Could Bush Be Arrested in Canada Under War Crimes Act?

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  • Thread starter Smurf
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In summary, if Canada were to arrest George W. Bush, it would likely cause a lot of tension and conflict between the two countries.
  • #1
I was just watching CNN Headline News (Yes I know) and the announcer suggested that Bush could be indicted under Canada's War Crimes act, if so he would be arrested as soon as he arrived in Canada.
Obviously I don't think this will happen. but it's a nice thought.
What would this mean for international politics. It would certainly hurt our relations with the US.
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  • #2
I doubt it.

If Canada arrests Bush they better be ready to feel the wrath of the powerful United States! If I ever become Pres. of the US I will definitely take over Canada :smile:
  • #4
mattmns said:
I doubt it.

If Canada arrests Bush they better be ready to feel the wrath of the powerful United States! If I ever become Pres. of the US I will definitely take over Canada :smile:
Thank you for that wonderfully intellectual comment.
  • #5
No problem, to be serious for a minute or two.

Do you really think that Canada is going to make an attempt to arrest the President of the United States? If Bush actually had a chance of getting arrested in Canada there is no way he would be willing to go there. I am not a friend of Mr. Bush, but I guarantee you that he has plenty of lawyers on his side that are making sure that there is no way for him to get arrested anywhere.

"As well, according to a foreign affairs spokesperson, visiting heads of state are immune from prosecution when in Canada on official business. If Ottawa wanted to act, it would have to wait until Bush was out of office — or hope to catch him when he comes up here to fish." - Quote from your source.

Looks like Canada would have to wait four years anyway.
  • #6
There's no chance Canada would even try to arrest Bush. I hope no one is seriously thinking that it would. Just imagine the ramifications...
Anyway, on a side note: Bush isn't going to speak in Parliament anymore for fear of being booed. (That is a real possibility). What a shame though, that would have been quite entertaining.
Some clubs at my school are organizing a trip to Ottawa to protest Bush. Maybe I'll go. I haven't been to Ottawa in a few years.
  • #7
LOL! Now THAT would be news, wouldn't it? Be careful what you read. This is not a serious issue.
  • #8
Well, he's actually comming to my city. There's so many people ready to protest. I don't believe anyone wants him here. So many of our high schools were closed down, to house the people on the 911, and we didn't even get a thanks.
  • #9
When this was first brought up, the issue wasn't that they could arrest Bush now (if only...), but an attempt prevent Bush's visit. The letter sent to the PM by some lawyers stated that inviting Bush showed contempt for Canadian law and called for declaring Bush persona non grata in Canada (and indicated that allowing the visit might make it possible to indict the PM for abetting Bush's war crimes).
  • #10
Ooooh, that's good too! (not as good, but still good)
  • #11
When this was first brought up, the issue wasn't that they could arrest Bush now (if only...), but an attempt prevent Bush's visit. The letter sent to the PM by some lawyers stated that inviting Bush showed contempt for Canadian law and called for declaring Bush persona non grata in Canada (and indicated that allowing the visit might make it possible to indict the PM for abetting Bush's war crimes).

This is rebuilding my belief is lawyers ... great effort !
  • #12
In case you guys don't know, every president, presidential candidate, and ex-president, along with their families, are constantly followed by enough secret service agents that it would take a pretty strong force to take any of them anywhere against their will.
  • #13
ROTFL wouldn't the Queen kick your guys' butts?
  • #14
mattmns said:
I doubt it.

If Canada arrests Bush they better be ready to feel the wrath of the powerful United States! If I ever become Pres. of the US I will definitely take over Canada :smile:

You mean Canada is still independent? i thought they were just another one of those evil blue states...
  • #15
schwarzchildradius said:
ROTFL wouldn't the Queen kick your guys' butts?
HAHaha..oh too true to really be funny...but it is!
  • #16
mattmns said:
I doubt it.

If Canada arrests Bush they better be ready to feel the wrath of the powerful United States! If I ever become Pres. of the US I will definitely take over Canada :smile:

What would you want? Our Seakings? Or water? =\ Oh, maybe our ice, perhaps?
  • #17
I was quite surprised to see the subject coming up on cbc, one of Canada's foremost news channel tonight!
  • #18
Gonzolo said:
I was quite surprised to see the subject coming up on cbc, one of Canada's foremost news channel tonight!

I was even more surprised seeing it on CNN the least TWO nights!
  • #19
Zeteg said:
What would you want? Our Seakings? Or water? =\ Oh, maybe our ice, perhaps?

No, what I will want is all of America.

My first day as pres I will take over Canada, not that it will take long, maybe a few hours or so. :-p Then Mexico, Central America, South America. After that, my followers and I will build a huge shield protecting us from every other country in the world. Then we will stop almost all military spending, and use our newfound wealth for health care and that other good stuff.
  • #20
My first day as pres I will take over Canada, not that it will take long, maybe a few hours or so.

You guys tried it once already, it didn't seem to go to well.
  • #21
revelator said:
You guys tried it once already, it didn't seem to go to well.

