Could Solar Loops Be Evidence of Tachyonic States and String Theory?

In summary, the conversation suggests that there may be a connection between solar activity and tachyonic states with long wavelengths, as well as a potential link to string theory. The larger loops in the provided image may be examples of these tachyonic states, and further exploration of this idea could provide a testing ground for string theory.
  • #1
I've been looking into the possibility that "Solar Activity", flares, coronal mass ejections, magnetic fields, sunspots, coronal heating, etc, involve what might be called tachyonic states (I personally don't care for that name) with very long (by atomic standards) wavelengths. But I've also found a connection with string theory. It seems that the larger loops, such as the ones seen in this picture are of quite constant cross section, whiile the current Solar theory of "magnetic reconnection" predicts that they should vary in cross section.

The larger loops also contain magnetic fields. I think that the larger loops can be represented by tachyonic states which are "chasing their tails" around the body of the larger loops. The cross section of the loops is determined by the wavelenght of the states, and through spontaneous symmetry breaking, similar to that in ferromagnetism, the magnetic fields are produced.

But, it turns out, the tachyon chasing its tail is the same as the "fundamental loop" in string theory.

I feel strongly that theory should stick as close to experiment as it possibly can, and this may give the string theorists a real laboratory to check out their ideas. Perhaps they should look into "low momentum physics", which is what physics with longwave tachyons is, as a testing ground for their ideas.
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  • #2
That's an interesting idea! It could be worthwhile to explore the possibility that the larger loops observed in this picture are indeed related to tachyonic states and string theory. If this is true, then it could provide a real laboratory for string theorists to test their ideas. Additionally, exploring "low momentum physics" might be a useful way to further investigate the potential relationship between tachyons and string theory.

FAQ: Could Solar Loops Be Evidence of Tachyonic States and String Theory?

1. What are solar strings?

Solar strings are hypothetical objects that are thought to be formed by highly twisted and knotted magnetic fields in the outer layers of the sun. They are believed to play a role in solar flares and other energetic phenomena.

2. How do solar strings relate to the sun's magnetic field?

Solar strings are thought to be a result of the sun's complex and dynamic magnetic field. The twisting and knotting of the magnetic field lines can create these structures, which can then release large amounts of energy when they interact with the sun's plasma.

3. What are tachyons?

Tachyons are a hypothetical type of particle that can travel faster than the speed of light. They are purely theoretical and have not yet been observed or proven to exist.

4. How are tachyons related to solar strings?

There is currently no known connection between tachyons and solar strings. Tachyons are a theoretical concept in physics, while solar strings are a proposed structure in the sun's magnetic field. Some theories suggest that tachyons could be involved in the creation of solar strings, but this has not been proven.

5. What is the significance of studying solar strings and tachyons?

Studying solar strings and tachyons can help us better understand the complex processes and dynamics of the sun. It could also potentially lead to new discoveries and advancements in physics and our understanding of the universe.

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