Could electromagnetism work in a catapult?

In summary, a magnet is not a source of energy, a weight as the source of energy is not more accurate or efficient, and steam catapults are used to launch aircraft from carriers.
  • #1
Hugo Camus
Hi! I am new to the forum and need a little of help in a science experiment
I wanted to ask you which of the following catapult systems will be more accurate and efficient:

1. Weight as the source of energy. The weight at the bottom of the beam moves back, the beam will go forward and the projectile at the top will be launched. a "trebuchet"

2. The clasic catapult

3. And I have the idea that perhaps a catapult with magnets might work, but I'm not sure if we would need very strong magnets

Please any help is appreciated
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  • #3
I worked on the EMALs system for the US Navy some 16 years ago. The wikipedia article seems to suggest that it is all super simple and just the obvious thing to do. That certainly was not true 16 years ago, and I rather doubt that it is today.

One of the big issues on shipboard is weight and space. To make a fair comparison, the entire systems should be compared, including space and weight of the energy source, the control system, and the actuator itself. The electronic controls for such a system are huge. The currents required are extremely large, and generating the variable frequency AC required takes some really large power electronics. These large currents lead into another problem area, heat generation. Recall that power goes as I^2*R, and when the currents are extremely large throughout the entire system, there will be a terrific amount of heat generated.

Storing up the required energy burst is also a major problem. It can be done, but it is not simple and not cheap. It remains to be seen whether or not it can be done with sufficient reliability to go on shipboard.

When I worked for the Navy, we used to joke about how the all electric warship would require a second ship, a tender, to carry all the power electronics and a very long extension cord between the two.
  • #4
The OP asks about using magnets, not electricity.
A magnet is not a source of energy. Yes, it will attract certain objects, accelerating them, but as soon as you try to use that to send the object as a projectile it acts the wrong way.
There are two ways you could overcome that. If using an electromagnet you could arrange for it to switch off at the right instant. So this is more like the electromagnetic propulsion previous responders have discussed. Or you could have a projectile that is not itself attracted to the magnet held in a harness which is. I doubt that second approach would be very efficient. The force on the harness would depend on its size, but a large harness would mean a lot of the KE is wasted.
  • #5
haruspex said:
Or you could have a projectile that is not itself attracted to the magnet held in a harness which is. I doubt that second approach would be very efficient. The force on the harness would depend on its size, but a large harness would mean a lot of the KE is wasted.

This is essentially what is done with the rail gun where the circuit is completed by a shoe that does not travel down range with the projectile.

FAQ: Could electromagnetism work in a catapult?

1. How does electromagnetism work in a catapult?

Electromagnetism can be used in a catapult by creating an electric current through a wire that is wrapped around a metal object, such as a projectile. This creates a magnetic field around the object, which interacts with the magnetic field of the Earth. By controlling the direction and strength of the current, the object can be launched with more precision and force.

2. Can electromagnetism increase the distance a catapult can launch an object?

Yes, using electromagnetism can increase the distance a catapult can launch an object. By creating a stronger magnetic field, the force acting on the object will be greater, allowing it to be launched further.

3. Is using electromagnetism in a catapult more efficient than traditional methods?

It depends on the specific design and use of the catapult. Electromagnetism can offer more precision and control, but it also requires a power source and additional components. In some cases, traditional methods may still be more efficient.

4. Are there any limitations to using electromagnetism in a catapult?

Yes, there are some limitations to using electromagnetism in a catapult. It requires a power source, which adds weight and complexity to the design. It also requires precise control and coordination to ensure the object is launched in the desired direction and with the right amount of force.

5. Can electromagnetism be used in all types of catapults?

Electromagnetism can potentially be used in all types of catapults, but the design and implementation may vary. Some types of catapults, such as trebuchets, may not be as compatible with electromagnetism due to their design and mechanics.

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