Could dark matter be negative pressure

In summary, dark matter is not negative pressure caused by the stretching of the fabric of space, as dark energy is the unknown force responsible for the acceleration of the expansion of the universe. It is important to understand the current theories and not simply rely on wordplay to support unfounded assertions. Dark energy is represented by the Lambda in the Lambda-CDM cosmological model and works together with dark matter to balance the equations and satisfy the conservation of matter and energy. Validating cosmological equations is more challenging than chemical equations.
  • #1
could dark matter be negative pressure caused by the stretching of the fabric of space by an expanding universe?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Are you talking about dark matter, or about dark energy?
  • #3
sorry, energy
  • #4
Dark energy is an unknown thing that CAUSES the acceleration of the expansion of the universe. I think you have cause and effect backwards.

EDIT: it would appear, by the way, that you are attempting to "think outside the box" on this which is a good thing in general, but surely you understand that it is foolish to try to think outside the box when you don't yet understand what is IN the box?
  • #5
Another thing to be careful about is theorizing just based on wordplay. Sometimes people use the term "the fabric of space" figuratively, but if you take that literally and say, "well space is a 'fabric' and fabrics have elasticity therefore space must have elasticity", then all you've really done is manipulate words in order to support an assertion that is unfounded. In reality, modern physics does have things to say about the properties of empty space, and those theories about empty space are pertinent to dark energy and how it behaves. But it is important to use those theories as a starting point, without resorting to analogy.
  • #6
If we'll reify the equations, yes dark energy is negative pressure that is causing the expansion of the universe.

Dark energy is the Lambda in the Lambda-CDM cosmological model. Dark energy as well as dark matter balance the equations in similar way that coefficients and delta balance the chemical reaction equation satisfying the conservation of matter and energy. But unlike the chemical equations that is relatively easy to validate in the lab, cosmological equations is difficult.

FAQ: Could dark matter be negative pressure

1. What is dark matter?

Dark matter is a type of matter that is thought to make up about 85% of the total matter in the universe. It does not emit or absorb light, making it invisible to telescopes and other instruments. Its existence is inferred from its gravitational effects on other matter.

2. How does dark matter relate to negative pressure?

Some theories suggest that dark matter could have a negative pressure, meaning that it would have a repulsive effect on other matter. This could explain the observed accelerated expansion of the universe.

3. What evidence supports the idea of dark matter having negative pressure?

There is currently no direct evidence for dark matter having negative pressure. However, some theories, such as the Chaplygin gas model, propose that dark matter could have a negative pressure that would help explain the observed expansion of the universe.

4. What are the implications of dark matter having negative pressure?

If dark matter does have negative pressure, it could have a significant impact on our understanding of the universe. It could help explain the accelerating expansion of the universe, as well as the formation and structure of galaxies. It could also have implications for the fate of the universe.

5. How are scientists studying the possibility of dark matter having negative pressure?

Scientists are studying this possibility through various methods, such as analyzing the distribution of matter in the universe, studying the effects of dark matter on the cosmic microwave background, and conducting experiments with particle accelerators. However, more research and data are needed to fully understand the nature of dark matter and its potential negative pressure.

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