Could lone subatomic particles be stabilised if placed in larger molecules?

In summary, the decay of lone subatomic particles is not affected by being placed inside larger molecules, except for rare cases that depend on electron density. Positrons cannot be stored inside fullerene molecules due to their interactions with the electron clouds of carbon atoms. Overall, capturing and storing exotic subatomic particles is not possible through this method.
  • #1
Could lone subatomic particles be "stabilised" if placed in larger molecules?

My main area is molecular biology and biochemistry, but I've had a growing interest in particle physics for a while. Could lone subatomic particles be "stabilised" if they were placed inside of a larger molecule?

For example, is there a reason why a Mg atom at the center of a chlorophyll molecule's chlorin ring, or the Co atom coordinated in cobalamin, can't be replaced with a delta baryon of +2 charge? (The Mg and Co are +2 as well in those molecules)

Could positrons be stored inside of a fullerene molecule (a sphere made entirely of carbon rings?) If the walls are all organic and uncharged, shouldn't they repel the positively charged positron towards the center?

Could this be a possible viable way to capture and store exotic subatomic particles?
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  • #2

No, the particles would still decay at their normal rate.
  • #3

Unstable particles are unstable because they decay without any other particles - it does not matter where you try to store them, they still decay, even in a perfect vacuum.
There are some cases where this can be wrong, especially in neutron stars. But this is something you don't get on earth.

Positrons are stable - if you don't let them reach any electrons, they survive. However, your molecules have a lot of electrons, so they are not suitable to contain positrons.
  • #4

Lone subatomic particles do decay at their normal rate, with one exception. Muons, with a 2.2 microsecond half life, have been stored in a storage ring at a relativistic gamma of about 29.3, which due to time dilation, stretched the observed half life in the Lab to about 64 microseconds (standard time dilation).

Beryllium-7 (not a subatomic particle) is radioactive, with a half life of about 53 days, and decays only by capturing an atomic electron from the k shell. beryllium-7 nuclei (stripped of electrons) are stable when stored in a storage ring. Also, some Japanese researchers have been able to change the half life of Be7 atoms by a small amount by putting it into different chemical environments. See

Finally, a neutron, a radioactive elementary particle, is stable when combined with protons in nuclei.
  • #5

CYP450 said:
My main area is molecular biology and biochemistry, but I've had a growing interest in particle physics for a while. Could lone subatomic particles be "stabilised" if they were placed inside of a larger molecule?

For example, is there a reason why a Mg atom at the center of a chlorophyll molecule's chlorin ring, or the Co atom coordinated in cobalamin, can't be replaced with a delta baryon of +2 charge? (The Mg and Co are +2 as well in those molecules)

The basic reason this will not work is that the decay of these particles is based upon Nuclear forces in the nucleus. Simply swapping these particles in place of normal atoms does nothing to these nuclear forces.

Could positrons be stored inside of a fullerene molecule (a sphere made entirely of carbon rings?) If the walls are all organic and uncharged, shouldn't they repel the positively charged positron towards the center?

Could this be a possible viable way to capture and store exotic subatomic particles?

Each carbon atom has an electron cloud which will attract the positron. It will annihilate very quickly with one of these electrons. The carbon atoms are neutral overall at large scales, but because they are not point particles the charge isn't 100% neutral at the atomic scale. Hence you get effects such as the van der waals force.

Bobs examples above are semi-correct. The delay in muon decays is a normal process of relativity, and will affect ANY decay of any particle if you accelerate it close to the speed of light. Note that in the frame of reference of any of these particles they do not take any longer or shorter to decay. (No one experiences time dilation in their own frame of reference. It is only when you compare two different frames that the effect occurs.)

The Be 7 decay is a different kind of decay that also has to take into account the electrons around it, so yes, this MAY be affected by placing it in different chemical bonds. (As the link says)

So, OVERALL the decay of subatomic particles is only affected IF it depends on the electron density around the nucleus. (Per the link) Most subatomic particles do not decay this way however.
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FAQ: Could lone subatomic particles be stabilised if placed in larger molecules?

1. Can lone subatomic particles be stabilized in larger molecules?

Yes, it is possible for lone subatomic particles to be stabilized when placed in larger molecules. This stabilizing effect is known as chemical bonding, where the electrons of the subatomic particles interact with the electrons of the larger molecules to form a more stable compound.

2. What is the role of larger molecules in stabilizing subatomic particles?

The larger molecules act as a protective environment for the lone subatomic particles. They shield the particles from external forces that may cause them to lose their stability, such as collisions with other particles or exposure to radiation.

3. Are there certain types of molecules that are better at stabilizing subatomic particles?

Yes, some molecules are more effective at stabilizing subatomic particles than others. For example, organic compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are known to have strong stabilizing effects on subatomic particles.

4. Can the stability of subatomic particles in larger molecules be affected by temperature?

Yes, temperature can have an impact on the stability of subatomic particles in larger molecules. Higher temperatures can cause the molecules to vibrate more vigorously, potentially disrupting the stabilizing forces between the particles and the molecules.

5. Are there any practical applications for stabilizing lone subatomic particles in larger molecules?

Yes, stabilizing lone subatomic particles in larger molecules has many practical applications, such as in pharmaceuticals, materials science, and nuclear energy. It allows for the creation of new compounds with unique properties and can help enhance the stability and safety of various technologies.

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