Could a Tesla turbine recharge electric car battery?

In summary: Thanks for the input.In summary, the turbine would only extend the range by a small amount and solar would not be able to significantly extend the range.
  • #1
Assuming you have an electric car that can go 100miles at 70mph on a single charge, what kind of range could you get with the following configuration? An electric car that runs off the main battery bank. Vents on the outside of the car funnel air to a Tesla turbine while the car is in motion. The Tesla turbine recharges the cars main battery bank. I'm not asking if the car will run forever, I'm wondering what kind of range extension, if any, would the car get from the Tesla turbine?
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  • #2
Welcome to PF!

Assuming the turbine was 100% efficient, the range would still be 100 miles. A real turbine with a lower efficiency would result in a lower range. Conservation of energy applies: the turbine adds drag and produces less energy than it absorbs from the battery.
  • #3
I don't understand. The turbine doesn't absorb energy from the batteries. The outside wind goes through the vents to turn the Tesla turbine which turns an altenator which recharges the batteries. This is not an idea for a tesla turbine powered car. Its an idea to capture some of the energy from the outside wind and convert it to electricity to recharge the main batteries. I know the vent will produce some kind of drag so are you saying the extra energy required to overcome that drag is greater than the energy the wind speed could produce from the Tesla turbine?
  • #4
On a similar note. Turbo intakes produce drag on a car but the turbo is still able to produce higher fuel efficiency. Don't they produce more energy than the drag removes?? Oh and thank for the welcome. Very nice forum board.
  • #5
Cyclonus said:
I don't understand. The turbine doesn't absorb energy from the batteries. The outside wind goes through the vents to turn the Tesla turbine which turns an altenator which recharges the batteries.
The batteries drive the motor, which drives the car, which creates the wind, which drives the turbine, which drives the generator, which charges the batteries. It's one big circle.
I know the vent will produce some kind of drag so are you saying the extra energy required to overcome that drag is greater than the energy the wind speed could produce from the Tesla turbine?
Yes. That's the basic scientific principle of conservation of energy.
Turbo intakes produce drag on a car but the turbo is still able to produce higher fuel efficiency. Don't they produce more energy than the drag removes??
A turbocharger is powered by the exhaust gases of the car.
Oh and thank for the welcome. Very nice forum board.
You're welcome.
  • #6
Sigh...thats what I was afraid of. Any chance of significantly increasing range with solar? Just curious, not interested in persuing that scenario. Tesla is more interesting. What about a tesla coil attached to the drive train, That would be capturing free electron from the environment wouldn't it? Ugh. I'd love to go electric but the range limitation just makes it implausible.

Related to Could a Tesla turbine recharge electric car battery?

1. Can a Tesla turbine effectively recharge an electric car battery?

Yes, a Tesla turbine can effectively recharge an electric car battery. The turbine is designed to convert the kinetic energy of a fluid or gas into rotational energy, which can then be used to generate electricity. This makes it a suitable option for recharging an electric car battery.

2. How does a Tesla turbine work?

A Tesla turbine works by using a series of closely spaced disks that are mounted on a central shaft. These disks have small holes around the perimeter, and when a fluid or gas is passed through the disks, it creates a boundary layer of fluid that rotates the disks. This rotation is then transferred to the central shaft, which can be connected to a generator to produce electricity.

3. What are the advantages of using a Tesla turbine to recharge an electric car battery?

One of the main advantages of using a Tesla turbine to recharge an electric car battery is its efficiency. Unlike traditional turbines, the Tesla turbine has no blades or moving parts, which reduces the risk of mechanical failures and increases its efficiency. Additionally, the turbine is compact and lightweight, making it a convenient option for electric car recharging stations.

4. Are there any limitations to using a Tesla turbine for recharging electric car batteries?

While Tesla turbines have many advantages, there are some limitations to consider. One limitation is that the turbine requires a high-speed fluid or gas flow to generate energy, which may not be readily available in all locations. Additionally, the turbine may produce a low torque output, which may not be sufficient to fully recharge an electric car battery.

5. Can a Tesla turbine be used in conjunction with other renewable energy sources to recharge electric car batteries?

Yes, a Tesla turbine can be used in conjunction with other renewable energy sources such as solar panels or wind turbines to recharge electric car batteries. This can create a more sustainable and reliable source of energy for electric cars, reducing their dependence on non-renewable sources of energy.

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