Could Anti-Gravity Ever Be Possible?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of anti-gravity and the various theories and evidence surrounding it. While it is not completely ruled out, there is currently no concrete evidence or understanding of how it could be achieved. Some theories, such as using a negative mass, have been proposed but have not been proven. The conversation also touches on potential misconceptions and misunderstandings around the concept of gravity and how it works.
  • #1
Hello to everyone.
I feel quite humble to be posting on this physics forum as I am not a physicist but I am in awe of such great minds. However, I do have a general interest in physics as I am an engineer. Unlike my father is an electronics design engineer for whom is the reason for my posting this.

I need some proffesional insight into why Anti-Gravity is impossible as my father seems to have worked out how to overcome gravity using one way inertia. Is it Isaac Newtons third law that prevents this? I have been reading and researching a lot on the internet and it seems that the third law may have some flaw. Please help as I am confused.
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  • #2
No one can really honestly say that anti-gravity isn't possible; we don't have a complete theory of the universe yet. On the other hand, there is a preponderance of evidence -- every experiment ever conducted -- as well as quite a number of theoretical arguments against anti-gravity. It seems quite likely that anti-gravity does not exist, but it would not be scientifically valid to assert that it must not exist.

It is possible that a sort of "negative mass" exists, and such a negative mass would exhibit repulsive, rather than attractive, gravitation. While you can make all kinds of wild conclusions from theory, it happens that no trace of any such stuff has ever been detected.

As it happens, I must say that your father is probably just quite mistaken. There is no way to defeat gravity without creating a sort of matter that doesn't seem to exist in this universe. There's certainly no way to find a flaw in Newton's laws that might permit anti-gravity. Newton's third law is very commonly misapplied because it's easy to accidentally forget to include a force where there should be one. If you start including rotation or other complications, most people with little experience will begin making mistakes. In fact, I'd venture that fully 75% of anti-gravity kook theories on the 'net involve a simple misapplication of basic mechanics.

If your father can build a device that demonstrates anti-gravity, have him do so -- he'll be the richest and most well-known man on the planet. If he cannot, there's no choice but to chalk up whatever mechanism he "worked out" as a mistake.

- Warren
  • #3
My take on anti-gravity is that the devices said to operate on it are operating on some mis-interpreted other force like the forces due to the gyroscopic effect or magnetism. Sure, you can levitate an object with magnets that are working oposite the force of gravity, but that's not anti-gravity.
  • #4
That's it. We don't understand yet how gravity works. We can't explain why you can't hide from gravity as you can be isolated from an electromagnetic field.

The fact is that gravity and electromagnetism are very similar. Field theory works well with it, but we can't make an object with mass to repel another mass.
  • #5
russ_watters said:
My take on anti-gravity is that the devices said to operate on it are operating on some mis-interpreted other force like the forces due to the gyroscopic effect or magnetism. Sure, you can levitate an object with magnets that are working oposite the force of gravity, but that's not anti-gravity.

This is an excellent point, russ. It's easy to see how such mistakes could occur given the common definition of gravity: "The force of attraction between two objects". Electromagnetism is a "force of attraction between two objects" too, as is the strong nuclear force. So, working under that definition, any mechanism that creates repulsion instead of attraction could be considered an "anti-gravity device".

I have a friend who's working on anti-gravity, and he's re-defined gravity (in his hypothesis) as simply "altered inertia"...but that doesn't really help much, IMHO. After all, electromagnetism would (once again) fall into that same definition.

I think it's best to stick with Relativity's definition of gravity as (basically) a bending of spacetime by the presence of positive mass, and thus (as chroot said) we would need an object with "negative mass" (which is a theoretical mess, and has never been found in experiment) to create "anti-gravity".

Related to Could Anti-Gravity Ever Be Possible?

1. What is anti-gravity?

Anti-gravity is a hypothetical force that would counteract the effects of gravity, allowing objects to float or levitate without any external support.

2. Is anti-gravity scientifically possible?

At this point in time, there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of anti-gravity. However, some theories and experiments suggest that it may be possible to manipulate gravity in the future.

3. How do scientists research anti-gravity?

Scientists use a variety of methods, including theoretical models, computer simulations, and experiments, to study the concept of anti-gravity. They also collaborate with experts in related fields such as physics, astronomy, and engineering.

4. What are the potential applications of anti-gravity?

If anti-gravity were to be proven and harnessed, it could have a wide range of applications, including space travel, transportation, and energy production. It could also have significant implications for our understanding of the universe.

5. What are the challenges in researching anti-gravity?

One of the main challenges in researching anti-gravity is the lack of a clear scientific understanding of the concept. Another challenge is the high cost and technical complexity of conducting experiments and developing technologies related to anti-gravity.

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