Could this be a demonstrtion of following lucky strikes?

  • Thread starter antonio glez
  • Start date
In summary, Wynn believes that if you are a winning streak you should keep gambling, but if you are losing it is better to retire. This is because in his universe the first two possible outcomes are either a win or a loss. However, the next two possible outcomes are either a win or a loss with a 1/16 chance of both. However, this strategy has a 10% edge over completely retiring on a bad streak.
  • #1
antonio glez
folklore knows if you are in a winning streak you have to keep betting while if you are losing is better to retire

ill prove this is mathematically true and logic:

lets analize the odds of following this startegy in a single game

my startegy is bet in pairs, on draw(one win one lose) i keep gambling, on losing i retire (one lose one lose), i only keep gambling on win(one win one win) or on draw

in this universe the first two posible outcomes are:

00=win or 11=lose

01 or 10 doesn't exist in this universe cause if this was the case i would keep gambling, i bet 0.5 euro in ech game

so the first two posible games that exist in the universe of this staregy are:

win or lose 00 or 11 for this two there's a chance of 1/4 each profit=0

the next posible outcomes in this universe are:

ww or wl with a chance 1/16 profit 1 euro

then www or wwl chance 1/64 profit 2 euro

then wwww or wwwl chance 1/256 profit 3 euro

then wwwww or wwwwl chance 1/1024 profit 4 euro


these are the only posible outcomes of a single game with this strategy the rest just don't exist

so now its just a matter of adding the odds:

1/16+ 2/64 +3/256 +4/ 1024 ...=0.109375

so following the staregy of keeping in a lucky strike and retiring on a bad one gives you a 10% edge

popular folklore is right on this one
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  • #2
with this like with quantum entanglement is imposible to know what's going to be a randon number

still nonlocality as with quantum entanglement is big enough as to can have a winning startegy
  • #3
actually i got it reversed let's start all over with the simetric strategy:

i gamble 3 couples of games then stop playing unless my startegy makes me stop before

if i draw getting 01 or 10 i keep gambling if i win i stop if i lose i keep at it until i win or the 3 couple of games are over

this is the universe of posible end games:

w i retire
lw i retire
llw or lll or ll draw or ll draw

there are no other elements in this universe

for w the chance is 1 / 4 so there's a chance 1 /4 i win one
lw doesn't count is a draw 0 chance 1/(4*4)
for llw or lll or lldraw or lldraw there's a chance 1/(4*4*4) each

for llw i lose -1 with lll i lose -3 with lldraw i lose -2 with ll draw i lose -2

so let's add the odds:

win chance 1* 1/4=16/64
lose chance -8* 1/64= -8/64


i neglected ldl and ld"l so actually i can lose - 12/64 but win 16/64

dll doesn't exist in this universe because if i draw on first i stop
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  • #4
the key is I am applying a tetravvalent value w,l,d or d" to a binary tree

imagine i follow the startegy of completely ignore draw just don't count them an i applied this system

the universe of this startegy would be only composed of

w +1 chance 1/2(now its 1/2 not 1/4)
lw 0 chance 1/(2*2)
llw -1 chance 1/(2*2*2)
lll -3 chance 1/(2*2*2)
now with this startegy i win 1*4/8

and lose -4 * 1/8

0 gain 0 lose chance


but if you apply a tetravalent tree to a binary one locality of randomness is broken :) still you can't know the future but you can have an strategy to have future to be favorable
  • #5
I think you are not sure what you are trying to do, but mathematics will not favor anything. PS You forgot to tell us the house take, the % the casino automatically deducts for itself.

Wynn, a famous casino builder and owner here in Las Vegas, put it simply years ago: "System Players? We send a cab to pick them up and bring them here!"

And let me add he is a very wealthy man, owns a yacht with his own chef, and collects high priced art paintings.
However, there is some question about his eyesight. He was going to sell a Pacasso for $139,000,000 but then accidently punched a hole in it! He decided to repair and keep the panting.
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  • #6
yeah i realized of my mistake:

i neglected ldd", ld"d , ldd and ld"d" with with the 4/64 edge is lost :(

Related to Could this be a demonstrtion of following lucky strikes?

1. Could this be a demonstration of following lucky strikes?

This question is often asked when someone experiences a series of favorable outcomes or events in a row and begins to wonder if they are being guided by luck or chance. It could also be asked in a scientific context, where someone may be trying to determine if a certain phenomenon or result is due to luck or a more concrete cause.

2. What is a lucky strike?

A lucky strike is a term used to describe a chance event or favorable occurrence that is unexpected and beneficial. It may also refer to a specific brand of cigarettes.

3. How can we determine if something is due to luck or a more concrete cause?

This question is often posed in a scientific or research context, where individuals are trying to understand the cause and effect relationship of a certain event or outcome. To determine if something is due to luck or a more concrete cause, scientists may conduct experiments, gather data, and analyze the results to determine the most likely explanation.

4. Can we increase our chances of experiencing lucky strikes?

There is no concrete evidence that suggests we can increase our chances of experiencing lucky strikes. However, some people believe in superstitions or rituals that they believe will bring them luck. Some may also argue that having a positive attitude and being open to new opportunities may increase the likelihood of experiencing fortunate events.

5. Is there a scientific explanation for lucky strikes?

Some scientists argue that what may appear to be luck or chance may actually be a result of statistical probability. For example, if someone wins the lottery, it may seem like a stroke of luck, but statistically, someone has to win eventually. Other factors, such as preparation, hard work, and opportunity, may also play a role in what some perceive as lucky strikes.

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