Could Magnetic Circulation Be the Key to Propelling Spacecraft?

In summary, according to the speaker, none of the ideas they had were feasible due to various reasons. They recommend further research into topics like gravity and magnetics. Additionally, they mention that with a strong enough magnetic field, anything could be levitated, but the weight of the apparatus required would be too much.
  • #1
Hello, Thanks in advance.

I have an idea. But I know nothing in this field.

Is it possible to use a revolving mechanized magnet to change the force of gravity?

My idea: If it were possible to use magnetics to circulate a material to a speed soo fast that it could influence the protons/atoms/nuetrons around it, that it would be able to simulate 'lift', or 'thrust'.

In my head I have the concept of how the Japanese, or Chinese have invented their magnetic train. It runs on the circulation of magnets to give it 'push'. It also levitates on a magnetic push from underneath.

If the Earth is spinning, and this creates a gravitational pull, that allows stars to rotate around it, wherever the Earth may go, then
"Why can't we create a spacecraft that has a similar 'sphere' in the center that has such gravitational pull that it would over-ride the Earth's pull and hence float in our automosphere?

I am sorry, but I have soo many ideas and would like to get some feedback on where to research.

I have seen in movies this idea of rings circulation around a platform that would give un-earthlike power of somesort.

This concept is where I believe that we could create a sphere that would have rotating rings around it. They would create such sentrifical force that the object would then obtain a way of propulsion.

Just some thoughts.
Physics news on
  • #2
I will answer your questions and find the validity of your 'ideas' in the order of you asking them.
1. No
2. No, but massive magnetic fields have been used to levitate a frog
3.a No b No c No
4. Wrong concept
5. No
6. Wrong concept

Those were the obvious questions/ideas. None of your ideas would actually work:frown:-Sorry i had to tell you...

I would recommend reading up on topics like gravity and magnetics.

And as extra information; gravity has nothing to do with an object spinning, its Mass is the only thing giving it gravity.
  • #3
Originally posted by stinger
If the Earth is spinning, and this creates a gravitational pull,

The Earth has gravity because of its mass, not because of its rotation.

that allows stars to rotate around it, wherever the Earth may go,

Huh? The Earth is not at the center of the universe.

"Why can't we create a spacecraft that has a similar 'sphere' in the center that has such gravitational pull that it would over-ride the Earth's pull and hence float in our automosphere?

Again, gravity is from mass, not rotation. Magnetic fields can push against other magnetic fields in order to generate thrust, but that is different than gravity.

I am sorry, but I have soo many ideas and would like to get some feedback on where to research.

No problem...keep that mind going.

I have seen in movies this idea of rings circulation around a platform that would give un-earthlike power of somesort.

Which movie(s)? "Contact"? I think that movie had the idea of generating massive magnetic (or whatever) fields to open up a wormhole.
  • #4

"My idea: If it were possible to use magnetics to circulate a material to a speed soo fast that it could influence the protons/atoms/nuetrons around it, that it would be able to simulate 'lift', or 'thrust'."

I think Eugene? Podkletnov thinks so (if you make it superconducting). You can probably find something about his ideas on Google. Nasa is/was rumoured to be investigating his ideas.
  • #5
The second term in D(vr) would probably grov high. In other words, the centripetalforce inside of the wheel may or may not reach low values seen from our referencesystem. Eventually the wheel would become transparent, since the length of the wheel would become zero, and you would see the hydrogen inside the wheel, especially if you use the material diamond. Hopefully you will see the fusion.
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  • #6
I think what you might be talking about is the Searl effect. Do a google search on john searl.
  • #7
This kind of has to do with what your thinking of. search for stuff on the searl effect. i don't know much about it but check it out it has to to with spinning magnets to create purpolsion
  • #8
It's also Sci-Fi at best.

