Could I travel to andromeda in my lifetime?

In summary: You should easily be able to handle the math. It is just some algebra for the basics and some integrals for the more advanced stuff.From my perspective, in respect to earth, would I feel like I'm going faster than c as my time is distorted? Wouldn't that contradict the fact that nothing can go faster than c?No. You would always feel like you're going faster than c, but the speed you feel is always the same as the speed of light.
  • #1
Hi, this is my first post on here. Let's say I departure from Earth in a spaceship and reach a speed very close to c, as I go faster time would run slower and I would feel as if I was going faster and faster with no speed limit, even though I'm not going faster than c. Because my time is distorted, space would shrink making it possible for me to reach another galaxy in my lifetime. By the time I got to andromeda, life in Earth would have disappeared 2.537 million years ago. But for me it would have only been a couple of years, days or seconds, depending on how close I got to c.

I've been intrigued by relativity lately and I'm trying to understand it before I get to the math. Am I right thinking what a wrote? If not, what's wrong and what would be the correct way to put it.

I would also like to know how hard is the math behind relativity, I'm a 3rd year engineering student.

PS: English is my second language, sorry if I wrote something wrong.

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  • #2
Hi @tomasbede, welcome to PF

tomasbede said:
Am I right thinking what a wrote?
Yes. Here is my favorite page on the topic

tomasbede said:
I would also like to know how hard is the math behind relativity, I'm a 3rd year engineering student.
You should easily be able to handle the math. It is just some algebra for the basics and some integrals for the more advanced stuff.
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  • #3
From my perspective, in respect to earth, would I feel like I'm going faster than c as my time is distorted? Wouldn't that contradict the fact that nothing can go faster than c?
  • #4
tomasbede said:
From my perspective, in respect to earth, would I feel like I'm going faster than c as my time is distorted? Wouldn't that contradict the fact that nothing can go faster than c?
Yes. That's a hint that you aren't thinking about this correctly. In fact, you will never feel anything odd. If you aren't accelerating then you can always consider yourself stationary.

Described from the Earth's rest frame, your clocks run slow and you get to Andromeda because you age slowly. Described from your rest frame your clocks are normal. However, the distance between Earth and Andromeda is length contracted because it is they who are moving. Since they aren't very far apart and are moving fast, Andromeda reaches you in a short enough time that you can live through it.

It's worth noting that the relativistic rocket equations are truly depressing. Actually doing this journey would take millions of tonnes of fuel per kilogram of payload, even with a 100% efficient total conversion drive.
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  • #5
Ibix said:
It's worth noting that the relativistic rocket equations are truly depressing. Actually doing this journey would take millions of tonnes of fuel per kilogram of payload, even with a 100% efficient total conversion drive.
Even if you find a way the radiation would kill you unless you make an even more massive spacecraft .
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  • #6
MeJennifer said:
Even if you find a way the radiation would kill you unless you make an even more massive spacecraft .

Not to mention collisions with tiny particles that would have devastating effects at speeds near c.
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  • #7
tomasbede said:
From my perspective, in respect to earth, would I feel like I'm going faster than c as my time is distorted? Wouldn't that contradict the fact that nothing can go faster than c?
There is no inertial frame in which you are going faster than c. You could make a coordinate system which used the Earth frame for distance and your ship time for time. Such a frame would be non inertial, so there would be no restriction to less than c and light would also not travel at c in that non inertial frame.
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  • #8
tomasbede said:
Hi, this is my first post on here. Let's say I departure from Earth in a spaceship and reach a speed very close to c, as I go faster time would run slower and I would feel as if I was going faster and faster with no speed limit, even though I'm not going faster than c.

As your speed increases you would observe the distance to your destination shrink. That distance approaches zero as your speed approaches c. This is called length contraction.

As your speed increases people on Earth would observe your clocks running slower and slower. People on Earth would observe the rate at which your clocks run approaching zero as your speed approaches c. This is called time dilation.

So note that it is you who observes the contraction of lengths measured by Earth observers. And it's people on Earth who observe dilation of the time mesured by you.

You currently have all the math background that's needed to work through a book like Spacetime Physics by Taylor and Wheeler. That's an excellent introduction to the topic.
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  • #9
Mister T said:
You currently have all the math background that's needed to work through a book like Spacetime Physics by Taylor and Wheeler
Thanks, I will definitely check it out!
  • #10
tomasbede said:
Thanks, I will definitely check it out!

A very old but very easy-to-grasp book is Bondi's "Relativity and Common Sense". I hear Mermin has a more modern text out with a similar approach, but I've never read it. A more advanced college level textbook would be "Space-Time physics", by EF Taylor. The first few chapters of the previous edition are available online at the author's website,

PF Insights has a graphically oriented tutorial using a diagramatic approach with little math. . It's based on using space-time diagrams and light clocks, and contains a reference to the published paper. The published version isn't available online, but the preprint can be found if you look at the discussion thread of the article.
  • #11

Related to Could I travel to andromeda in my lifetime?

1. How far away is Andromeda from Earth?

Andromeda is approximately 2.5 million light years away from Earth. This means that it would take light, which travels at a speed of 186,282 miles per second, 2.5 million years to reach Andromeda from Earth.

2. How long would it take for a spacecraft to reach Andromeda?

With current technology, it would take a spacecraft tens of thousands of years to reach Andromeda. This is because spacecrafts are limited by their speed and the distance they need to travel.

3. Is it possible for humans to travel to Andromeda in their lifetime?

Unfortunately, it is highly unlikely for humans to travel to Andromeda in their lifetime. The distance and time it would take to travel there with our current technology makes it practically impossible.

4. How fast would a spacecraft need to travel to reach Andromeda in a human lifetime?

In order for a spacecraft to reach Andromeda in a human lifetime, it would need to travel at a speed faster than the speed of light. This is not possible according to Einstein's theory of relativity.

5. Are there any proposed methods for faster space travel that could make it feasible to reach Andromeda in a lifetime?

There are ongoing research and developments in various methods of faster space travel, such as using antimatter or warp drives. However, these are still theoretical and would require significant advancements in technology before they can be used for intergalactic travel.
