Could the GUT be explained by Quarks?

  • Thread starter Terry Giblin
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    Gut Quarks
In summary, accepting the concept that Quarks are the missing six dimensions automatically solves several major questions. Matter (Quarks) was formed during the Big Bang as a by product, when the other six dimensions collapsed. The Duality of an electron and photon. Why Quasars (Super Massive Black Holes) formed before Galaxies appeared! The beauty of this theory, accepting all the evidence which indicates Quarks are the missing six dimensions is that it does not change any currently accepted theorem's it simply explains them in more detail and with clear understanding.
  • #36
The idea of the Higgs force is probably related to my idea. The Higgs field is like molasses that slows things down and gives them apparent mass. Not being presumptuous, that was a feature of my model that caused me a lot of consternation. I finally ended up with a mechanism that causes gravity to work and causes objects to appear to have mass.

I wish I could do computer animations to show what I am thinking.
Physics news on
  • #37

If you recall, I have already said, the underlying beauty, is that - "The beauty is its simplicity. Even my children can now understand, it’s so simple and higgsless."

Are you intending to apply a higg's field solution?
  • #38
Nice idea John, but your idea is very similar to the super-string theory, in my option your on the right track but heading in the wrong direction.

Instead of thinking of strings, think of the underlying theorems, which are themselves already used in QM and string-theory, and remember the simple, harmonic equations.

What happens when an electron reaches rest mass, can potentially explosion traveling at the speed of light ...a huge wave of light.....photon's
  • #39
what if?

what if, all space is fill to capacity with photon and what we see is mearly the result of some force at the other end? like water in a hose, if the hose is full of water, when you turn on the faucet it seems to emit water almost instantly. electrons? simply the result of forces on a photon as we measure it. Any givin force that is repeated will provide the same result. If we measure a photon wave at its peak, we see an electron, measure it at its middle we see light, and the unmeasurable portions might be dark energy.

i will be happy to explain in detail any portion of this thought, as it seems to cover a spectrum of accepted physics... so ask away 8)
  • #40
Jessie... if all space was filled to capacity... not only would there not be any space any more... there would only be one thing.
  • #41
E=mc2 its simplicity stunned its author(s), imagine after a lifetime of thought and endless calculations and re-calculations comming up with a solution as simple as this. You would feel good about the result, but would be put off a bit by the journey.
energy? mass? velocity? harmony?
motion is the key i think, or lack there of.
if a photon is "at rest" or "zero" then zero must also have energy of a sort, light perhaps. can something without mass have energy?

in both of the particle acceleration chambers in this country (at least at the time i did the essay) experiments were done to surmise the possability of reaching the speed of light. One of the test involved accelerating a particle to the speed of light, then directing the particle to a barrier where there were only 2 opening to pass through. once with both passages posativly charged, then negative, then one of each. the testors concluded that all three tests had failed due to equipment failure. but after looking at the results more closely they found that the equipment had functioned properly. the particle had passed through both openings at the same time in all three tests. at the speed of light "space" becomes irrelivent. a thing traveling at (c) can occupy more that one part of space at the same moment. with this in mind, anything at "zero" should be able to do the exact same thing.

a step farther .. if something can occupy more than one space at the same time, then why not all space at the same time? say something such as light which permeates all things at all times.
  • #42
Antonio Lao said:

Now we all have to agree that the photons and protons live long and prosper. Together with the electrons, they are basically stable.

How do we use this fact of their stability to explain the age of the universe?

Will the universe exist forever? Is the "Heat Death" possible?
I think the answer to this question has to do with the question of "creation" and not the question of "stability."

Something that is created will eventually be destroyed... something that has always been, will always be.
  • #43
Water in a hose, could partially be used to discribe gravity or gravity waves unfortunately it would mean having to give up c.

I think its to early to give up on c, I think we should wait and see...
  • #44
Whether or not the universe will exist forever, considering the age of the human race I would not worry about this question too much.

However from a scientific point of view, now that we have established that the proton has a long and distant future. Provided the same can be said about spacetime, what more could we ask for.

The verdict is still out on the photon's life span, until the electron gives evidence.

photon's, electrons, six quarks, 3-D, time and Super Cloud, all we need is a spark or implosition and big bang...
  • #45
A picture paints a thousand words

Considering all the comments above I would appreciate everyones option on the possibilities the above mentioned site has on the bearing of our conversation?

A picture paints a thousand words
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  • #46
Does anti_crank agree with my other theories?

Terry Giblin said:
If we can learn to accept that Quarks and Leptons are the remnants of the six missing dimensions as described in the M-Theory, our understanding and knowledge of the GUT would increase exponentially.

Accepting the concept that Quarks are the missing six dimensions automatically solves several major questions.

Where are the six missing dimensions described in the M-Theory?

How matter (Quarks) was formed during the Big Bang as a by product, when the other six dimensions collapsed?

Why the half-life of Proton, is what it is.

The Duality of an electron and photon.

Why Quasars (Super Massive Black Holes) formed before Galaxies appeared!

The beauty of this theory, accepting all the evidence which indicates Quarks are the missing six dimensions is that it does not change any currently accepted theorem's it simply explains them in more detail and with clear understanding.


Terry Giblin

If you including the 10/11 D Super cloud in the calculations, remember to include the 5 D used to form the cloud.

11D Super Cloud Equ.

B(t) = - (t^3)/16(Pi)^2 * ((11/3)*N(c) - ((4+1)/3) * N(f)/2)

10D equ. within Super Cloud

B(t) = - (t^3)/16(Pi)^2 * (((11-1)/3)*N(c) - (4/3) * N(f)/2)

I don't know where this equation originated from or what it represents but it seemed to fit what I was looking for.

If quantum electrons can be used to help solve the DSE, what implications does it have on our understand of quarks.

I would appreciate anti_cranks option?


Terry Giblin

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