Not engineering.
  • #9
actually...with a strong enough magnetic field, you could levitate pretty much anything. It doesn't mess with gravity, though. (I'm fairly positive about that) The problem lies in the fact that the weight of the apparatus required to generate a strong enough magnetic field to levitate even a small, non-ferrous(or very low ferrous) material would far outweigh what its magfield could support. i do know that scientists have managed to levitate a frog, and that NASA had allocated some money for antigravity research. that was a while ago, however, around the time when I first heard of gravitational wave theory, which would allow antigravitational force, also, in theory.
  • #10
Self promotion... :D

I’ve been collecting information on different theories about "alien space craft, propulsion" on my site - kind of all in one place:

Biefeld-Brown Effects
Faile Effects
Hutchison Effects
Marcus Devices
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  • #11
just a quick note... on your site, you might want to check some of the links to your formula images. they don't load. (I think I was looking through the one where you're discussing the way electrons can 'tunnel') anyway, just to let you know.
  • #12

Another propulsion is inertial force deviation, I looked at the proposed ship and it looks EXACTLY :surprise: like a saucer and it actually makes sense. In fact it is so simple that it is a thing of beauty.

Also if you are going to use Mag fields, beware of making them too strong. A neutron star has a field of 10^24 gauss (i think) and it creates some wicked radiation and even disrupts bonding between atoms.

Also don't forget that the strings responsible for the Electromagnetic force are different from those responsible for gravity.
  • #13
Yeah, but that's all that good-ol' pre-warp
technology, we're way past that now... :biggrin:
  • #14
in scifi maybe
  • #15
Stinger, did you just finish watching the movie "Event Horizon" when you came up with the idea? A magnet that rotates so quickly that it simulates an object with extremely large mass distorting space and allowing the spaceship to fly through this bend in space to galaxies far far away.
  • #16
Funny thing is that now some people are thinking that creating strong magnetic fields can have a negative effect on the environment. People are conserned with mag levs and other things because it seems that magnetic fields can create certain radio waves that can be harmful to people. It sounds weird to me, but that's just what I heard.
  • #17
That idea has been around since the 1980s. People complained of powerlines causing health problems - but, no proof for 20 years.

The same goes for cell phones causing brain tumors - no proof...
  • #18
Russian Inst. for High Temperatures, Moscow, validates the Searl Effect concept with their own version of the Searl Effect Generator at The implications are revolutionar... Wright Brothers? [crackpot links deleted]
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  • #19
FDM said:
The other effect is that if too much current is drawn, the generator simply gets colder to the point of superconductivity and that is when inverse gravity effects take place.

Why this matter not investigated here in the U.S. is disturbing!
Does the term 'Bull****' ring a bell? And I'm not a Yank.

edit: I just saw your response to Cyrus in the other bull**** thread. You call him an kid when he has almost 2,000 well-respected posts to his credit and you have 6 'iffy' ones? And as far as the kid thing goes, I'm pretty sure that me at 50, Integral at somewhere around 80, and Ivan approaching infinity can laugh at someone calling someone else a kid.
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  • #20
Thread nacromancy. Can't people find anything better to do than raise the dead threads around here?
  • #21
I can't believe this B.S. thread wasn't locked 2 years ago. I suck...

Related to Could Magnetic Circulation Be the Key to Propelling Spacecraft?

1. What is an alien spacecraft?

An alien spacecraft is a vehicle designed and used by extraterrestrial beings to travel through space. These spacecrafts are often depicted in science fiction as having advanced technology and capabilities beyond our current understanding.

2. How do alien spacecrafts travel through space?

The propulsion system of an alien spacecraft is not fully understood, but it is believed that they use advanced technology such as anti-gravity or even manipulation of space-time to travel through space at high speeds.

3. Is there any evidence of alien spacecrafts?

There have been many reported sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) that are believed to be alien spacecrafts. However, there is no concrete evidence to prove their existence.

4. What is the difference between human and alien spacecraft propulsion?

Human spacecrafts currently use traditional methods of propulsion, such as chemical rockets, to travel through space. Alien spacecrafts are believed to use advanced technology that is far beyond our current understanding, making their propulsion systems much more efficient and powerful.

5. Can human technology replicate alien spacecraft propulsion?

At this time, human technology is not advanced enough to replicate the propulsion systems of alien spacecrafts. However, scientists are constantly researching and developing new technologies that could potentially lead to similar capabilities in the future.

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