Could Light Speed Fluctuate Due to Transfer of Inertial Reference Frames?

In summary, the conversation revolves around the topic of light fluctuations and the theories of Newtonian Mechanics and Relativity, specifically the speed of light and its relation to frames of reference. The conversation also mentions a hypothesis about the universe being composed of frames and the possibility of light fluctuating due to the transfer of these frames. The individual also shares a list of names and topics they plan to research in relation to the topic. They request feedback and opinions from other members on their question and research.
  • #1
i don't know for sure if this goes here, so, instead of deleting it, if it doesn't belong here, could someone move it for me or tell me where it does go?

Light Fluctuations

After reading an article in the Collier’s Encyclopedia of 1968 (“Phyfe to Reni”-book 19-pages 709-719)-yes, I realize it is a rather VERY old book and is most definitely outdated by now, I have come to gain better understanding of Newtonian Mechanics and Galilean Mechanics and the thoughts thereafter of the Luminiferous Ether and the relative speed of the Earth in comparison to this ether. I have also come to see how an ether can not be present (in this view of physics anyways).

I have, however, come down to an assumption, if you may; a simple hypothesis and a bit of question. It was said that in Newtonian Mechanics that the speed of light was an absolute constant, and that in Relativity the speed of light was an absolute relative. One speaks of Frames of Reference (such as from a point of view from one individual to another in any situation) and how both have some implication of how the speed of light reacts and is effected or not effected by ones reference frame. In Einstein’s Relativity the speed of light is relative depending on one’s reference frame and/or their speed and gravity therein. In Newton’s Principia the speed of light is the same (absolute) in every Inertial Reference Frame.

In this document () there is a theory/hypothesis (yet to be tested) that the universe of time and/both space are indicated by frames (not in the sense of time “lines”, more like time “bubbles”, in which, when exiting one, another is created-and, when acting upon each other, they interfere due to different reference frames; or changes therein) (like in a video cassette, one frame, then another, then another, etc. until an entire motion picture is made)-except that it’s not explained that way and is explained a bit more directly. Now, if one implies Einstein’s relativity to this hypothesis one could deduct that any change in any inertial reference frame due to velocity or gravity would henceforth change the rate by which these “frames” have effect on each other in order to make this “motion picture”.

Now, in the document, which I linked for you, it also includes a small hypothesis (probably not exactly true, but interesting at most) about photon dimensions. I will give a basic explanation of this here for better reference. This hypothesis states that, since light is the fastest thing in “our” dimension, it must be the slowest in the next dimension up (dimensions being viewed as “existence planes” rather than “objectile” dimensions [such as 2-D and 3-D]-yes, objectile is a word I made up…b/c I simply can’t think of any other to substitute the word dimension as many people view it as “objectile” yet, some of the new found physicists view it as “existence planes”, much like [for you spiritual persons out there] the spirit’s plane of existence and the physical body’s plane of existence). Thus, making it an intermediate between dimensions. The above linked document raises thought that Einstein’s Time dilation formula and His deduction through it (t=t’/SQRT(1-v^2/C^2). That when one’s velocity is equal or above C, the formula is inconclusive and can not produce any result…thus Einstein stated that because of this, it is impossible to reach C. Of course, that wasn’t his only reason, gravity impression due to speed would crush matter into a black hole if one ever even got remotely near this amount) that the speed of light is possible to reach-one can’t really explain how-and that it is because the formula used was a time dilation formula, and that when one reaches this speed, time no longer exists, or applies in any outer reference frame, and therefore can not be dilated.

Through this, I have my question: IF, let’s just say IF, such things are possible (interesting at best as I suggested), would not the speed of light fluctuate due to the transfer of these “frames”, all included in a “motion picture”, to one another? A thought that, because of this “fluctuation”, would also cause all other things in the universe to fluctuate at the same exact rate (in a Newtonian View) or fluctuate at relative rates (as viewed in Einstein’s Theories of Relativity) could also be exacted to this question of light fluctuations would indeed be sincere.

I hope that I have not broken any rules by posting this, as I have recently, oddly enough, been said to have been breaking many rules. This seems to be a perfectly logical question, and I assume it would intrigue many members on this board.

I have thought on this in depth, rather lengthy actually, but through reading the article described in the first line of my post, I have come up with a list of things I should research and would like to ask other members’ opinions on the list (what I may take off, or what I must add). The list so far goes as follows:

[blue]James Clerk Maxwell-“electromagnetic theory (of light)”
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
Henri Poincarè
Hermann Minkowski-“4 dimensional space-time continuum”
Gregorio Ricci
Tullio Levi-civita
“Relativitstic Quantum Theory”
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac’s Electron Theory
“Centrifugal force & Coriolis Force”
“Luminiferous Ether”
Albert A. Michelson
‘Ether-drift” and “Ether-drag”
Edward W. Morley “Michleson-Morlet Experiment”
‘Stellar Aberration”
George F. Fitzgerald
R.J. Kennedy
E.M. Thorndike
W. Ritz
R. Thomaschek[/blue]

I’ve already studied quite a lot on Albert Einstein, but anything particular would be helpful. I know all about time dilation and gravitational lensing, though the math still lingers above my head, the understanding of the philosophy is rather simple to me, as I am a high school student with at-max math skills of basic Euclidian Geometry (which I suppose is major for Newtonian Mechanics). If I may ask that I get some feedback on both my question and the research list?

