Could dark matter and dark energy be the same thing?

In summary: It depends on what "dark energy" actually is. If it's a cosmological constant, then no--its density is the same everywhere. But if it's due to some field (for example, a scalar field can give a pressure-density relationship similar to that of a cosmological constant), then the field could vary from place to place, yes.
  • #1
Dark energy is still energy so couldn't it also gravitate? The question is how large of a region of space must there be before dark energy could sustain itself at a higher density through self-gravitation? I'm under the impression that dark matter works at a smaller scale than dark energy. Or do they exist at the same size scales?
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  • #2
friend said:
Could dark matter and dark energy be the same thing?
  • #3
'Dark matter' is just a place holder name for something which behaves like ordinary matter in that it has mass and produces gravity.
but we can't yet see it, so we call it dark, but it's something similar to normal matter.
Dark energy is a placeholder name for whatever it is that is causing the Universe to expand at an increasing rate.
The only relationship is the 'dark' bit in the name, meaning that we don't know what it is.
Physicists sense of humor is a bit abstract.
  • #4
As I understand it, both DM and DE are invisible and don't (if not rarely) interact with the SM particles. Yet, both have an effect on gravity. My question remains. Can dark energy be denser in some regions of space than others? If so, what is the limit of the relative density that it can maintain? Can this approach the density of dark matter, which I understand is quite a bit less dense than the SM matter can get.
  • #5
friend said:
Dark energy is still energy so couldn't it also gravitate?

It does--but the way it gravitates is different from the way ordinary matter and energy gravitates.

Heuristically, the general quantity that determines how something gravitates is ##\rho + 3 p##, where ##\rho## is the energy density and ##p## is the pressure. (This is actually only true for something that can be modeled as a perfect fluid, but that's a good enough approximation for this discussion.) For ordinary "cold" matter (including dark matter), ##p = 0##, so we just have ##\rho##, the energy density; this produces the ordinary kind of "gravitation" that we associate with ordinary matter like planets and stars.

Radiation (for example, the CMBR) has ##p = \rho / 3##, so heuristically, it "gravitates" twice as much as you would expect from just its energy density. That affects how the expansion rate changes with time in the early universe, because the early universe was dominated by radiation, not cold matter. However, today, and in the future, radiation is negligible since its energy density is so low (because its energy density decreases faster with expansion than the energy density of cold matter does).

Dark energy has ##p = - \rho##. That means that the "gravitating" quantity, ##\rho + 3p##, is negative (it is ##- 2 \rho##). So dark energy produces "gravity" that is repulsive, not attractive--it makes free-falling objects move apart, not together. That is why dark energy causes the expansion of the universe to accelerate.
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  • #6
PeterDonis said:
Dark energy has ##p = - \rho##. That means that the "gravitating" quantity, ##\rho + 3p##, is negative (it is ##- 2 \rho##). So dark energy produces "gravity" that is repulsive, not attractive--it makes free-falling objects move apart, not together. That is why dark energy causes the expansion of the universe to accelerate.
Does any of this prevent DE from being more dense in some regions than in others?
  • #7
friend said:
Does any of this prevent DE from being more dense in some regions than in others?

It depends on what "dark energy" actually is. If it's a cosmological constant, then no--its density is the same everywhere. But if it's due to some field (for example, a scalar field can give a pressure-density relationship similar to that of a cosmological constant), then the field could vary from place to place, yes.
  • #8
There are any number of studies that could reveal if dark energy is, or is not constant. The most obvious test is by measuring the rate of expansion in disparate parts of the universe. If it is slightly faster or slower in any particular region than any other region, that would spell bad news for the cosmological constant idea and good news for BTSM [beyond the standard model] theories. The cosmological constant appears to be holding its own, but, the case is still under litigation. For further discussion,, might be of interest.

Related to Could dark matter and dark energy be the same thing?

1. What is dark matter and dark energy?

Dark matter and dark energy are both terms used in astrophysics to describe two distinct phenomena that make up a large portion of the universe. Dark matter refers to a type of matter that does not interact with light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation, making it invisible to telescopes. Dark energy, on the other hand, is a theoretical form of energy that is thought to be responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe.

2. Could dark matter and dark energy be the same thing?

While there are some theories that suggest dark matter and dark energy could be related, most scientists believe they are two separate phenomena. Dark matter is thought to make up about 85% of the total matter in the universe, while dark energy is thought to make up about 70% of the total energy in the universe. This suggests that they are not the same thing, as they make up different proportions of the universe's total mass and energy.

3. Why is it important to study dark matter and dark energy?

Understanding dark matter and dark energy is crucial to our understanding of the universe and its evolution. They play a major role in shaping the structure of the universe and are key components in the formation of galaxies and other large-scale structures. Additionally, studying dark matter and dark energy can help us better understand fundamental physics and potentially lead to new discoveries.

4. How do scientists study dark matter and dark energy?

Since dark matter cannot be directly observed, scientists use a variety of methods to study its effects on visible matter and light. These include observing the rotation of galaxies, gravitational lensing, and studying the cosmic microwave background radiation. Dark energy is studied through observations of the expanding universe and its effects on the distribution of galaxies.

5. What are some potential explanations for dark matter and dark energy being the same thing?

One theory suggests that dark energy could be a property of dark matter, meaning that dark matter particles have a built-in repulsive force that causes the universe's expansion. Another theory proposes that dark energy could be a manifestation of the effects of gravity on a large scale, rather than a separate form of energy. However, these theories are still being explored and more research is needed to fully understand the relationship between dark matter and dark energy.

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