the theory but I've been out of the physics game for too long now!

thanks in advance
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  • #2
Ergatron said:

I would love to hear people's thoughts on the following:

My (basic) understanding is that the Casimir Effect acts upon 2 closely spaced parallel conducting plates, because the photon pressure between the plates is less - only wavelengths which are multiples/divisors of the plate spacing can exist.

If one of the plates was in fact a semiconductor, when it ceased to conduct would there be a net force on the (permanently) conducting plate towards the centre of the 2 plates? If the semiconductor were driven on/off at high frequency, could this force become substantial? ( e.g. a potential propulsion for spacecraft )

I haven't been able to find mention of this particular theory on t'interweb - I'm sure there are countless flaws with the theory but I've been out of the physics game for too long now!

thanks in advance

The Casmir force would be determined by the conductivity of the semiconductor. The conductivity of the semiconductor would depend on how it was doped, the temperature of the semiconductor, whether it was illuminated, and other microscopic details. However, the Casmir effect wouldn't be sensitive to the microscopic details. The Casmir effect would only be affected by the macroscopic (i.e., average) conductivity.
  • #3
Besides, what you are describing does not conserve momentum.
  • #4
OK, thanks - but wouldn't the momentum be taken from the external photons?
  • #5
What external photons?
  • #6
The radiation pressure acting on the permanently conducting plate towards the midpoint - if there wasn't a matching force the other side of it, wouldn't momentum be transferred from the photons comprising the radiation into the momentum of the plate?
  • #7
I don't think you are understanding this. It's not like there is a real bath of photons out there that can somehow be shielded if going from the left but not if going from the right.

FAQ: Could a Semiconductor Plate Alter the Casimir Effect?

What is the Casimir Effect?

The Casimir Effect is a scientific phenomenon where two parallel, uncharged metal plates in a vacuum are attracted to each other due to the influence of quantum fluctuations in the vacuum. This results in a force between the plates, known as the Casimir force.

What causes the Casimir Effect?

The Casimir Effect is caused by the presence of virtual particles, which constantly pop in and out of existence in the vacuum. These particles create fluctuations in the vacuum, and when two plates are placed close together, these fluctuations are restricted between the plates, resulting in a force that pushes the plates together.

What is the significance of the Casimir Effect?

The Casimir Effect has significant implications for our understanding of quantum mechanics and the nature of the vacuum. It also has practical applications in nanotechnology, as it can be used to create extremely small mechanical devices, known as Casimir machines.

Can the Casimir Effect be measured?

Yes, the Casimir Effect has been measured in several experiments, where the force between the plates has been observed and measured. However, the effect is very small and can only be detected under very specific conditions.

Is the Casimir Effect always attractive?

No, the Casimir Effect can also be repulsive depending on the geometry and properties of the plates. In some cases, the Casimir force between two plates can even cancel out completely, resulting in no net force between them.