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  • #2
cd27 said:
It was said that in Newtonian Mechanics that the speed of light was an absolute constant, and that in Relativity the speed of light was an absolute relative.
I think you must have misread, or simply gotten that backwards.
In Einstein’s Relativity the speed of light is relative depending on one’s reference frame and/or their speed and gravity therein. In Newton’s Principia the speed of light is the same (absolute) in every Inertial Reference Frame.
No. You have them backwards.
In this document ()
There is no document there... most of what follows, however, is just idle speculation that doesn't reflect physical reality.
That when one’s velocity is equal or above C, the formula is inconclusive and can not produce any result…thus Einstein stated that because of this, it is impossible to reach C. Of course, that wasn’t his only reason, gravity impression due to speed would crush matter into a black hole if one ever even got remotely near this amount)
Neither of those are true. Since one is always stationary in his/her own frame, matter would not crush into a black hole by going too fast.
I hope that I have not broken any rules by posting this, as I have recently, oddly enough, been said to have been breaking many rules. This seems to be a perfectly logical question, and I assume it would intrigue many members on this board.
Quite frankly, that was mostly gibberish. But hopefully you will use this opportunity to learn what physics really says about those issues. If you are asking honest questions and making an honest effort to learn the real answers, there is nothing wrong with it - if you posted that in order to advertise your personal crackpottery, then there is.
  • #3
well, the basic idea is to learn more about physics as you said. i don't want to "advertise crackpottery", but if I'm wrong, i want to be corrected with it. I'm sorry about the link not being there, i typed that up at home and didn't have the link with me, must have forgotten it. here it is:

Originally Posted by cd27
It was said that in Newtonian Mechanics that the speed of light was an absolute constant, and that in Relativity the speed of light was an absolute relative.

I think you must have misread, or simply gotten that backwards.
In Einstein’s Relativity the speed of light is relative depending on one’s reference frame and/or their speed and gravity therein. In Newton’s Principia the speed of light is the same (absolute) in every Inertial Reference Frame.

No. You have them backwards.

i have them backwards, how? i thought Einstein spoke of relative time and space and absolute speed of light and Newton talked about absolute time and space and relative speed of light. that's what i said...right?


That when one’s velocity is equal or above C, the formula is inconclusive and can not produce any result…thus Einstein stated that because of this, it is impossible to reach C. Of course, that wasn’t his only reason, gravity impression due to speed would crush matter into a black hole if one ever even got remotely near this amount)

Neither of those are true. Since one is always stationary in his/her own frame, matter would not crush into a black hole by going too fast.

i thought that the faster one went the more gravity seems to impress on that object. I've heard many times and figured that would be yet another reason for Einstein saying that this speed can not be reached. i don't know about the black hole thing, but doesn't gravity increase, thus slowing down the object? or something like it?

please, tell me more. i am curious of this.

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  • #4
cd27 said:
well, the basic idea is to learn more about physics as you said. i don't want to "advertise crackpottery", but if I'm wrong, i want to be corrected with it. I'm sorry about the link not being there, i typed that up at home and didn't have the link with me, must have forgotten it. here it is:

[Crackpot link deleted]
That site is just nonsense. You've linked to it before, please stop.
i have them backwards, how? i thought Einstein spoke of relative time and space and absolute speed of light and Newton talked about absolute time and space and relative speed of light. that's what i said...right?
Why don't you reread what you wrote? You said:
In Einstein’s Relativity the speed of light is relative depending on one’s reference frame and/or their speed and gravity therein. In Newton’s Principia the speed of light is the same (absolute) in every Inertial Reference Frame.
As Russ said, that's just the opposite.

Before offering your own "theories", why not spend a little time learning what has been well established? There are plenty of good books (and web sites) to start you off learning special relativity, since you seem to be interested in time dilation.
  • #7
thank you! i will read that.

Related to Could Light Speed Fluctuate Due to Transfer of Inertial Reference Frames?

1. What causes light fluctuations?

Light fluctuations can be caused by a variety of factors, such as changes in the power supply, temperature fluctuations, or interference from other sources of light.

2. How do light fluctuations affect our eyes?

Light fluctuations can cause strain on the eyes, leading to fatigue, headaches, and even temporary vision changes. Prolonged exposure to light fluctuations can also increase the risk of developing eye conditions such as cataracts.

3. Can light fluctuations be harmful?

Light fluctuations are generally not harmful to humans, but they can be a nuisance and cause discomfort. However, for individuals with certain medical conditions such as epilepsy, light fluctuations can trigger seizures.

4. Is it possible to prevent light fluctuations?

While it may not be possible to completely prevent light fluctuations, certain measures can be taken to reduce their frequency and intensity. These include using stable power sources, regulating temperature, and minimizing interference from other light sources.

5. How are light fluctuations measured?

Light fluctuations are measured using a light meter, which measures the intensity of light in a specific area over a period of time. This data can then be analyzed to identify any fluctuations or changes in light levels.

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