Could the Supernova Shock Wave That Created Our Solar System Still Be Detected?

In summary, it is difficult todetect the shockwave from a supernova remnant. If it were to be detected, it would be difficult to determine which supernova remnant it came from.
  • #1
Ms Music
Space news on
  • #2
Hey Ms Music! [from one 'twit' to another:]

Can't answer for sure one way or another...but I can make a few guesses...[always fun!]

One issue would be trying to detect one supernova remnanent from would we know which one if the 'one' being discussed? There will likely have been many, maybe even millions upon millions as there are far mor galaxies than that.

On the same page as your reference there is a similar story from 2008 in the right hand column. A quick skim suggests neither mentions detecting the my guess is that would be really difficult.


discusses the supernova shockwave phenomena and the description lends credence to detection being really difficult. I'm not at all positive exactly what this means but it seems to support my wild guess that characteristics may disappear pretty quickly:

...Merging with the surrounding interstellar medium. When the supernova remnant slows to the speed of the random velocities in the surrounding medium, after roughly 30,000 years, it will merge into the general turbulent flow, contributing its remaining kinetic energy to the turbulence.

The list of known supernova remnanents suggests those we have found are visible: might make a mental comparison with the cosmic microwave background radiation...a form of remnanent from the big bang. We CAN still detect that from about 13.7 billions years ago...but why would that be different?

Wikipedia describes it this way:

According to the Big Bang model, the radiation from the sky we measure today comes from a spherical surface called the surface of last scattering. This represents the set of locations in space at which the decoupling event is estimated to have occurred and at a point in time such that the photons from that distance have just reached observers.

So that radiation is at the 'right distance' for us to receive weak signals, meaning it's receding really,really rapidly and in addition was maybe trillions of times more powerful.

I think our galaxy is about 13 billion years unsure exactly what constitutes such a 'galaxy' being 'present and accounted for' [it could just be initial accumulations of stellar gas] and how long for some supernovas to have formed after stars started dying...That has actually been discussed in the forums I think, but I do not recall any approximations... I do recall someone knew of a 'fast process', a shortcut that could spawn them...anyone know tht discussion?

I wonder if supernova remnant radiation from what was then a 'nearby' supernova would have already passed us by besides having also dissipated?? seems quite possible. Surely the matter would be floating randomly by now...

Maybe a real cosmologist will chime in, like Wallace, and blow my ideas to smithereens! [Not so much 'fun', but usually instructive.]
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  • #3
Oh where of where is a cosmologist when you need one?
  • #4
Supernovae shock waves are transient events. They can be triggered by the explosion itself, or by radiative heating of the interstellar medium, the shock wave itself travels at sublight speed [basically sonic], so there may be an appreciable delay between the supernovae event and arrival of the shock wave. It is, however, short lived in either case. The shock wave responsible for the solar system is long gone.
  • #5
Supernovae shock waves are transient events. ... The shock wave responsible for the solar system is long gone.

I tend to agree, but still can't prove it to myself.
I strongly suspect that a supernova close enough to effect our early galaxy would not be able to recede at a speed such that it's shock wave might still be somewhere around. But because it is so subluminal, who knows?? Anyway,since our galaxy is NOT undergoing cosmological expansion,
and hasn't been for billions of years, maybe that's a reasonable conceptual way to think about it.

good enough for now, thanks

FAQ: Could the Supernova Shock Wave That Created Our Solar System Still Be Detected?

1. How did a supernova create our solar system?

A supernova is a massive explosion that occurs at the end of a star's life cycle. When a star runs out of fuel, it can no longer support its own weight and collapses inward. The intense pressure and heat from this collapse causes a massive explosion, sending out shock waves and heavy elements into space. These elements eventually form into new stars and solar systems, including our own.

2. Are all solar systems created by supernovas?

No, not all solar systems are created by supernovas. In fact, our own solar system is one of the few that is believed to have been created by a supernova. Other solar systems can form through different processes, such as gravitational collapse or collisions between gas clouds.

3. How long ago did the supernova that created our solar system occur?

The exact timing of the supernova that created our solar system is still unknown. However, it is estimated that it occurred around 4.6 billion years ago, as this is the age of the oldest rocks found on Earth and the age of our sun.

4. Did the supernova have any impact on the development of life on Earth?

Yes, the supernova that created our solar system had a significant impact on the development of life on Earth. The explosion released heavy elements such as iron, carbon, and oxygen into space, which eventually became the building blocks for life on our planet. Additionally, the shock waves from the supernova may have triggered the formation of our sun and the planets in our solar system.

5. Could a supernova still impact our solar system in the future?

It is unlikely that a supernova would have a direct impact on our solar system in the future. The closest known supernova to our solar system was about 150 light years away, which is too far to cause any major effects. However, the remnants of a supernova, such as a supernova remnant or a neutron star, could potentially pass through our solar system and have some impact, but the chances of this happening are very slim.

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