Could Gravitons Redefine Our Understanding of Cosmological Redshifts?

In summary, the author proposes a new paradigm in which gravitons are super-strong interacting particles that can cause a full magnitude of cosmological redshift through interactions with photons. This leads to a reevaluation of the standard cosmological paradigm and the introduction of a new dimensional constant. A quantum mechanism of classical gravity is described, which relies on graviton pairing and an "atomic structure" of matter, and results in the time asymmetry. This approach also predicts a connection between Hubble's and Newton's fundamental constants and explains the Pioneer 10 anomaly. However, there are still some unsolved problems and the proposed conjectures need to be verified through experiments.
  • #1
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Title: Gravitons as super-strong interacting particles, and low-energy quantum gravity
Authors: Michael A. Ivanov
Comments: 38 pages, 9 figures, Latex. Will be published in 2005

It is shown by the author that if gravitons are super-strong interacting particles and the low-temperature graviton background exists, the basic cosmological conjecture about the Dopplerian nature of redshifts may be false. In this case, a full magnitude of cosmological redshift would be caused by interactions of photons with gravitons. A new dimensional constant which characterizes one act of interaction is introduced and estimated. Non-forehead collisions with gravitons will lead to a very specific additional relaxation of any photonic flux. It gives a possibility of another interpretation of supernovae 1a data - without any kinematics. Of course, all of these facts may implicate a necessity to change the standard cosmological paradigm. Some features of a new paradigm are discussed here, too. A quantum mechanism of classical gravity based on an existence of this sea of gravitons is described for the Newtonian limit. This mechanism needs graviton pairing and "an atomic structure" of matter for working it, and leads to the time asymmetry. If the considered quantum mechanism of classical gravity is realized in the nature, than an existence of black holes contradicts to Einstein's equivalence principle. It is shown that in this approach the two fundamental constants - Hubble's and Newton's ones - should be connected between themselves. The theoretical value of the Hubble constant is computed. In this approach, every massive body would be decelerated due to collisions with gravitons that may be connected with the Pioneer 10 anomaly. It is shown that the predicted and observed values of deceleration are in good agreement. Some unsolved problems are discussed, so as possibilities to verify some conjectures in laser-based experiments.
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  • #2
I wonder if he recognizes the limits imposed by non-redshift calibrations of redshift data. Any tired light effect (and a gravitational redshift based one is the best if you are going to chose one, because it is going to impact all aspects of light, not just a couple as in naiive tired light), has to be very subtle.

The idea that the Pioneer effect and a redshift effect would come from the same phenomena suggests to me a pretty strong effect that would probably disagree with other calibrating factors.
  • #3

The paper by Michael A. Ivanov presents an interesting and thought-provoking argument about the nature of gravitons and their role in quantum gravity. Ivanov argues that if gravitons are super-strong interacting particles and a low-temperature graviton background exists, it could have significant implications for our understanding of cosmology and the nature of gravity itself.

One of the key points made by the author is that if gravitons are indeed super-strong interacting particles, then the standard cosmological paradigm of the Dopplerian nature of redshifts may be incorrect. Instead, the interaction of photons with gravitons could be responsible for the observed cosmological redshifts. This would require a rethinking of our current understanding of the universe and could potentially lead to a new paradigm.

Ivanov also introduces a new dimensional constant that characterizes the strength of graviton interactions and discusses its potential implications. This constant, along with the existence of a graviton sea, could have significant consequences for our understanding of black holes and the equivalence principle proposed by Einstein.

The paper also presents a quantum mechanism for classical gravity based on the existence of a sea of gravitons. This mechanism, if proven to be true, could potentially have far-reaching implications for our understanding of gravity and the behavior of massive bodies in the universe.

Overall, this paper raises many interesting ideas and challenges our current understanding of gravitons and quantum gravity. It will be interesting to see how these ideas develop and if they can be tested and verified through future experiments.

Related to Could Gravitons Redefine Our Understanding of Cosmological Redshifts?

1. What is a graviton?

A graviton is a hypothetical elementary particle that is thought to carry the force of gravity in the framework of quantum mechanics. It is predicted by theories of quantum gravity, although it has yet to be observed or confirmed by experiments.

2. How does a graviton differ from a traditional particle?

Unlike traditional particles, such as electrons or protons, gravitons are believed to have no mass and no charge. They also have an integer spin of 2, which is different from the spin of other known particles.

3. What is the relationship between gravitons and quantum gravity?

Gravitons are a fundamental part of the theory of quantum gravity, which attempts to reconcile the principles of quantum mechanics with the force of gravity. In this theory, gravitons are the mediator particles that carry the force of gravity between other particles.

4. Can gravitons be detected?

As of now, there is no experimental evidence for the existence of gravitons. However, scientists are actively working on ways to detect them, such as through experiments using gravitational waves or high-energy particle collisions.

5. What are the implications of discovering gravitons?

If gravitons are discovered, it would confirm the existence of quantum gravity and provide a deeper understanding of how the universe works at a fundamental level. It could also potentially lead to new technologies and advancements in our understanding of black holes, the Big Bang, and other phenomena related to gravity.

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