The US did? What year and under which president?
  • #22
Can you imagine the gall of Canadian officials arbitrarily targeting members of other governments for persecution?
  • #23
mattmns said:
The US did? What year and under which president?
1812 under maddisson
(hint: It's when the whitehouse was burned down)
  • #24
Smurf said:
1812 under maddisson
(hint: It's when the whitehouse was burned down)

Ok, I didnt think it was recent, that was almost 200 years ago. I think we could easily take you guys today :-p
  • #25
mattmns said:
Ok, I didnt think it was recent, that was almost 200 years ago. I think we could easily take you guys today :-p
Thats what you said then "They're busy with Napoleon, we could easily take them today"
  • #26
mattmns said:
Ok, I didnt think it was recent, that was almost 200 years ago. I think we could easily take you guys today

That's a given :P. But we'd give a resistance like nobody's business.

Although I don't know how you would expect to be able to occupy so much land. Canada is the second largest country in the world in terms of area. And on top of that you want the other North/South American countries?
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  • #27
Smurf said:
Thats what you said then "They're busy with Napoleon, we could easily take them today"

I never said that, maybe some US president or somebody else did.

Personally I don't know much about history, and don't worry about history because it is well useless. We all know that history does not predict the future.

revelator said:
That's a given :P. But we'd give a resistance like nobody's business.

I have no doubt that many of you will resists, nobody likes to lose their country. After I take over all of America I will have a big shield created to protect us and then cut almost all of the military spending and use it on some stuff that will help everyone live better.

Back on topic for a second... Bush is visiting Canada today(now Nov 30 04)? The visit is still on? If so I guess we will find out what happens soon :cool:

edit... back off topic

Although I don't know how you would expect to be able to occupy so much land. Canada is the second largest country in the world in terms of area. And on top of that you want the other North/South American countries?

Good point. That led me to think of something better, I was actually thinking about how the shield would work in central america because of how small and narrow it is. Now that I think of it more, maybe not, meh I'll worry about it when I am elected President.
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  • #28
Once again another thread has been hijacked into a Canada vs. USA argument. Continue.
  • #29
Can't we all just...get along?
  • #30
yeah I was thinking the same thing while reading my post, that's why I decided to stop thinking about it and try to get back on topic.

What time is Bush scheduled to enter Canada? I am guessing that he is going to speak, or sign something?
  • #31
mattmns said:
Personally I don't know much about history, and don't worry about history because it is well useless. We all know that history does not predict the future.
Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it, You can't begin to comprehend how controversial that statement is.

Good point. That led me to think of something better, I was actually thinking about how the shield would work in central america because of how small and narrow it is. Now that I think of it more, maybe not, meh I'll worry about it when I am elected President.
What is this 'shield' you talk about, and how are you going to cut military spending while simultaneously occupying all the Americas?
  • #32
check said:
Can't we all just...get along?

I think we can.

Edit... ok one last comment before bed, since I am unsure of what you(Smurf) mean

Smurf said:
You can't begin to comprehend how controversial that statement is.

Which statement? I am going to guess that you are referring to my "[w]e all know that history does not predict the future" statement.

I personally feel that nothing can predict the future. I do realize that history can point out certain trends that have happened in the past, but nothing can determine exactly what will happen tommorow.

My shield, don't worry about it. You will find out about it when I become president.

Edit 2... Smurf you are absolutely correct.

I forgot to define "history." When I say that history is useless I am talking about US history, World history, etc (something you would take at school). You may still disagree with this, but I just wanted to clear that up.

History, as in the history of my life, is very usefull. The history of my life being things that I have done, or seen happen, etc. I have made mistakes in my life that I will try to never repeat, and that is when history(of my life) is usefull.

Now hopefully to sleep :zzz:
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  • #33
I forgot to define "history." When I say that history is useless I am talking about US history, World history, etc (something you would take at school). You may still disagree with this, but I just wanted to clear that up.

Does not really make it easier to buy, from historical perspective it's easy to say that people are repeating the very same patterns and mistakes over and over to date, perhaps if they stopped for a sec to learn and evolve from mistakes & successes of the past, at least some of the trivial mistakes could be reduced in number. People really haven't changed that much over the centuries.
  • #34
mattmns I can see your campaign slogan now.

Meh?! I'll figure it out later! Vote mattmns!

mattmns said:
Personally I don't know much about history, and don't worry about history because it is well useless. We all know that history does not predict the future.

No it does not, but it does keep a record of all the incredibly stupid mistakes we've made over the years. If people don't learn history, then they won't learn about these incredibly stupid mistakes. Which will lead to people repeating the same old mistakes.

mattmns said:
History, as in the history of my life, is very usefull. The history of my life being things that I have done, or seen happen, etc. I have made mistakes in my life that I will try to never repeat, and that is when history(of my life) is usefull.

Think of it this way. Your personal history is a very good guide, when making decisions in your life. Human history works the same way, just on a larger scale.

Since I'm in a bubble bursting mood, I'd also like to point out that once you cut your military spending, it won't take very long for some next country to invent something that could get around/through this shield of yours.

This has to be one of the most poorly thought out plans of conquest I've ever heard. Pinky and the Brain usually come up with better than that.
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  • #35
revelator, are you pondering what I'm pondering?

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