Could Planck-Einstein relation be applied to matter waves?

In summary, the conversation discusses the equations for energy and momentum in both photons and matter waves. It is clarified that ##E=\hbar\omega## is true for both, but ##E=\hbar^2k^2/2m## only applies to non-relativistic matter waves and ##E=\hbar kv## only applies to photons. The importance of considering the function ##\omega(k)## is also emphasized.
  • #1
Haorong Wu
TL;DR Summary
Could Planck-Einstein relation be applied to matter waves?
My friend gave me some statements which are wrong, but I could not tell why they are wrong.

He wrote,

Since ##\omega = \frac E \hbar = \frac {\hbar k^2} {2m} = k v##, then##p=\hbar k =2mv##.

I guess that ##E =\hbar \omega## may only appied to photons, not matter waves. Is that correct?
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  • #2
##E=\hbar\omega## is true for both photons and matter waves. However, ##E=\hbar^2k^2/2m## is correct only for non-relativistic matter waves. On the other hand, ##E=\hbar k v## is correct only for photons, for which ##v=c##.
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  • #3
Demystifier said:
##E=\hbar\omega## is true for both photons and matter waves. However, ##E=\hbar^2k^2/2m## is correct only for non-relativistic matter waves. On the other hand, ##E=\hbar k v## is correct only for photons, for which ##v=c##.

Thanks, Demystifier. But I still can not understand it clearly.

Meanwhile, could the problem be the velocity? The velocity for ##p= mv## should be the group velocity of the matter wave which is ##v=\frac {dw} {dk}##. If so, I can get a proper answer then.
  • #4
Haorong Wu said:
The velocity for ##p= mv## should be the group velocity of the matter wave which is ##v=\frac {dw} {dk}##. If so, I can get a proper answer then.
That's OK, but you should be careful about what do you take for the function ##\omega(k)##. For photons it is ##\omega=ck##, while for non-relativistic matter it is ##\omega=\hbar k^2/2m##.
  • #5
Demystifier said:
That's OK, but you should be careful about what do you take for the function ##\omega(k)##. For photons it is ##\omega=ck##, while for non-relativistic matter it is ##\omega=\hbar k^2/2m##.

Thanks, Demystifier. I will be careful about that.

FAQ: Could Planck-Einstein relation be applied to matter waves?

1. How does the Planck-Einstein relation apply to matter waves?

The Planck-Einstein relation, also known as the Planck-Einstein equation, states that the energy of a photon is directly proportional to its frequency. This relation can also be applied to matter waves, as matter particles also have a wave-like nature. In this case, the energy of a matter wave is directly proportional to its frequency and inversely proportional to its wavelength.

2. What is the significance of the Planck-Einstein relation in understanding matter waves?

The Planck-Einstein relation is significant because it helps us understand the wave-particle duality of matter. It shows that matter particles, like photons, can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behaviors. This relation also helps us calculate the energy of matter waves, which is crucial in many areas of physics, such as quantum mechanics and atomic physics.

3. Can the Planck-Einstein relation be experimentally verified for matter waves?

Yes, the Planck-Einstein relation has been experimentally verified for matter waves. One famous experiment that demonstrated this was the Davisson-Germer experiment in 1927, where electrons were diffracted off a crystal surface, showing wave-like behavior and confirming the relation between energy, frequency, and wavelength.

4. Are there any limitations to the applicability of the Planck-Einstein relation to matter waves?

While the Planck-Einstein relation is a fundamental principle in understanding matter waves, it does have some limitations. It is most accurate for particles with very high energies, such as photons and electrons. At lower energies, the relation may not hold true, and other factors, such as the particle's mass, may need to be considered.

5. How does the Planck-Einstein relation relate to the concept of wave-particle duality?

The Planck-Einstein relation is closely related to the concept of wave-particle duality, which states that particles can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behaviors. The relation shows that matter particles, like photons, have both wave-like and particle-like properties, as their energy is directly proportional to their frequency, similar to how the energy of a photon is related to its frequency.
