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Time Energy Distance
Distance is one Plancks constant
Time is one frame rate of time.
Energy defined by E=mc^2
Plain and simple guys. Let's see the lower Energy is the higher the relative frame rate. On Earth that frame may be 901.28 and the frame rate traveling near light speed 1.0001000100010001
Therfor traveling one second at near light speed would equal 901 seconds on earth.
I can explain nearly every theory with this. Including wave particle duality, and interference patterns.
Time Energy Distance
Distance is one Plancks constant
Time is one frame rate of time.
Energy defined by E=mc^2
Plain and simple guys. Let's see the lower Energy is the higher the relative frame rate. On Earth that frame may be 901.28 and the frame rate traveling near light speed 1.0001000100010001
Therfor traveling one second at near light speed would equal 901 seconds on earth.
I can explain nearly every theory with this. Including wave particle duality, and interference patterns.